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Everything posted by Novaliis

  1. E da..izgubio sam tu pjesmu odavno pa se ne secam najbolje..
  2. kome god da sam pustao tu pesmu ne bi prepoznao Korn..
  3. Novaliis


    haha..gle stvarno..sad tek vidim.....
  4. Da li je jingle bell..ili tako nesto..
  5. Novaliis


    Ali bio je moj favorit-At Dawn They Kill!
  6. to je neka drugarica thrasherka..
  7. Hm,ja mislim da je poginuo..onaj plavi lik..a ako se dobro secam,bio je sa jos nekim crncem i nekom zenskom..prisecam se kroz maglu.
  8. he..jel to onaj film kada su sa onim suncanim naocarima mogli da vide vanzemaljce medju ljudima..
  9. Bilo mi je krivo sto na kraju umire glavni lik kod one antene..ako se dobro secam..
  10. Uuu...kako si se tog filma setio!Bio mi je omiljen kada sam ga gledao jos kao klinac.. A i sad bi mogao da ga pogledam..
  11. Novaliis


    Inace,imao sam tekst koji prati onaj cuveni instrumental-Tomhet(praznina). Neverovatno je mocan i ko za inat ne mogu da ga nadjem ni u kompu ni na net-u..
  12. Novaliis


    Jedna od mojih omiljenih Vargovih prica: Mouse Town Together with the spiritual pestilence of the South, something also came, that killed courage and honour. The light, how the pestilence was called, troubled countless men and women, forced them, to die in their beds, not seldom of death by age. Men, who could have won fame and honour by a meaningful death on the battlefield, often had to die of weakness of age. The forces of darkness were therefore to be exterminated, war was a sin and no man dares to kill another. There was peace, but no true peace, because this peace cost the people more energy than every war could have. An eternal peace is no peace, it is the differences which create energy. The light didn't warm them, it burned them; the light didn't let them see, it blinded them; the light sucked all energy out of them and they died after a long, honourless life in bed. The light brought them peace, god's peace, pure hell! (Written sometime in the future)
  13. Novaliis


    Stvarno je pitao? Ne secam se..
  14. A ti bas hoces da te on " ubije "
  15. Novaliis


    ali kad je Slayer opicio War Enseble na Exitu...
  16. Novaliis


    Empty je mnogo losiji spot..
  17. Sad sam se setio neke pesme Korna gde sviraju bukvalno death metal.. Iznenadio me Davis sa vokalima.. mislim da te pjesme nema ni na jednom albumu..
  18. Novaliis


    Mislio si na Reign in Blood.
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