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Everything posted by Novaliis

  1. Novaliis


    Evo jednog teksta od od gosn. Varga. Creeping And Crawling, Rustling And Fluttering There are two natural lights in this world, the sun and the moon. The first distorts the appearance of the other, often until it is unrecognizable. The sun gives us colour, warmth and clarity, while the moon gives us no colour, coldness and unclarity. We live in the sunlight, and we make artificial sunlight, after Arvakr and Alsvinnr, send by Sol, have drawn down the sun in sea in the West, because we like colour, warmth and clarity. The starting-point of our reality lies in this light; when Naglfaris' wife, Night, comes, our world disappears in a certain way. She is illuminated by a light, that we don't like, the colourless, cold and indistinct moonlight. Strange beings show themselves in the woods and the people draw back into their reliable, small houses. Out there, only the forces of darkness reign, yes, in the most true meaning of the word. The world becomes a total different one, for some the world becomes a place worth living. For those, who want to challenge these giants, who are brought to us by the moon in the shape of uncontrollable powers of nature, the world finally becomes a place really worth living in. I jos jedan. Twelve Men In The Woods In the Norwegian woods a community of superior people, twelve of them, who were cast away by the people through deceit and because of their belief were made lawless. They travel around, accommodate the superior people from far away at the coast of Norway, and wait for the honour and pride of the people - their chief - to return. All the way at the horizon you can see them coming, jumping and frisking, to make the lower people human again. He saw a blaze in the Northern sky, a light so true as the deceit of the Christian people. All the way out on the Northern-Road there are some, in who's perceptibility he didn't disappear. We lighted a blaze in the Northern sky, strong enough, that they have seen them all. Thirteen Aegis gathered on the Plain of Ideas: Wotan and twelve of his sons - Forseti, Widar, Njord, Frey, Donar, Tyr, Heimdall, Bragi, Wali, Ull, Hoenir and Loki. They lead and reign well.
  2. Novaliis


    A to jos teze..vece su sanse za Mayhem.
  3. Novaliis


    Pogresno shvatih.. U sustini i imas pravo,gledajuci vreme kad je snimana pesma..
  4. Novaliis


    A, vidim da me potcenjujes..cc..
  5. Novaliis


    Smislicu ja ceo spot u glavi..
  6. Novaliis


    Ja znam samo za ova dva navedena.. Zamisli spot za I Am The Black Wizards..
  7. Ove godine sigurno..uh,bas sam nestrpljiv da cujem kako ce zvucati posle onakvog cuda od albuma..
  8. Novaliis


    A spot za Loss and curse.. je najjaci!
  9. Novaliis


    Od Mayhema mi je jedna od najomiljenijih-I Am Thy Labyrint. Imao sam i live snimak,ali ne ovaj noviji vec jedan mnogo dobar,zaboravih ko je tada bio vokal.Znam samo da se mnogo seckao nozem po telu. +Midian+
  10. Novaliis


    Sto si tako zao? Pa nisi vise Evil Spirit.
  11. Novaliis


    A pesma At War With Satan od 21 minut?? Evo bas,bas mi se svidja..
  12. Novaliis


    Ma znam, jebi ga, visi su to interesi. A i razumem da neko to voli. Ja ne.
  13. Novaliis


    to je sad moderno..
  14. nije lose stvarno.
  15. Novaliis


    A tek oni tehno delovi..
  16. Novaliis


    Rekao sam na zalost jer posle toga nije bilo niceg da barem malo parira tom albumu..
  17. Novaliis


    mislis gayhem?
  18. naravno. I ja sam prvo nabavio kasetu od Pantere, mada mi je i prvi cd kasnije bio od njih.. Prva tura cd-ova mi je bila otprilike:Pantera(best of valjda neki..),Emperor(demo i prvi album zajedno),,Morbid Angel(cini mi se Blessed Are Sick) i mozda jos nesto..
  19. Kako me utripovao onaj njihov spot gde sviraju oni crnci,,mislim da je i snoop dog tu..
  20. Novaliis


    na zalost,u pravu si..
  21. Takodje.I meni je ta omiljena..
  22. Novaliis


    I meni je sve dobro..ali su mi drazi raniji snimci.
  23. Pantera..valjda Far Beyond Driven..
  24. At the grimm heart of iceeyed demonlord(Cursed Gates Of Unsilent Fields Of Mooncold)
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