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Everything posted by Novaliis

  1. Nego sta! Jaoo, samo da izda jos jedan takav album i pokaze sta je pravi BM!
  2. Novaliis


    Sto? mislis da moraju svi ko Dimmu ili CoF?
  3. Kakvih imate iskustava sa construction set-om? Ja sam uspeo samo da dodam par novih npc-ova u samu igru. Npr. ubacio sam u Vivecu Aleksandra Velikog. I zesce ga nabudzio. I jos nesto, jeste li uspeli da na kraju igre dobijete svoje imanje, cuvara i licno osoblje? Znaci vas licni Manor? Ja jesam...
  4. Pricalo se mozda sad u aprilu, ali nema nikakvih vesti. U svakom slucaju, treba ocekivati sigurno ove godine. Treba i ocekivati novi album u fazonu Filozofem-a...
  5. Blago tebi..
  6. dobar sajt o BM: http://www.myrrthronth.de/
  7. Sva sreca pa retko dolazis..
  8. Malo teze, jel verujes da ni sam bend Otyg nema nikakav sajt? Tj. ima ali ne radi. Bas su misteriozni..
  9. Dobro za ove ruse nisam cuo..znam samo za Ashen Light i Rakoth..ovi su valjda isto rusi. ima li ko Otyg?????
  10. Ko su ti?
  11. Moj drug je isao na neka predavanja i meditaciju, ne znam tacno koja grupa ali ima veze sa hinduizmom.Pre neki dan ga pitam kako mu ide posto je trebao da postane ucenik, tj. da dobije svog duhovnog ucitelja i iznenadim se kad mi je rekao da je odlucio da prestane. To me bas iznenadilo jer je bio zagrejan, meditirao je redovno itd. Kad sam ga upitao zbog cega je odjednom odlucio da prestane odgovorio mi je da je imao san u kom mu se javio neki lik i rekao mu da ce doci jos dva puta u san i da ce tada umreti. On kaze da to ima sa onim predavanjima i meditacijama..ko zna? Rekao sam mu da svako moze imati takve snove..
  12. Meni nije.
  13. E pa sad da se ostavimo.. Odinova krv je u nama.
  14. Onaj drugi levo..
  15. Ja kao freelancer idem i ubijam sve redom, spavam po sumama i retko zalazim u gradove jer mi je glava ucenjena na citavo bogatstvo. divota! Uzmem sta 'ocu, free oklop, oruzje, ubijam pacenike..lovim zveri..
  16. Cuo sam samo neke njihove semplove i stvarno mi se svidjaju. Prija mi pod stare dane taj folk bm.. smesno mi je kad cujem da imaju cover bend u Meksiku?! Zamisli male crne i vesele meksikance kako sviraju na violinama o nordijskim bajkama..
  17. Preuzeto sa jednog foruma.Mrzelo me da prevodim, a i nema puno teksta. The rune researcher Heinz Klingenberg examined the unfortunately destroyed Gallehus Horns and set up this theory: The inscription on the horns says EKHLEWAGASTIR:HOLTIJAR:HORNA:TAWIDO (The last word is written in an other style than the first three words are.) Translated into English it means I, Hlewagastir Holtijar, made the horn. Klingenberg used the common Futhark to interpret the numerical value (Wordend-R = Algiz): a.) E K H L E W A G A S T I R 19-6-9-21-19-8-4-7-4-16-17-11-15 13 Runes, sum = 156 b.) H O L T I J A R 9-24-21-17-11-12-4-15 8 Runes, sum = 113 c.) H O R N A 9-24-5-10-4 5 Runes, sum = 52 d.) T A W I D O 17-4-8-11-23-24 6 Runes, sum = 87 The inscription contains of 32 Runes with 16 different letters. The Runes form 13 syllables. There are several regularity in these numbers: 156 = 12 x 13, 52 = 4 x 13. Added in groups: a+b = 273 = 21x13 (:=4) = 21 Runes b+c = 169 = 13x13 = 13 Runes c+d = 143 = 11x13 = 11 Runes d+a = 247 = 19x13 = 19 Runes 16 Runic signs plus the dot were used: A R K G W H N I J >R< S T E L D O 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 19 21 23 24 = 207 + . = 208 = 16x13 6 vowels (A,W,I,J,E,O) = 78 = 6x13 10 consonants + . (R,G,K,H,N,>R<,S,T,L,D) = 129 + . = 130 = 10x13 As you can see, the whole thing is interweaved with the number 13. The 13 is known as a ancient magical number which knows how to bind everything. The 13. rune is Eihwaz and Eihwaz is known to be able to bind charms. There's an old saying: "Unter Eiben kann kein Zauber weilen!" (Translation: "Underneath a yew tree no charm can exist") 13 is also the number for transmutation, for a change and is between the times. In former times, when next to the sun calendar also the moon calendar was in use, from time to time a 13th month was implemented to adjust the in calculation of time.
  18. Novaliis


