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Michael J. Fox plays one hell of a tambourine. Because of Parkinson's.
Michael J. Fox puts too much salt on his food. Because of Parkinson's.
Michael J. Fox's Polaroids develop more quickly. Because of Parkinsons.
Michael J. Fox once caused a can of soda to explode in someones face just by handing it to him. Because he has Parkinson's.
Michael J Fox can never play Operation. Because of Parkinsons.
You know that scene in BTTF where Michael J Fox is on the stage and he's jumping around with the guitar? It wasn't in the script, he just did it. Because of Parkinsons.
Michael J. Fox's cellphone is always on vibrate. Because of Parkinsons.
Michael J. Fox got Parkinsons. Because he's a Jew.
Michael J Fox gets made fun of on /b/. Because of Parkinsons
Michael J Fox isn't allowed to operate a motor vehicle. Because of epilepsy.
Michael J. Fox can do an amazing impression of the car scene from A Night at the Roxbury. Because of Parkinsons.
Michael J Fox has an occilation rate of over 9000 movements per second which allows him to occilate against the natural rate of 88 movements per second creating a quantum flux, which is what makes time travel possible. Because of Parkinsons.
Michael J Fox doesn't make paintings, he makes Rorschach tests. Because of Parkinsons.
Michael J Fox holds the highscore on DDR. Because of Parkinson's.
Michael J Fox is going to die soon. Because of AIDS
Michael J Fox is really good at sex.Because of Parkinsons.
Michael J Fox beat the world record for DDR while waiting in line for skeetball. Because of Parkinsons.
Michael J. Fox knows the Mexican Hat Dance. Because of Parkinsons
Michael J Fox can never draw anything epic on an Etch-a-Sketch. Because of Parknison's
Michael J. Fox is now placed on bottles of Yoo Hoo instead of "Shake Well". Because of Parkinsons.
Michael J. Fox is terrible at Wario Ware Smooth Moves. Because of Parkinson's.
Michael J. Fox swallowed his toothbrush. Because of Parkinson's.
Michael J. Fox enjoys masturbation alot more. Because of Parkinson's.
Michael J. Fox can eat faster than PixelBeeProductions (though not as much). Because of Parkinson's.
Michael J. Fox's LiveJournal reads like a word search. Because of Parkinson's.
Michael J. Fox always makes a mess at Dennys. Because of Parkinson's.
Michael J. Fox can walk through walls. Because of Parkinson's.
Michael J. Fox lost his job at the tattoo parlor. Because of Parkinson's.
Michael J. Fox cums all over the girl, not in her vagina. Because of Parkinson's.
I went to a hotel and put a quarter in Michael J Fox. Because of Parkinsons
In Soviet Russia, Parkinson's has been severely debilitated and will probably die quite young. Because of Michael J. Fox.
Parkinson's disease (also known as Parkinson disease or PD) is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that often impairs the sufferer's motor skills and speech. Because of Michael J Fox.
Michael J. Fox is immune to/dodges bullets. Because of Parkinson's
Michael J. Fox has trouble sitting still when he is being interviewed. Because of Michael Parkinson.