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About Electric_Eye

  • Birthday 06/05/1988

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Electric_Eye's Achievements

Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. Metal bend(Downstroke) iz Panceva trazi pevaca za ozbiljan autorski rad, svirke i snimanje albuma koji je skoro gotov, a preview toga mozete cuti na http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=LplZYWTb0aw Ekipa je iz Panceva, imamo svoj studio, ali nije problem ni da se probe odrzavaju u Beogradu.Kontakt na [email protected]
  2. Autorski metal bend iz Panceva trazi pevaca.Materijal je u nekom, da kazemo, heavy-thrash fazonu.Kontakt na PM ili [email protected]
  3. i mASStermind
  4. Gitarista trazi talme bend u Novom Sadu Kontakt na PM
  5. Gitarista iz NS-a, trazi benad za sviranje bilo kojih od onih metalika kontakat na [email protected]
  6. Opa medjede, pala prinova
  7. Autorski Hard Rock / heavy metal bend iz Panceva, trazi bubnjara i pevaca/pevacicu kontakt: 062/382309 ili na [email protected]
  9. Eva da se i ja malo pofalim malo su sjebane slike , jer je slikano mobom
  10. Bolje da za ostatak kupim pivo
  11. E ljudi Koji proc preporucujete do 250 evra? Hteo sam da uzmem korg ax3000g,al su ovi u sky-u sve rasprodali .Sledeca tura im stize tek za mesec dana ,a meni proc treba za sledecu subotu!
  12. E drgari,drugari,mnogo mi je zhao shto ste se raspal i. . shto bi sloba rekao:Zhiwot je tuzhna pricha (a zhena je lopow)hehehehe.,,, Bidni te mi pozdrawljeni P.S Mrtaw sam jannpi
  13. yup... "Joe Kovacic is the President and founder of Lado Musical Inc. He learned his guitar-building craft in Zagreb, Croatia, gained experience in Austria, Germany, and finally reached North America where he remains "untouchable" when it comes to quality, craftsmanship and value. eEach Lado ..instrument is a unique masterpiece; sculpted with the ..level of quality and .artistry Joe Kovacic is well known for. His experience in guitar building is obvious with each and every Lado instrument he has created. With more than 30 years of hands-on design and production, he has followed the ups and downs and trends of the music industry, in step with the latest technology and continues to remain ahead of his time." i jos jedna...
  14. Lado Earth 2003 Ibanez JEM7VWH
  15. Pogresi chowek
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