    Ako te interesuje jos neki tekst samo javi.
  19. Valjda je taj.Zesci krs jbt.. Inace nikako da u'vatim Otyg..
  20. Novaliis


    1. Unsilent Storms In The North Abyss [Lyrics: Demonaz. Music: Abbath, Demonaz] Delight Of The Moon Is Burning Inside Spiritless I Lay On Cryptic Stones Mesmerising Snow Wait Silent Above Me And My Yearn For Frost Grow Strongly. I Am Demon A Demon With A Shadowed Face Entering To My Wintercoffin Awaiting To See The Dawnless Realms Staring Into A Ground Of Glass A Perfect View I Could Failed Into My Eyes The Unsilent Storms In The North Abyss. 2. A Sign For The Norse Hordes To ride [Lyrics: Demonaz. Music: Abbath, Demonaz] Gathering The Horde On A Mountainside Awaiting The Morning Bestial Sunrise Diabolic Seven Winds Of Hate Breathe In The Chasm Of The Realms In Clouds Above Horizon Grey A Throne Of Ice Watching Silently With A Warrior Eye Winds Of Destruction Fills Our Hearts With Joy Portals To War Lay Before Us Fog In The Distance Is All I See Born Of The Blackening Sky Of Blashyrk A Ravens Claws Lifted Towards The Sky Is A Sign For The Norse Hordes To Ride A Sign For The Norse Hordes To Ride Is The Way For Our Enemies To Die. 3. The Sun No Longer Rises [Lyrics: Demonaz. Music: Abbath, Demonaz] In The Mist Of The Twilight You Could See Me Come To Walk The Endless Woods Alone The Earth Is Freezing As I Walk It Become Colder. Forever Descending In A Place Of The Moon Where Shadows Moves With Grotesque Eyes Where Demons Rise Surrounded By Black And Mourning Moonfog And The Eyes Of The Dark Ones Sempiternal Woods Wait Only For Me A Path Opens Clearly The Sun No Longer Rises Over Cold And Forgotten Valleys The Sun No Longer Rises Where I Walk And Where I Come I Believe In Tragedies I Believe In Desecration To The North And Into Eternal Winters To The North In The Grip Of Eternal Frost 4. Frozen By Icewinds [Lyrics: Demonaz. Music: Abbath, Demonaz] A Whispering Cry Heard From A Cascet Of Stone Sorrow Reap The Windscreen I Am Here All Alone Shades Of Grey Cast To The Sky In The Deepest Night Icewinds Tears Drips On My My Unbeloved Soul Coven Of Black Mist Sing For Me Ceremonial Hymns Of The Purest Blasphemy At One With The Earth Alone With Light In My Eyes The Ravens Circle Around My Tomb As I Dream The Night Frozen By Icewinds 5. Storming Through / Red Clouds And Holocaustwinds [Lyrics: Demonaz. Music: Abbath] Sons Of Northern Darkness Under The Throne Of The Moon United With Forces Of Evil And Infernal Doom Lords Of Tragedies Storm As The Valleys Gates Opens Decayed Lands Of Sorrow Waits Below Storming Through Red Clouds And Holocaustwinds Eyes In Blades Shining Blades In Eyes Shining Sons Of Nothern Darkness Under The Throne Of The Moon United With Forces Of Evil And Infernal Doom Storming Through Red Clouds And Holocaustwinds Demonized By The Closing Nordic Lights. 6. Eternal Years On The Path To The Cemetary Gates [Lyrics: Demonaz. Music: Abbath] Enshrined on the burial ground On the path to the cemetary gates My grave sunk in the river to the cemetary pit Spiritual voices called through chilling smoke Frozen visions of a dying realm Under a blasting sky Hate rises from an infernal tomb A shadow with black wings Eternal years on the path to the cemetary gates In the chains of cold with the hate to all Eternity surround me I am real as the earth As dark winds fade away no one knows where I am gone Tasting the cold from the shining gates As snow fall from the sky Thirsting for the realms of frost At the end of the gate I wont stop but spread my wings As dark winds fade away no one knows where I am gone 7. As The Eternity Opens [Lyrics: Demonaz. Music: Abbath] In an hour of the night I hear summoning voices And wake from my funeral sleep In time before light in crypts of eternal deeps Dust from my grave blew away with the winds On a cryptic journey unto the other side Beneath the mountains and passed beyond the gate below Floating evil reign with fear in these sarcastic caves Enlightened into a blacker dark for there are wiew in darkness The light is searching to save the souls of mine It is blind and cant see the gate to immortality Harnessbells hail my soul the gate is all known See the eternity open The light will dissapear it was never here 8. Pure Holocaust [Lyrics: Demonaz. Music: Abbath] The mighty sound of damnation calls As the holocaustsky draw near Above the sorms over baeskade Rule the power of the vrilla It has come to ride the seven winters With winds of war and winds of cold Lightning strike the northland Leading us into seasons of frost Stand in the fog with so cold a heart Watching the death of the sun Valleys abound a thousand of coffins The holocaust has just begun It's the march of the blasphemous masses Into damnation all will fall Chapels of black unholy demons Chanting the words of the funeral rites Pure holocaust Chanting the words of the funeral rites Chapels of black unholy demons Into damnation all will fall Its the march of the blasphemous masses The holocaust has just begun Valleys about a thousands of coffins Watching the death of a sun Stand in the fog with so cold a heart
  21. Znaci dolazi sigurno? Imam ja neki rani live snimak, zvuci bas tr00. Ja u poslednje vreme dosta slusam Borknagar-Quintessence sjajan album.
  22. Novaliis


