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Everything posted by Novaliis

  1. Ali si ga opravio, svaka ti čast sad radi A kad je naveo sve one bendove, ja se naježio..čoveče koja kombinacija.
  2. Julijan je krenuo u nemoguću misiju, koplje mu je samo prekratilo muke
  3. Rasprodaće se to, šta je to za njihov standard
  4. Ako još nisi čuo, nabavi pod hitno ovu verziju Watchera- Peter Gabriel -Watchers of the Skies - Steve Hackett (Genesis) & John Wetton, Bill Bruford. Fenomenomenalno...
  5. Imao sam ja pitbula pre nekoliko godina, bio je veliki borac, ali nikada nije ni probao da napadne bilo kog čoveka. Tvrdim da su gazde jedini krivci za to.
  6. Šta su mu uradili?
  7. Te posle najebu sa bubrezima i jajnicima, na žalost.
  8. Super što mu je bela brada.
  9. Ja ne mogu ni da otvorim sajt, piše ''the end?'' wtf?
  10. I gavranove!
  11. Zapravo, ne govori.
  12. Zar nije sad 2009. ? A nije.. Jbt, što imaju lepa prava imena, prava vikinška.
  13. Tarkus - ah..kakva svirka. Mnogo volem to, mnogo.
  14. okay boys and girls, let's go alright another wretched morning a wretched october day no sound of angels in the trees christmas is far away yeah, listen, what's this? the televoice starts whipping round the vision comes today and this is what the voice declaims it's to megatherion's birthday! don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass cause we're the heralds of crowleymass! i said don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass cause we're the heralds of crowleymass! one more time don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass cause we're the heralds of crowleymass! well you can take your three wise kings, your manger sheep, and hey! and i'm gonna tell you why, too cause the thelema-boys are taking over with the tidings of the beast's birthday don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass cause we're the heralds of crowleymass! i said don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass cause we're the heralds of crowleymass! one more time don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass cause we're the heralds of crowleymass! crowleymass, crowleymass see the little children at crowleymass their faces full of awe and they don't get no shitty dolls and trains and stuff like that no, they just get the book of the law don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass cause we're the heralds of crowleymass! i said don't give us no sass or we'll kick your ass cause we're the heralds of crowleymass! well you can take your reincarnation, transsubstantiation and your papal kiss cause i'm with a beast in beastly bliss and all i want is copulation! oh darling! and there ain't no grace, there ain't no guilt cause this is the law, do what thou wilt the name is crowley, it rhymes with holy it isn't crowley, that rhymes with fouly, eeewww well you can take your reincarnation, transubstantiation and your papal kiss cause i'm with a beast in beastly bliss and all i want is good old-fashioned copulation!
  15. Nek remiksuju taj album, ubace bitove i hend klepove. Jel snimaju nešto novo? Jeli istina da su se ponovo okupili na vrhu planine Ravendark?
  16. A da jesi na vlasti? Tvoja firma duguje izvinjenje mnogima.
  17. Ima glas ko Popaj
  18. Tek će tada podići spomenik Kornelijusu Kovačusu.
  19. Imao sam i ja problema sa miševima dok sam stanovao privatno za vreme studija u Novom Sadu. Brzo sam se iselio a dok nisam, koristio sam one roze kolačiće. Deluju efikasno.
  20. Joj proklete vrućine? Kako se vi rešavate ovih muka?
  21. E baš slušam taj album i oduševljavam se..nekad mi čak malo povuče na nu metal, samo što je ovo ipak nešto inteligentno. Tako da ću, u stvari, odmah i povući prethodnu izjavu. Superiška album.
  22. Oni služe da ulepšaju dan A teorija evolucije, pa i da je dokazana, ne govori o postanku života. Samo o njegovoj evoluciji
  23. Jbt, svaki post koji pročitam na tom forumu zatupi me za 1%.. aaaeeebbrrrmrnjao!!"#$ Ne znam...evo priznajem da nisam verovao da ima baš toliko glupih ljudi..za sada su obe ženskog roda sandriceee...
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