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Everything posted by Novaliis

  1. Nema leba od toga..prosao sam ja tu fazu da se lozim na Nicea i ostale..ovaj je rekao ovo, onaj je rekao ono..nisu oni rekli nista novo.
  2. Sve su to glupe fore i kvazi inteligentne misli..ti filozofi nisu nista pametno uradili u svom zivotu sem sto su lupali gluposti.
  3. Citao sam da je ovaj dogadjaj vernicima nista posebno..vec da vise sluzi nevernicima. E sad, to treba videti uzivo..stvarno ne znam..kako to igleda?Ne razumem kako to silazi plamen?
  4. Novaliis


    Sve mi se cini da je ovo poslednje poglavlje Burzum story-ja..stvara takav utisak. There are several characters named Varg Vikernes in Norway. One is the demonized, alienated, pilloried and ostracized bugbear denounced by the Jew-press and the so-called judicial system in Norway. He is not real, he never was real and never will be real, but he is loosely based on a real 19-year-old who in 1993 publicly expressed his anger at a modern world gone mad. The sick modern world moved on, deeper into Hell on a road paved with good intentions, but Varg Vikernes froze in time and was forced to live on in the fixed and fictional reality created by the dregs in the Jew-press and the "Norwegian inquisition". Neither the lie-propagandists in the media nor the "inquisitors" manage to adjust to reality in this context, so even today we can from time to time hear the squeaks of the low-brow journalist-pigs; "witch!", "witch!", "burn him.", "burn him!", "burn him!!", and the people in the so-called judicial system are certainly no better. Another Varg is the prisoner, writing articles, like this one, to stay sane, but also to not let the false accusations and biased lie-propaganda stand unopposed. He is real, but only for as long as the siege lasts. If the lies stop coming from the media-scum, and if the so-called judicial system stops its out-of-touch-with-reality processes, he will cease to exist and fade away into oblivion. He is real only because he has to be. He is simply the wall that protects the sanity, honour and life of the real Varg Vikernes. Like the fortresses of Europe this wall was not built for fun, but because of necessity. *** The fictional Count-character based on the antisocial teenage Varg is perhaps infinitely more interesting and attractive (and not least marketable) than the real (in 2006) 33-year-old me, but he is not real! The picture of Varg "the Count" Vikernes presented to especially Norwegians by the media is a false picture and it is about time you realize that. Whether you are a fan, foe or friend you should relate to reality, and not to some media-character created by the journalists also for commercial reasons. Stop giving me credit or criticism for something I never did or for something I never was, for statements that weren't mine or for advocating an ideology or religion that I never even knew. Stop attacking me, or indeed embracing me, on false pretence. When I am attacked or embraced by others I want them to do that only when and if they have a good reason to do so, and not because they believe in the lies of the media or the so-called judicial system. The real Varg Vikernes is not that interesting, I think, and there is not much to say about me, and in any case, when I get out of prison, whenever that may be, I will disappear from public view anyhow. As I see it I am a prisoner on a ship ("The Sodom & Gomorrah") - the modern world - heading for disaster, and when I am released from captivity I will jump overboard and swim back to dry land a.s.a.p.. I don't want anything to do with this thoroughly sick so-called civilization, so I will do my best to get away from it all. There will be no more articles like this one, no more (strictly speaking) unnecessary communication with strangers in the modern world and no interviews. I will publish a few books, possibly using a pseudonym in order to stay anonymous, and perhaps a Burzum album or two, but that's it. I say this because I have been told that some people expect a lot from me when I am released. Well; don't expect anything. Unless You look for my books or albums You can expect to never hear from or about me again. I don't want anything to do with You or the thoroughly sick world You live in. Count me out. I am going home, to the Norwegian countryside, to the wilderness and fresh air, to a healthy farm-life and Mother Earth's embrace. You can have Your plagued urban brothel and Your sick mongrel Hell on Earth to Yourself. If You indeed share the thoughts on this with me that is fine, and I salute You for it, but unlike me You can do something about this anytime, and I don't understand why You haven't already. I'm in prison, so unfortunately I cannot escape from the influence of the modern Sodom and Gomorrah just yet. What is Your excuse? Varg "Lífþrasir" Vikernes (24.02.2006) Meglio soli che mal accompagnati. (It is better to be alone than in bad company)
  5. ====== 28.JUN.06 ====== STUDIO UPDATE FROM MJR Just spoke to MJR & got caught up on things. He reports that they will start recording in the beginning of July; they're currently finishing up one song and putting final touches on a couple of others. Mike said that since writing has taken this long, they've chosen to fine tune the songs before entering the studio; they've put a lot of time into pre-production on this one. More details next month once recording has begun! Jax
  6. Novaliis


