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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by oNe

  1. za fanove benda M.A.D. Goya - Novi frontmen industrial metal projekta CUTNPASTE je od sada Blaza. Album 'Kill 'em All and Come Back Alone' je izasao. Gosti na albumu su Simone iz 'Lezbos in Action' i Alisa 'ex-Awaiting Fear'. Promotivnu verziju novog albuma CUTNPASTE mozete preuzeti sa ovog linka: http://darkscene.blogspot.com/2011/10/cutnpaste-kill-em-all-and-come-back.html obratite paznju na poslednje dve aggrotech mix pesme i to kako blazin trash metal vokal leze na njih
  2. promotivnu verziju novog albuma CUTNPASTE mozete preuzeti sa ovog linka: http://darkscene.blogspot.com/2011/10/cutnpaste-kill-em-all-and-come-back.html Frontmen benda je sada Blaza iz benda 'M.A.D. Goya'. Gosti su Simone iz 'Lezbos in Action' i Alisa 'ex-Awaiting Fear'. bacite koji komentar
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-ota6Z0gmI
  4. inace, za oni koji misle da od toga nista nece biti: prvi broj ceka distributera i adekvatnog izdavaca. Stay tuned i pomozite oko onog sranja iz prethodnog posta.
  5. Zamolio bih sve ljude sa ovog foruma da nam pomognu oko problema. Stara stranica posvecena ADRENALIN caopisu je hakovana od strane jednog saradnika. Sve smo pokusali, ne mozemo povratiti profil. Zamolio bih ljude da nam pomognu da mu obrisemo profil, treba nam samo minut vaseg vremena: 1. idite na http://www.facebook.com/adrenalin.casopis 2. izaberite plavu opciju - prijavi/blokiraj dole levo 3. izaberite - "Овај профил се представља за неки други или је лажан" 4. izaberite - "Does not represent a real person". Molio bih sto vise ljudi da pomognu oko ovoga jer to sad stvarno predstavlja problem redakciji (koja je vec u debelom problemu).
  6. Nista nije propalo, samo se cekaju neki ljudi. Prvi broj ce biti izmenjen dosta. Nazalost, Adrenalin je na samom pocetku dosao u veoma nezgodnu situaciju koju sad mora prevazici. Ovo je od sad oficijalna stranica casopisa, stara strana je hakovana i uskoro ce biti obrisana. Za sva pitanja i predloge mozete se tu obratiti: http://www.facebook.com/adrenalinmagazine
  7. BIONIC - The Industrial Era (2011) Martin Mitic started “Bionic” project in 2010. In 2011. he comes with “Bionic – The Industrial Era” album. Album is mixture of several music genres with a preponderance of electronic music, dark ambient and classic orchestral music. The music is thematic and genre-related and it simulates the atmosphere of the industrial revolution period, excessive faith in the machine, people who are gradually moving away from each other, forming an industrial consumer society, as well as side effects of human intervention in the laws of nature... Why “Bioniic"? God (or something like that) created nature, nature created people, people created technology and machines… This natural chain is destroyed because the people have risen above the gods and become slaves to machines! So, bionic is the application of methods and systems found in nature to the study and design of engineering systems and modern technology and this is a cure for natural chain who can keep the balance in nature and eliminate a side effects of human improperly intervention in the laws of nature tracklist: 01. Intro 02. The industrial Era 03. Hard Working Day 04. Travel Into Unconsciousness 05. Acting a God 06. Nuclear Holocaust 07. Voices from Chernobyl 08. AlieNation 09. New Begining file info: size: 112mb 9 tracks - 44khz320kbps/mp3 http://darkscene.bleak.at/dsr088.rar
  8. odlicna cena sjajno
  9. vise informacija ovde uskoro (kao i plakat): http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=133263980106948
  10. DREDDUP 30. Oktobra u BEOGRADU (Nedelja) SAMHAIN 2011 festival Gun Club Ko zeli da kupi original CD naseg novog albuma, cena na koncertu ce biti 300 din. vidimo se tamo!
