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Everything posted by oNe

  1. 3. Oktobra - za SKC NS izlazi cetvrti album benda dreDDup. Disk se nalazi u plastificiranom tvrdo-kartonskom pakovanju sa bukletom. Na disku se nalazi 15 pesama. Cena izdanja je 350 dinara. Tiraz je 500 primeraka. Promocije ovog izdanja bice uradjene u Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Subotici sredinom Oktobra. Cena albuma na koncertu iznosice 300 dinara. ko zeli da poseduje original neka mi se javi da mu bukiram kopiju. Uskoro vise informacija o datumima promocija.
  2. najmladji fanovi benda poslali su nam njihov video - pevaju nasu pesmu "Machine", bacite pogled: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOyrbR_5VOY
  3. Danas dobili konfirmacioni mejl: cetvrti DREDDUP ALBUM ZVANICNO IZLAZI U SRBIJI ZA SKC NS u tirazu od 500 primeraka. Uskoro vise informacija o ceni i protokolu narucivanja albuma. Fuck yeah! vise informacija o albumu ovde: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150111208479729
  4. + DARK BITCH ON THE BEACH - PART II+ Nastavak sjajne zurke kojoj ste mogli prisustvovati pre nedelju dana, ovaj put OPET posvecena osamdesetim godinama, new wave, ebm i synth pop zvuku. Zurka ce se, kao i prosli put, odrzati na plazi "Oficirac" a ulaz ce naravno biti BESPLATAN! Kako se leto privodi kraju, ovo ce biti i poslednje desavanje na plazi "Oficirac" za ovu godinu.Za vasu dobru zabavu pobrinuce se Crime:Scene ekipa, na vama je samo da dodjete...sa sto manje odece... pre same zurke nastupice bend KLER od 21h do 23h zurka startuje u 23h mesto: RASTA & KRASTA bar end: 5h izjutra posle: slobodne aktivnosti >NAPOMENA: U slucaju loseg vremena zurka ce biti premestena za neki drugi datum. VIDIMO SE TAMO!!!! svoje prisustvo mozete potvrditi na Facebook eventu: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=284100191607432
  5. Ostalo jos malo da se uradi. Album ce se zvati: KILL 'EM ALL AND COME BACK ALONE Naci ce se 10 pesama na istom. Neke su stare pesme ponovo odsvirane. Ovo je najtvrdji Cut N Paste koji ste imali prilike da cujete do sad. Kao gost na albumu naci ce se i Alisa (bivsa pevacica Awaiting Fear-a). Album izlazi za C:S Records krajem Septembra. Uskoro vise informacija!
  6. tja, jedno te isto, te jedno te isto, te jedno te isto
  7. 27. Avgust - Subota - Novi Sad, plaza "Oficirac" (RASTA & KRASTA BAR) Plaza "Oficirac" se nalazi na PEtrovaradinskoj strani Dunava kod Zeleznickog mosta, tamo gde je bio EXIT kamp. Pocetak zurke je u 18h - rostilj, kupanje, etc... Kraj je oko 3h izjutra. mozete ocekivati: KILLING JOKE, HUMAN LEAGUE, DEPECHE MODE, NEW ORDER, PSYCHE..... etc... Ulaz je BESPLATAN !!! Cena alkohola u Rasta & Krasta baru je pristupacnija nego u gradu!
  8. PRESLI SMO MILION DOWNLOADA !!!!!! Dakle sva izdanja zajedno za 3 godine!!!! Hvala svima dobrim ljudima koji podrzavaju dark scenu :)
  9. gde je ovo snimano?
  10. postali su dosadniji od Hladnog Piva
  11. http://youtu.be/sStSAfL_Soo
  12. od danas, ime Dark:Scene records vise ne postoji! - - - > Izdavacka kuca postaje "Crime:Scene Records". Blog i forum ostaju dosledni D:S nazivu. Upleteno je vise razloga, ovako je bolje za sve. Izdavacka kuca nastavlja istim tempom i istim odabirom underground muzike. Zamolio bih moderatora ovog podforuma da naslov teme pretvori u Crime:Scene Records. p.s. Zeljno iscekujem novi minus i za ovaj post
  13. recenzija live izdanja "Alive from the Other Side" : http://www.terapija.net/mjuzik​.asp?ID=11786
  14. ahahahahah
  15. malo atmosfere iz kluba "Mladost" u Subotici:
  16. tja... stara 'Smrt za Smrt' je Laibach. Ovde opusteno mozes izbaciti Milanov vokal i staviti Kajli, muzika je komercijalna do bola.
