PRESSURE is a first-person underwater disaster/survival horror simulation, slated for a Q3 '09 release, that seeks to deliver a cinematic experience that is never played the same way twice.
PRESSURE takes place in the deep-sea facility Belisarius, a secret zoological research lab over two miles beneath the surface of the Pacific Ocean. The game begins with the player going about business as usual in Belisarius until, inevitably, disaster strikes. The world of PRESSURE is inhabited by gargantuan underwater monsters lurking in the dark and murky waters around the lab, many of them large enough to devour a man in a single gulp. From whale-sized sharks to Lovecraftian horrors to bioluminescent serpents hundreds of times your size, the game's array of monsters is far more unsettling than most horror games can boast, and anyone with a fear of water and what lies beneath may have trouble playing this game in large sittings. After disaster hits the lab, the player must then utilize every resource at his disposal to stabilize or ward off the threat long enough to save the facility or make an escape, with any other survivors. Throughout the game, several fully-destructible areas will take realistic levels of damage and will increase the danger accordingly. The way in which the lab becomes damaged is not pre-determined, so depending on the circumstances you may have to deal with anything from small but dangerous leaks to explosive decompression and subsequent destruction of various chambers, blocking normal passage through the area. Your primary tools are simple weapons, ranging from deep-sea suits and harpoon guns to neutralizing chemical foams and shock grenades. Most of your weapons are ultimately useless against the bigger baddies, though, and in those situations your best bet is just to run, hide, or swim as fast as you possibly can.