    My Journey To The Stars I Immaterialize And Slowly Drift Into the Unknown With the Cold Winds with Soul The Wintery Plains Lie Untouched I Ride on My Elements Towards the Stars Unseen A Quest For Knowledge In the Astral Luminous Stench Intensifies As I Near a Spectral Sphere After a Hundred Men's Lifetime In Analyzing I learn To Consume The Sphere Of Immense Power And To Become Immortal Darkness Hate and Winter Rules the Earth when I Return War Between Races A Goal Is Reached Chaos, Hate ----------------------------- A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit The Fire in the Sky is Extinguished Blue Waters no Longer Cry The Dancing of Trees Has Stopped The Stream of Freshness from Cold Winds Exists no Longer The Rain Has Stopped to Drip From the Sky Still Dripping Exists From the Veins of a Nearly Dead Boy Once There Was Hatred Once There Was Cold Now There is Only A Dark Stone Tomb With an Altar An Altar which Serves As a Bed A Bed of Eternal Sleep The Dreams of the Human in Sleep Are Dreams of Relief A Gate out of Hell Into the Void of Death Yet Undisturbed The Human Sleep And One Day Will the Grave Be Unlocked And the Soul Must Return to His World But This Time as A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit Doomed To Haunt Endlessly -------------- Feeble Screams From Forests Unknown Drifting In the Air Above a Cold Lake Is a Soul From an Early Better Age Grasping for A Mystic Thought In Vain...but Who's to Know Further on Lies Eternal Search For Theories to Lift the Gate Only Locks Are Made Stronger And More Keys Lost as Logic Fades In the Pool of Dreams the Water Darkens For the Soul That's Tired of Search As Years Pass by The Aura Drops As Less and Less Feelings Touch Stupidity Has Won too Much The Hopeless Soul Keeps Mating
  23. Novaliis


    Pametno besedis. Ubo si pesmu 100% Mnogo mocna, posebno kad pratis tekst.
  24. Novaliis


    Ko kaze da si pozer? slusaj sta hoces, vazno je da se tebi svidja.
  25. Novaliis


    Zali se mami, ovde se samo blamiras majmune.
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