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SATAN-iz Batajnice

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Everything posted by SATAN-iz Batajnice

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h95gEwdzdk Prajsles
  2. http://www.fuckinggoogleit.com/
  3. Master sam slusao pre milion godina (jos u osnovnoj sam imao On the seventh day...) jednostavno prirastao mi je za srce,po meni najbolji album.Ove novije nisam slusao,pa sam nabavio Slaves to society i sta znam ok je,nista posebno ali je ok.Ovih dana idem i po The Spirit of the West i Four More Years of Terror pa cu da ih preslusam detaljno.
  4. Jel se to ona sa omota sama izgrebala u naletu emocija ili je neko umlatio (tipa tata zato sto nije uradila domaci na veme)?
  5. O_o zaklana cheljad? Ako si deb'o znaci da nisi tru Btw oce biti jos bendova ili samo ova dva?
  6. U jbte rna,a da ti istampaju jednu aplikaciju na dzaku ? Salim se xxl bi dobro dosla.
  7. In the Eyes of God Falling from his majesty into his ill repute, banished by the kingdom of the word of living truth. Feeding off the excrement's of bible prophecy, captured and distorted into something said that would never be seen. Prophet in the act of thee, resent the vows of old, nullify your standing in light of heavens hope. Paralyzed and cry defeat ensile to the lord, bleeding from the inside out upon the cross of the Christ you ignored. In the eyes of god you failed and faltered in his heart, angel of no mercy you descend from once you start. Worthless in the face of thou reside in his duress, powerless against thy sword reviled by ones you have blessed. Time of torment, will besieging, eyes abhorrent, life depleting, Lies devoured, thou defeated, Christ the coward, god is dead Dead In his eyes you will die !!!!!!!! Fester in the wounds without no dignity or soul, blind eyed to the realm of god is what your future holds. Relish by catastrophe in battled by deceit, forfeit what is right for wrong to fall from his grace and the sight of his son. Ravaged by the instruments of all that you command, powerless inside the faith heavens holy plan. Thou who have forsaken you exile you to death, fleeing from the path of god, despised in this world and to what you confess. Tragedy invites the truth in time you will receive piling on top of you and all that you believe. Lost to the intention and the writ of compromise, sour in reflection to the eyes of the lord and to all of his kind. Time of torment, will besieging, eyes abhorrent, life depleting, Lies devoured, thou defeated, Christ the coward, god is dead. In his eyes, your despised, endlessly, dead to thee....
  8. Vidimo se tamo Koliko ce biti prisivac?
  9. Ili kad se radi o pozerima kojima je to trenutna moda,pa posle pricaju kako su imali bend i svirali na 202ocji...
  10. Koja si ti faca,treba te jebati na spomeniku balboe u tvojoj selendri... Realno 202 je sa neke strane ok,daje podrsku mladim bendovima,a sa druge strane tu je fenomen "stratokaster" bendova.Naime 5 klinaca kupi komplete u mitrosu i osnuje bend svirajuci "hitove" metalike...E to ume da smori...
  11. U bre al si matora
  12. Meni je bas ekstra.Jebo mater svakom epizodom su sve bolesniji i bolesniji,a ipak sve vise i vise pogadjaju sustu istinu i prozivaju ljude.
  13. Uf covece do jaja je ovo.Produkcija je bolja od Sadizma a pesme su jebacke skroz,samo ono engleske verzije su bzvz zbog znanja istog ali ok
  14. To nije nista cudno za domace macke.Moj pokojni Cira je rotu sjebao njusku i to najiskusnije .Ovaj ga jurio,pa se macor popeo na drvo i dok je pas skakao iskusno ga je izgrebao
  15. To su te fenski macke sto se hrane granulama.Samo da iskopam sliku mog macora zvanog Cira (rip 1995-2004).Macor koji je u svoje vreme imao 7kg (naravno da je ziveo napolju,u kucu je ulazio samo da jede i da spava kod mene kad ga prosvercujem).Peglao se i sa psima i u vise navrata je dolazio krvav (krpili ga cale i ja xD).
  16. Kvlt!
  17. Ovi slusali Marduk pa su skinuli ime sa albuma.
  18. A to objasnjava neke stvari
  19. Dacha izdao album za turke,a ovamo nesto sere...
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