    To ti je pametno..i mene smara da citam sa kompa, posebno kada je nesto poduze..kao Vargsmal ili Paganism. Inace jos uvek je ovo poslednji update: 12.06.2006 Varg Vikernes has been moved to Tromsø Prison lately; new address is in the contacts. The letters sent before this must have probably been lost or maybe they will be forwarded to the new prison. Mislim da se nesto sprema, verovatno uskoro izlazi..a ko zna, mozda ni nece odmah da objave da je izasao jer toliko njih hoce da ga ubiju..
  7. E stvarno super tema.. Ocekujem jos jedno 5 strana o Barkeru i njegovom radu u Borgiru i CoFu..
  8. Kud' plovi ovaj brod..? Kada bi tako bilo, nestao bi narod za 100 godina. Kazem ja, u bliskoj buducnosti svi cemo biti zamorcici, sa ugradjenim cipovima za pratnju..a razmnozavacemo se vestackim putem dok ce sex biti zabranjen..
  9. Novaliis


    Da, sve je sa interneta.
  10. znaci slike su fenomenalne.. Ovaj Crouch je pravi univerzalac..
  11. Covece, ti si prepun tih "blamova" sa nekim drugaricama..
  12. Jel to prvi deo, ili Vilovnjacko Kamenje..?
  13. Novaliis


    O tome sam bas i ja razmisljao.. Bilo mi glupo da stavim Varg, a hteo sam nesto pagansko, pa jos da je slovensko i ispalo Perun.
  14. Novaliis


    Ja sam Perun.Citamo se onda i tamo..
  15. Novaliis


    Evo ga link: http://www.burzum.com/forum/ Pravi UG forum, ali kazem, dosta je kvalitetna diskusija s tim sto se povremeno pojavi neki debil.
  16. Novaliis


    Jeste, aktivan je i dosta je kvalitetna rasprava. Proveri slobodno..ja sam registrovan ali malo redje postujem.Ima dosta likova sa ovih prostora..tj. ne iz Srbije vec iz Hrvatske..
  17. Mene nerviraju te fore kao da smo najstariji, najbolji..neka iznesu realne informacije, kako je zapravo bilo a ne da preuvelicavaju.
  18. Novaliis


    znace se, veruj mi..tu je burzum forum( koji ce valjda nastaviti sa radom), pa ti sajtovi-Burzum.org pre svega..procurece negde informacija.
  19. Da, cuo sam za te slucajeve u ono vreme, navodno su slali Kasandri pisma sa podrskama..zaista ne razumem..
  20. Novaliis


    Inace Vargsmal su poredili sa Majn Kampfom..po stilu pisanja-inteligentno i ostro.
  21. Novaliis


    Da, tu knjigu je napisao sa nekih 20-ak godina i bio je tada zesce besan..zato je sada napisao komentare na Vargsmal gde komentarise dosta zrelijom i hladnijom glavom.
  22. Novaliis


    Ima Vargsmal na internetu..ja imam verziju sa kasnijim Vargovim komentarima o knjizi.
  23. Heh, gde bas deda..
  24. Najgore je bilo jednom, kada sam bio manji, vozim ja bicikl i uletim prebrzo u krivinu i padnem ispred nekog crvenog juga..sva sreca pa je sporo vozio..glupi led.
  25. Malo pre sam jednostavno ukucao "black metal" i svasta je izbacio..od zajebancija do dobrih spotova.
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