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SATAN-iz Batajnice

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Everything posted by SATAN-iz Batajnice

  1. Ako jos jedanput stavis tog smajlija sa cvikama kad otvaras temu,rasiricu ti anal
  2. Metal Slug Tobogan
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKMYgz5btew Ne mrzim vas nego mi je jako dosadno
  4. http://rapidshare.com/files/27009206/Horro...h_Uzas_Kraj.mp3
  5. frubi i amon din -.-
  6. Ready to Kill The future, comes an unstoppable force The end of the world is at hand They come to kill and rape what they can Their seed is all they care for Armies die in the blink of an eye Their power surpasses our own Technology and numbers are at their side How will we ever survive Their weakness, known to only one man The one who tears their flesh The weapons, the ammo, the arsenal, the gear He's ready to save mankind READY TO KILL READY TO KILL READY TO KILL READY TO KILL Now, death rings in his ears Bullets - the sound of pain Shotguns, lasers - the way that you die He acts although it's all a game He'll bash your brains all over the floor He'll blow your body to bits No one messes with Earth and lives Mankind’s savior is here Standing above you he smirks as you rot They never thought that he would win He did it not for honor or glory But only for tits and ass READY TO KILL READY TO KILL READY TO KILL READY TO KILL :rockdevil:
  7. Polozio sam tuki Kako je proslo? Btw playlista iz Zrenjanina
  8. Sto da ne?Samo moram da se skontam za pare.Dao sam 60e na majice i futrolu za gitaru.Koliko otprilike to traje da dodje i to?Jer kontam da bih za 2 nedelje skupio 15e
  9. Da vidis kako je plava jebozovna.Tucao bih maloletnu tinejdzerku za jedan primerak
  10. Izasao album Evil In The Night.Produkcija odlicna,muzika jos bolja.Samo sto malo vokal zraci ali ok je (barem meni).Bez kompromisa samo cisti thrash.8 fantasticnih numera.Preporucujem svakom fanu thrash metal muzike. Merciless Death - Evil In The Night Tracks: 1. slaughter lord 2. deadly assualt 3. command death 4. burn in hell 5. exumer 6. act of violence 7. the final slaughter 8. ready to kill
  11. Status On hold Tako pise na arihvama.Jel zna neko sta se zbiva sa bendom? A sto se tice najbolje pesme: we feel what we want we feel what we want we do what we want we do what we want we stay as we want TO BE!!! ORTHODOX!!!!
  12. Ne dolazim,doci cu ispred ponesi.Sta cd dvd
  13. Rezi mi nansloter.Zelim ga
  14. Moram da dodjem da mu serem pred binu
  15. Jel vredi ovo? http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Epi...amp;src=3WFRWXX
  16. Ajde bre javljate se satanisti iz sela I dalje aktuelno
  17. AHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAH kako je jebeno jak spot.Cekaj ono je stvarno pesma od manowara? O_o
  18. Dobio sam neki cd od neke osobe sa elevrto gothom i tim forama.I ono na njemu ima izmedjuostalog i Alice In Videoland.Pa reko eto posto vidim da otvorim temu o njemu. http://www.aliceinvideoland.net/ Sta znam nisam fan te vrste muzike ali ono ok je manje vise .
  19. jebo te molder
  20. Jel gutash?
  21. Isao bih ali 16og vozaci ispit,17og ispit na faxu
  22. Nesvidja mi se to sto me basista azazela uporno muva kad se napije A zna da imam decka
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