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Everything posted by Novaliis

  1. Preporucujem svima Birdland, album Darkness of light. Domaci jazz iz osamdesetih.. interesantno za cuti.
  2. Da, valja marketing.
  3. E on je.
  4. Srbi narod najstariji, taj fazon. Homer je bio Srbin, inace. Homer - Omer - Momir To sam cuo na jednom predavanju iz (alternativne) istorije u Novom Sadu, zaboravih ime tog profesora sada.. ma urnebes. Znam da ima dosta toga jos da se otkrije u istoriji Slovena, pa i Srba, ali neki bas preteruju.
  5. Ne vredi. Meni je taj film uzasan i odvratan. Ne vredi gledati ni zbog efekata jer i nisu nesto, i dalje ne mogu da prevare oko.
  6. Ma znam, ali rekoh da postavim za svaki slucaj ako neko nema.
  7. http://www.bravoerot...ree/wild/9.html
  8. Silikonske sise mogu bas ruzno da izgledaju, kao npr. na toj Caylian Curtis. Veca joj sisa od glave. Nije srazmerno brate.
  9. Sledece godine Dimmu Borgir na Evroviziji. Pardon, Eurosong.
  10. Evo ja slusam Therion intenzivno 8 godina i jos mi nije dosadio. Nov album bas dobro dodje.
  11. Nadam se da nece. Steta bi bilo jer ovo ima potencijal da bude pravi hit. Na youtube-u vec prave lazne trejlere, a ovaj jedan jedini ne pokazuje ama bas nista..
  12. Din ubija. Steta sto nisu ubacili neku kratku u fazonu Baal Reginon, mozda kao bonus. Volem i Kali Yuga III, kao i prethodne dve sa Sirijusa. Ma ceo album je ekstra, mogao bih svaku pesmu da izdvojim..
  13. 2012 je ekstra pesma. Children of the Stone: After the Inquisition nevoravatna stvar. U pravom Therion duhu.
  14. Ekstra vest. Meni su svi albumi omiljeni, posebno Weiland, Where at night the wood grouse plays i A Wintersunset... Prelepa muzika.
  15. Odlican album, svaka cast.
  16. Desiree, ukrajinka. Jedna od najlepsih zena po meni. Evo linka ka nekim galerijama pa vidite i sami. Ekstra su slike, bas po mom ukusu, sve prirodno, blago umetnicki. Ona je i na sajtu Femjoy, pod istim imenom. http://desiree.bravoerotica.com/
  17. Novaliis


    Nisam u toku jbg, sta mu se desilo?
  18. Svaka cast!
  19. Mislim da je 18. septembra u klubu Luna Lupus, tako je moja zena cula od neke goticarke.
  20. Svidja mi se sto je album eksperimentalniji (usna 'armonika itd), razlog vise da ga skinem cim procuri. I tematika pesama je kul, inace. Ovo je dakle treci deo trilogije?
  21. Novaliis


    Sjajno. Evo slike koja ne izgleda tako zanimljivo. Astronomers using the Hubble telescope as a "time machine" have obtained the clearest views yet of distant galaxies that existed when the universe was a fraction of its current age. A series of remarkable pictures, spanning the life history of the cosmos, are providing the first clues to the life history of galaxies. The Hubble results suggest that elliptical galaxies developed remarkably quickly into their present shapes. However, spiral galaxies that existed in large clusters evolved over a much longer period — the majority being built and then torn apart by dynamic processes in a restless universe. These pictures of faraway galaxies, located 5 to 10 billion light-years from Earth, illustrate the findings. One of the deepest images to date of the universe, taken with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope (HST), reveals thousands of faint galaxies at the detection limit of present day telescopes. Peering across a large volume of the observable cosmos, Hubble resolves thousands of galaxies from five to twelve billion light-years away. The light from these remote objects has taken billions of years to cross the expanding universe, making these distant galaxies fossil evidence" of events that happened when the universe was one-third its present age. A fraction of the galaxies in this image belong to a cluster located nine billion light-years away. Though the field of view (at the cluster's distance) is only two million light-years across, it contains a multitude of fragmentary objects. (By comparison, the two million light-years between our Milky Way galaxy and its nearest large companion galaxy, in the constellation Andromeda, is essentially empty space!) Very few of the cluster's members are recognizable as normal spiral galaxies (like our Milky Way), although some elongated members might be edge-on disks. Among this zoo of odd galaxies are ``tadpole-like'' objects, disturbed and apparently merging systems dubbed "train-wrecks," and a multitude of faint, tiny shards and fragments, dwarf galaxies or possibly an unknown population of objects. However, the cluster also contains red galaxies that resemble mature examples of today's elliptical galaxies. Their red color comes from older stars that must have formed shortly after the Big Bang. The image is the full field view of the Wide Field and Planetary Camera-2. The picture was taken in intervals between May 11 and June 15, 1994 and required an 18-hour long exposure, over 32 orbits of HST, to reveal objects down to 29th magnitude. [bottom right] A close up view of the peculiar radio galaxy 3C324 used to locate the cluster. The galaxy is nine billion light-years away as measured by its spectral redshift (z=1.2), and located in the constellation Serpens. Based on the colors and the statistical distribution of the galaxies in 3C 324's vicinity, astronomers conclude a remote cluster is at the same distance as a radio galaxy. [center right] This pair of elliptical galaxies, seen together with a few fainter companions, is remarkably similar in shape, light distribution, and color to their present day descendants. This Hubble image provides evidence that ellipticals formed remarkably early in the universe. [top right] Some of the objects in this compact tangled group resemble today's spiral galaxies. However, they have irregular shapes and appear disrupted and asymmetric. This might be due to a high frequency of galaxy collisions and close encounters in the early universe.
  22. Rebellion Is The Art Of Survival je jedan od najboljih albuma u zanru, kakva steta sto su se raspali. Evo nasao sam neke snimke na youtube-u, pesme sa prvog albuma uzivo, ako jos neko nije cuo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGu9KSggqf4 Obratite paznju na uvod. Ludaci. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyJkomwO1M4&feature=related
  23. Novaliis


    Bravo rusima, skida se.
  24. Nisam ni sanjao da cu ovo ikada videti http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3HO-NeNz-4&feature=related Shadow Gallery live. Steta sto su svi klipovi samo po nekoliko sekundi. I poslednji album mi nje tako dobar, nije ni do kolena Room V-u.
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