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Divlji Tigar

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Everything posted by Divlji Tigar

  1. Šta sam pogrešno rekao. Više puta mi se deslio isped Zappe da taksita hoće da mi do Pejtona vožnju od 800 dinara maksimum, naplati 2000 dinara. Toliko nije ni od Vidikovca do Vračara.
  2. DOMINACIJA!!!!!!!
  3. Ne. Sova se zove Slađa.
  4. https://www.loudersound.com/news/iron-maiden-adrian-smith-malibu-wildfires?
  5. Divlji Tigar


    Desaster ponovo u Srbiji https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=122135511170503201&set=a.122126654810503201
  6. Desaster u Srbobranu https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=122135511170503201&set=a.122126654810503201
  7. Beherit: - The Oath Of The Black Blood - Drowning Down The Moon
  8. Nije navodno već je objavljeno. https://ibb.co/5F9xRCt https://ibb.co/JkMCN3c https://ibb.co/x2Hxh7G
  9. The Stone: -Словенска крв -Закон Велса Прва изадања
  10. Video sam ga prošle i ove godine na Lazarusu i na onom metal festu Big 4 u DOBu.
  11. An Announcement from Iron Maiden As The Future Past Tour concludes after 81 shows to over 1.4 million fans, from Ljubljana to the Coachella Valley and from Western Australia to Sao Paulo, Iron Maiden are delighted to announce that stepping in behind the kit for 2025 is a name familiar to many of our fans – Simon Dawson, a former session drummer and Steve’s rhythm section partner of the past 12 years with British Lion. A native of Suffolk, England, Simon first teamed up with Steve Harris back in 2012. He debuted on three tracks on the first British Lion album and all of the second critically acclaimed ‘The Burning’, plus the many subsequent tours in the US, UK, Europe, Australia, Japan, New Zealand &, most recently, both Mexico and South America. Iron Maiden celebrate their 50th Anniversary next year with The Run For Your Lives Tour starting in Budapest on May 27th. Pogrešili su ovog puta ovi Maiden fanantici za Joe Lazarusa.
  12. Da da, on je. Takođe je i sin predsednika fan kluba.
  13. Ovo se i očkivalo. Niko je najstariji član, Zamena je već odabrana. Glasina među fanovima je da će zamena biti Joe Lazarus.
  14. Lazarus je bio super, za mene bend večeri je Svartgren. Mogila Deathcult su superm dosta se od njih može očekivati. Rekao bih dosta bolje nego prošle godine, sad makar nije bilo tehničkih poteškoća.
  15. Riveron! je novi mini festival koji se održava u Petrovcu na Mlavi – tokom proleća i leta na letnjoj bini Kulturno-prosvetnog centra, a tokom jeseni i zime u prostorijama stare škole. Festival organizuje neprofitno udruženje građana P.O.K.A., sastavljeno od entuzijasta čiji je cilj podrška, promocija i oživljavanje alternativne muzičke scene u gradu. Festival je započet događajem Riveron! vol. 1, održanim 27. jula 2024. godine, koji je privukao oko 150 posetilaca na letnju binu Kulturno-prosvetnog centra. Na tom događaju nastupili su tribute bend Slick Steel iz Beograda i metal bend Havarija iz Beograda. Sledeći događaj, Riveron! vol. 2, održan je 21. septembra 2024. godine, takođe na letnjoj bini Kulturno-prosvetnog centra, uz nastupe metal benda Offscore iz Novog Sada i hip-hop sastava Wenom Kru iz Beograda. Uprkos hladnoći i lošem vremenu, posećenost je bila na visokom nivou, kao i na prvom događaju i bio je medijski ispraćen od strane televizije RTV Mlava. Događaj Riveron vol. 3, koji će se održati 2. novembra 2024. godine, otvoriće mladi petrovački bend Prvi Nokaut, čiji članovi su Vladimir Milovanović (13 godina), Viktor Ristić (13 godina), Lazar Mičić (15 godina) i Stefan Tasić (16 godina). Ostatak večeri biće obeležen spektakularnim nastupima black metal sastava Oskrnavitelj i KOLAC iz Beograda.
  16. Na koliko je beše osuđen Jon Drenning ?
  17. Odličan koncert, vrh atmosfera. Jedini smo na turneji (za sada) dobili bis, ako je verovati setlist sajtu
  18. Grupa je pre zvala Kramp.
  19. Jebi se Putine.
  20. Shadowmass and Decipher join their unholy forces again to spread the black plague across Belgrade. With them will be black metal outfit Oskrnavitelj. Prepare for black metal pandemonium ! SHADOWMASS is a Blackened Heavy Metal band from Athens. Their first strike came in December of 2019 with the release of their self-titled album, followed by EUROPE UNDER BLACK METAL FIRE II tour alongside SUFFOCATION, BELPHEGOR and HATE. September 2021 marks the second offering of SHADOWMASS, an EP that bears the title: "OCULUS DIABOLI". Expect nothing less but pure Ravaging Metal Of Death ! Bandcamp: http://shadowmass.bandcamp.com/music YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/Shadowmassgr Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/shadowmassgr Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/shadowmassgr *** "Decipher" is a black metal band formed in Athens, Greece in 2017. Their debut EP "Of Fire and Brimstone" was released in 2019 and since then they have performed throughout Greece in festivals and opening for other acts (Chania Rock Festival, Wolves in the Throne Room, Arcturus, Misþyrming and others). In 2019 they entered the studio to record their debut album “Arcane Paths to Resurrection” which was released on April 21, 2023 by Transcending Obscurity Records. On May 2023 they embarked on the “Worshippers of the Void” mini tour with Shadowmass in Sofia, Bulgaria and Northern Greece. Bandcamp: https://deciphergr.bandcamp.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/decipherbandgr/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/decipher.official/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4SvBQf0vMycuaVGwsGZpRM... *** The band Oskrnavitelj, the author's offshoot of the Serbian black metal scene, was founded in 2021 in Belgrade. Cold and emotional melodies, dark riffs and often raw guitar riffs are the main features of the band's style, which finds its authenticity in relying on the black metal of the '90s. Although the music does not limit itself conceptually, the band still remains consistent with its basic direction and dark, cold but at the same time energizing style. The original creator of the entire project and frontman of the band, Ivana Savić from Belgrade, is known to the audience from the former bands Kramp and Sacramentum. In addition to its recognizable style and powerful vocals, which makes this band stand out as one of the few in this direction with a strong female frontman, the band Ivani owes thanks to the authentic name of both the band and the first album, but also to the author's texts in the Serbian language, the subject of which is most often focuses on ideas of misanthropy, darkness, blasphemy, death, evil, nature and our ancestors. IG fan page: https://www.instagram.com/oskrnavitelj_horde/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oskrnavitelj *** Doors Open: 20:00 Damage: 1200 rsd
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