  11. e ovako, radimo jednu veoma zanimljivu svirku: 9. Decembar (petak) NOVI SAD, Rusinski Kulturni Centar BILLYCLUB + VOX POPULI + tba Start 22h U pitanju je Engleski hardcore-punk bend BILLY CLUB, koji sacinjavaju basista i osnivac DISCHARGE koji je svirao i sa BROKEN BONES, zatim bivsi gitarista iz EXPLOITED, BROKEN BONES, UK SUBS, pevac je pevao u WRATH, THE VIBRATORS. Drugi gitarista je iz UK SUBS. U pitanju je ljuta i energicna svirka. kao lokalna podrska nastupice: VOX POPULI (bg) + TBA (ns) Discography: 7'' vinyl (gold) Self Help /Homicide Tape.. Billyclub Album "Its better to be Pissed off" 7" Vinyl "I saw God /Bulldog/Blitz Album "Out to Lunch" Dave Woodard Vocals EP CD "Serve Loud" Dave voc, Terry Bones on Bass Split CD EP w/GBH "Punkasfukrawk?" vise informacija uskoro: http://youtu.be/6Ze9XKDNJhQ
  12. ne zna se a za dve nedelje koncert Srbija!
  13. Crime Scene Radio is the Internet Podcast Show hosted by Grand Inquisitor. I will try to promote music that I find fascinating and interesting. My main orientation are the underground bands, than some industrial, noise punk, industrial rock, experimental and weird dark music. I'll try to make every show interesting for the listeners talking about the scene and the bands. Show will be available for listening. every SUNDAY from 22:00 to 00:00 PM (CET) STARTING FROM 18th October! You will find the show on the player over at www.darkscenerecords.co.nr Show is in Barbarian English. You can also send me some of your song and I will gladly play them in my show, if I find it tasteful and interesting. My e-mail is: [email protected] (just add: "for the CS radio show" and give me some basic info about the band/project).
  14. koliko kosta karta?
  15. a sad jedan veoma mracan dogadjaj: 21. Oktobar (petak) / Novi Sad, 'Rusinski dom (Rusinski Kulturni Centar)' TAMERLAN + DARK GOTHIC PARTY start: 21h | upad: 100 din Tamerlan is the one man dark ambient/neoclassical/folk project of Timur Iskandarov, a native Russian and Uzbek artist who started with this particular project while living in Serbia, in the beginning of the year 2006. Tamerlan is the result of searching for the artist's own musical identity after participation in several acoustic and metal acts from Serbia. Influences: Fields Of The Nephilim; Dead Can Dance; Ataraxia; Kristus Kut; Melankolia; Viginti Tres Saecula... vise informacija o projektu: http://www.myspace.com/fullmoonfestival + DARK PARTY by miKKa Pre i posle koncerta TAMERLANA moci cete da uzivate uz tracklistu dark bendova koju za vas priprema Crime:Scene ekipa. Izbor bendova pada na traditional gothic, pocevsi od Skeletal Family, Swans, Bauhaus, Clan of Xymox, Sopor Aeternus, Virgin Prunes etc.... VAZNA STVAR: Dodjite sto ranije. Zurka pocinje ravno u 21h jer se sve mora zavrsiti do 1h, maksimalno 1:30. vise informacija: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=246246152090404
  16. a jebo te zid :D di cu u cigle gledati kad imam monitor
  17. evo i plakata:
  18. thanx! skida se
  19. 21. Oktobar (petak) Novi Sad, 'Rusinski dom' TAMERLAN + DARK PARTY start: 21h upad: 100 din event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=246246152090404
  20. COMING SOON FROM HELL BENEATH YOU : artist: CutNpAste album: Kill 'em all and Come Back Alone genre: industrial metal origin: Serbia year: 2011 tracklist: 01 End Game (3:33) 02 Kill 'em All and Come Back Alone (3:14) 03 We're On a Killer Road Baby (2:29) 04 Die Bitch Die (2:31) 05 We Are Dead (1:47) 06 Total Death (3:33) 07 Give me Some Pain (2:05) 08 Steel Morning (3:56) running time: 24 minutes coming soon!! teaser:
  21. ocu i ja kopiju vaseg diska :D nego - NOVI SINGL: "Kad vec Prodigy sporo radi novi album, moramo sami praviti muziku za sravnjivanje bina sa zemljom - novi singl benda 'ANGEL FOR THE MASSES'. Jos uvek 'work in progress' verzija, ali dovoljno dobra za mali teaser novog materijala." uzivajte! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9ga74Q9KFo
  22. HALLOWEEN PARTY + MASKENBAL 31. Oktobar (ponedeljak) Pivnica "CRNI BIK" (Trg Mladenaca) Novi Sad Navikli ste na 80's i Industrial Rock zurke u organizaciji Crime:Scene ekipe? Evo je ponovo jedna od nezaboravnih zurki, ovaj put u sklopu sa HALLOWEEN maskenbalom!! Dakle, 80's NEW WAVE, GOTH ROCK, INDUSTRIAL ROCK i EBM party spreman za vas!! Za vase dobro raspolozenje pobrinuce se Crime:Scene ekipa! Ulaz se placa 100 din. Ukoliko dodjete maskirani ulazite ZA DZABE !!! Ukoliko ste zavrsili studije i radite u drzavnoj firmi - BRAVO ZA VAS! note: Zene sa tri sise dobijaju besplatne poljupce! Dress code: po zelji ! Zurka pocinje tacno u 20h Zavrsava se u 1h izjutra (radni dan je) Posle 23h nece biti moguce uci u klub! (tako da dodjite ranije) Svoje muzicke zelje mozete pisati na wallu eventa: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=266823060015554 Vidimo se tamo!
