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SATAN-iz Batajnice

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Everything posted by SATAN-iz Batajnice

  2. Ali ipak je tose kvlt andergraund scene makedonije
  3. I thought that you would appreciate me Just tried to keep you for eternity First time failure is seems to me The thought was not to make you bleed Seemed like a good plan to prolong your life Covered with chemicals since your last breath I've been trying to preserve you To bring you back into my life Dreams of eternity Turned you into morbidity I can not undo this pain That I've caused you Flesh begins to rot and peel away Resurrection of your body has failed As you feel your life drain away The sound of death is ringing in your head All my dreams are shattered How shall I proceed? I thought that you would appreciate me Covered with chemicals since your last breath I've been trying to preserve you The thought was not to make you bleed Flesh begins to rot and peel away Resurrection of your body has failed As you feel your life drain away The sound of death is ringing in your head :rockdevil:
  4. Ovaj bend sam gledao par puta.Izuvaju.
  5. http://www.wimp.com/
  6. nauci da sviras bass
  7. Mada ima tu istine,samo me smara sto prozivate neke bendove...
  8. Harper Lee:Ubiti pticu rugalicu
  9. @Full_Metal_Yakuza Baguje mi sa tabovima,znaci ponekad se ispreplicu,recimo kad klinkem na yumu addreply i ukucam text kao da nisam vec iz ovo fastreply to radim itd...
  10. Ovih dana treba i protein da padne (dobio sam kes uzecu neki od 5kg) i neke aminokiseline.Raste stek,raste
  11. Emo je gay!
  12. Jea koliko seratora.Pusite mi svi!
  13. Da si ti meni brate ziv i zdrav.Takvih degena ce biti uvek.Zbog cega?Pa najvise zato sto su ljubomorni na vas rad,vas uspeh,a koliko sam ja shvatio uspeh u ovoj vrsti muzike se ne meri po broju koncerata,"turneja",kuraca palaca vec mrznje koju ste uspeli da izrazite kroz svoj rad i slobodno mogu reci jos bolje pesme.Ko im jebe mater samo napred! DEATH TO POSERS!!! HAIL CHAOS 666!!! Btw doci cu ali na pola sata,cisto da podrzim.Jbga ispitni rok
  14. Gde da ga iscimam?na tiganj ?
  15. Ajde sad jedno pitanje.Zanima me ko radi omote ovde kod nas i u inostranstvu (naravno za kes) i ako moze koliko para otprilike izadje to.(molio bih linkove) hvala.
  16. Sredice to Metalika ne brinem se
  17. Thor's Hammer NS Black Metal jako dobar bend.Preporucujem svima
  18. Thor's Hammer - Don't Let Your Folk Forget Think for a moment and look around... What they have done with your own land... You can not let your folk forget About values they should respect! You have to understand a fact, You are the only heir of this land. Your duty is eternal fight In selfdefense of Aryankind. Don't let your folk forget about it! About its duties and destiny. Throw down the chains and show your pride! In Darkness find the ancient light! Prepare your self for final battle And proudly sacrifice your life. The spilled blood of pagan warrior Shall fertilize the Mother Earth... Your children will never forget How did their father fight and die. But if you fake and give up They shall spit on your nameless grave... Fame of oblivion - this is your choice! Fight for your right with no remorse... It's honour to the tradition... Purity and heritage
  19. Hahahahaahaha nije to nego sam slucajno pomerio sliku
  20. Iz Shida \m/
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