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Everything posted by Hail Metal
otvoren stadion koji prima 20000 sedecih mesta+trava,bilo je oko 20000
nisu svirali nista sa albuma Vol4,Sabbath bloody sabbath i sabotage,sem onih uvodnih rifova,cini mi se Mene je Geezer inajvise odusevio,kakav zvuk,nastup-legenda od pesama najbole su mi bile Nib,Into the void i War pigs ,mada ni ostale ne zaostaju
utisci su fenomenalni,Black Label society je ok,ali previse se izrkavaju i piju,ali vredi videti Zakka ; Sto se tice sabbatha nemam reci,BOGOVI SU BOGOVI,bio sam u prvim redovima,i sjajno se proveo,Ozzy nas je polivao vodom,mada su i redari mnogo pomogli,Geezer je ludak 100% baca se ko da mu je 20 god,Iommy je car,takav atomski zvuk nisam dosad cuo... svirali su sledece pesme (mozda redosled nije tacan ali nije ni bitno): NIB AFTER FOREVER WAR PIGS DIRTY WOMEN FAIRES WEAR BOOTS SYMPTON OF THE UNIVERSE/SWEET LEAF (samo uvodne rifove) ELECTRIC FUNERAL BLACK SABBATH INTO THE VOID WAR PIGS IRON MAN WIZARD SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH(samo uvodni rif) PARANOID SLEEPING VILLAGE(samo pocetak) CHILDREN OF THE GRAVE to je to,ako neko zna tacan raspored pesama nek napise zao mi je sto nisu svirali ceo symptom of the universe,svirali su pesme sa prva 3 albuma+Dirty women na koncetu je bilo 20 000 do 25 000 ljudi po mojoj proceni Jednom recju odusevljen sam.
upravo sam na RTS-u video reklamu da dolazi Marcus Miller 2 jula,vrti se reklama,Summer jazz festival,tako nesto, izgleda da ce ipak biti
nekom bash trebaju casovi geografije steta sto nece doci,
inace jel slusao neko obrade Mr,Crowley od Moonspella i Rippera(sa Malmsteenom) super obrade,
koliko sam ja obavesten ide oko 50 ljudi iz Beograda,medju njima i 4 nas iz Subotice
ja sve sto sviram sviram iz C,a kad mi ne ide jednostavno uradim format C:
Mr Crowley je meni najbolja pesma Ozzyja,a solo najbolji u istoriji rock and rolla ova Don't blame me rastura,ne znam zasto je nije stavio na neki album?
Wagner se ponosi njima
jel slusao neko The Ultimate B-sides radi se o bootlegu demo i live snimaka ja upravo preslusavam i odusevljen sam evo par pesama: -Mr Crowley live verzija, Malmsteen svira -I aint no nice guy, duet sa Lemmyjem -Staying Alive sa Dweezil Zappom -Born to be wild -mnogo dobra obrada -Purple haze -Led clones ,sa Gary Moore-om demo verzije pesama I dont wonna change the world,mama i coming home,... dont blame me,party with the animals ---super pesme nisam josh sve preslusao ima 30-tak pesama preporucujem svim fanovima i kolekcionarima
ima cini mi se Lady Marmellade, ili kako se vec pise, na jednom od onih Dvd hell on earth mislim part2 M A N O W A R-Kings Of Metal
pisalo u jucerasnjem blicu,ako lazu oni lazem i ja
Marcus Miller 3 jula na Tashu,to je isti onaj festival gde svira i Chuck Berry
nabavio sam koncert Rockpalast,stvarno je odlican
mi cemo biti,samo da ovi birmingemski starci izdrze josh malo
a na jednom od njih cu biti i ja
bilo je reci prosle godine da ce snimiti ove,ali neverujem,nista nisam cuo u vezi toga
znam da svira prstima ali mi se zvuk ne svidja
mislim da Velvet revolver nece svirati,Zakk hoce
problem je u tome sto vecina nasih metal muzicara istice svoju "virtuoznost" zapostavljajuci bend kao celinu-i onda sve to ni na sta ne lici,pa se ni ne cuje poslusajte prvi album Ozzyja,to je po meni uloga bassa,u jednostavnosti je lepota,a zvuci fenomenalno, i opste zvuk na svim njegovim albumima je super,kada pricamo o tonu meni se svidja dubok ton(zato je valjda i bass ),ne volim zvuk Maidena,Joey DeMaio-a...,i uopste svuk trzalice,mada za metal odgovara.
www.geezerbutler.com oficijalni sajt Geezer-a
sviraju u kanadi cini mi se 3-4 koncerta,imas datume na manowar.com
ne treba dokaz za to da je Pantera bolja od Judas-a
novi album pocetkom 2006 Magic Circle Music has signed an exclusive worldwide distribution deal for MANOWAR with SPV. Magic Circle Music spokesman and MANOWAR management team member Hinrich Stuerken revealed that "With their professional attitude and international structure SPV won out over all the other major and independent record companies in negotiations that lasted more than a year. MANOWAR bassist Joey DeMaio was quoted as saying "We are proud that our past with Nuclear Blast was a success that ultimately brought them their first gold record in their home territory of Germany, however since the formation of our own label Magic Circle Music, we have the very same level of responsibility to our artists and their fans as we do for MANOWAR and the MANOWAR fans, so it was absolutely necessary to find a company that could interface with our structure and would commit 100 percent of their support to us as well as to all Magic Circle bands". MANOWAR are set to release their new single as well as their new DVD "Hell On Earth Part IV" in July of this year. The new MANOWAR album will then follow early 2006. MANOWAR will also perform live with several other Magic Circle Music bands at the Earthshaker Fest 2005 in Geiselwind/Germany on July 23, 2005. SPV president Manfred Schuetz commented, "my first working experience with MANOWAR began in 1985. SPV was the exclusive distribution partner for Roadrunner Records in Germany and as such was responsible for MANOWAR's album "Hail To England" and therefore marketed it successfully 20 years ago. I believe that signing MANOWAR will be the beginning of a longterm and fruitful pairing with the Kings Heavy Metal. This has been a true wish for two decades to continue this early collaboration on a higher level. Now with this current deal structure I am sure all of SPV's hopes and visions for a band like MANOWAR with their own label environment will come true. The importance of MANOWAR for the whole scene, not only in Germany but in the other major-markets around the world is reason enough for me to be personally involved in all aspects of this great collaboration as it has been proven right in all of our past negotiations. The most recent of which is the collaboration between Magic Circle Music and SPV with the outstanding success of Italian melodic-rockers RHAPSODY with Christopher Lee. With two experienced teams working together this can only bring success! To date MANOWAR have sold over 8 Million records Their latest album "Warriors Of The World" was released in 2002 achieving Top 5 chart positions worldwide (e.g. # 2 in Germany's Media Control Top 100 Charts) and has been certified gold.