  23. 3D ROŠAVA PIPE : 3D ROŠAVA PIPE (2011) This is really something different on our label but very original and dark. 3D Rošava Pipe were a cult grind/noise punk band from Novi Sad. Formed in late 90's and disbanded (or just stopped playing?) in 2007. Band consisted at first from only two members - Ivan and Damir. Later they engaged other musicians to help them. In the 90's, band recorded a bunsh of diy albums on cassette tapes (13 maybe) but n the year 2002 their first official demo album was made. This is it! Complete recording & production proces was made on cheapest microphones/equipment ever! But with the help of Lui Cifer they did it! So here it is. Enjoy the 3D! tracklist: 01 Ishus (2:54) 02 Katakombe (2:49) 03 Teška nesreća (1:57) 04 Timarim ti konja (1:55) 05 Podrum (2:05) 06 Zaki Pae (1:31) 07 Prednja škola (2:27) 08 Bila je sva od malja (1:56) 09 Oni su protiv (2:15) 10 Beživotno telo (1:57) 11 Imas svoj stan (1:58 ) 12 Nož (zabava) (1:35) 13 Kola (inst) (0:29) 14 Brčići (1:28 ) 15 Šuma (inst) (2:32) 16 Vagon (2:12) file info size: 67mb 16 tracks - 44khz320kbps/mp3 http://darkscene.bleak.at/dsr087.rar
  24. ajmo decice, malo da se aktivirate. Dakle, Crime:Scene records je raspisao nove konkurse za kompilacije. Dovoljno je da uradite pesmu i posaljete je u .mp3 formatu na mejl koji se nalazi ispod. Na konkurs se mogu prijaviti bendovi, projekti ili samo pojedinci. Zanrovi koji ce biti prihvaceni su: industrial, industrial rock/metal, goth, new wave, cyber, trash punk, sludge, noise rock, noise punk, electro, ebm, darkwave, ambiental, dark synth, neo folk, martial, experimental. Evo kompilacija sa opisom pa gledajte sta i kako: 1 DS-Vol.13: Kompilacija autorskih pesama u trajanju od 5 sekundi. 2 DS-Vol.14: Kompilacija autorskih pesama. Maksimalno trajanje pesme 5 minuta. 3 DS.-Vol.15: Synth Popovi : Kompilacija sa obradama synth-pop bendova iz 80tih. Autori mogu biti i strani i domaci. Posaljite pesmu ovde. 4 ASS 2 ASS: Projekat gde vise autora radi jednu pesmu. Da li je Thrym dobio konacno pesmu?? Gde je zapelo? za svaku od ovih kompilacija saljete pesmu na mejl : [email protected] i tacno u mejlu naznacite za koju saljete!
  25. INDUSTRIAL DARK PARTY Jos jedna u nizu INDUSTRIAL DARK zurki, ovaj put u klubu "Annuska" u Molu. Vece ce biti posveceno industrial rock, post industrial i ebm zvuku a za vas dobar provod pobrinuce se uigrana Crime:Scene ekipa. Na repertoaru ce se naci bendovi od sredine osamdesetih do kraja devedesetih, pocevsi od NIN, MINISTRY, KMFDM, SKINNY PUPPY, DIE KRUPPS, BILE, SKREW, PRONG, FRONT 242, LAIBACH, BORGHESIA...etc.. Pocetak zurke je u 22h dress code: latex, fetish, rivethead, goth, militant, porn star, cyber, fisherman... NAPOMENA: Muzicke zelje mozete pisati na samom wallu ovog eventa, and maybe...maybe we'll tear your soul apart http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=290971660916349
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