  17. tradicija ist tradicija
  18. odlican sound na Exitu, jedan od boljih ove godine.
  19. oficijalno saopstenje benda povodom novog/starog izdanja: MR. BORNDEADS FEAST (2011) (When I left you I was just a learner, now I am the master) As you know guys and girls, Mr. Borndead's Feast was the first official dreDDup album. Al tough the band started in 1997. we experimented for 4 years with the sound and printed a lot od DIY demo albums and tapes. Album was finally finished in 2004. Released in 2005. It was the first real deal after so many years, and in that time we were proud. Album was officially released for MoocSound from Holland in 2005. and was printed in 200 DIY copies by the band for Serbia. But something was always wrong with that album... we were all deceived by mainstream sound.... After 1o years, I have decided to record our first official album once again. This album was criticized as of very poor production quality, very bad vocals and poor instrument recording quality.It was never my intention to make it sound so fucking cheap and pop, but I didn't have the equipment for the recording. Some of the tracks were recorded in studio Berar, some in Studio M but it never had that live feel like dreDDup performances from that era. Songs on the album date from 1998. and later, I think the "Desire" was last to come in 2004. Some songs were ruined by popular genres of the time we got seduced with. That was the main problem after the release. It hunted me for 10 years and now it's finally over. I decided tol re-record everything once again and make the old sound fat and angry. The reason for this is that in 2012. dreDDup celebrates 15 years of existence. This will be the release for the old fans and the audience who attended our concerts from 2000. to 2006. We believe in the energy of theses old songs and that we own good production to them. Songs like "Zero Tolerance", "3010", "Trust", "Evil Chicks", "Plastica", "Got 2 Got 2 Get", "Puppet Search".... deserve better sound quality and great clear sound. The main problem that we have is to stay true to the original versions and not go into the 2011. sound of the band. Old band members will be our guests and will record these songs with us. It will be one hell of a ride through past and emotions... This project is now at 1/3 of work. Because of the copyright problem , song "Eraser" will not be included, also song "4th Crusade" will not be included and will be replaced by a song from the original version of the album. All the other songs will be there in completely new sound. We hope that you will like the outcome. Album will be printed in 100 limited edition CD format and 200 cassette tape format (as it was in the original version). People who bought the original CD will have a 50% discount on this release. We hope that you will now enjoy in these songs as we enjoyed 10 years ago. Some of the songs which were never performed live will be included in dreDDup live performances. 4 months left I hope it will be worth waiting. Tracklist: Digital Dreams Zero Tolerance Trust Re-Born Evil Chicks Got 2 Got 2 Get Off The Hook Paper Cutz Open Your Mind Haeekoo Desire Blast Plastica Stop Rew Play Your World The Silence of Unexpected 3010 Connection Mr Borndead Puppet Search Here Where Dead Walk Running time: 75 min Release date: 21st December 2011. Record label: Insurrection Records More info: http://www.facebook.com/notes/dreddup/mrborndeads-feast-re-work-re-release-2011/10150270403769729
  20. Preksinoc je u saobracajnoj nesreci poginula Rose Pattini, devojka koja nam je pevala pratece vokale 2000. na demo pesmama "CD Burner" i "Leprah". R.I.P. sweet princess. :(
  21. uuuu.... ovo se mora imati. Jeste da sam isao na onaj drugi koncert u BG kad je bio na Jaci od mrznje ali i ovo ce posluziti
  22. PROJECT 2501 Project 2501 : Ashes 2 Ashes-Analog 2 Digital [ep] (2011) Really a pleasure to have a cybercore artist on our label. Project 2501 comes to us from Macedonia, Skopje. This is their ep, which features 4 energetic songs and after you hear them you'll go ape shit. So download it and burn your ears, right fucking now!! tracklist: 1. #FFFFFF[uck] (3:02) 2. Code Name (2:44) 3. Reprogrammed v.2.0 (3:51) 4. Fake Human Race (3:15) free download: http://www.mediafire.com/?0n59y8yye39d4d3
  23. pa ja bih pre sve vezano za elektroniku postavio sa industrialom nego darkwave (ako ne mislis na darksynth ustvari?). Gothic rock bi mogli na poseban forum gde ce pricati o svecama, lobanjama, sismisima i Soporu. Svemu onome sto nema veze za industrialom.
  24. ja bih voleo da ljudi vec jednom gothic odvoje od industriala, brate ne idu pekmez i detonacija zajedno.
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