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Divlji Tigar

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Everything posted by Divlji Tigar

  1. Bora odlučio da Riblja Čorba nastupi u Hrvatskoj.
  2. Ako si mislio na Bio Cancer, nemam disk. Pesme sam slušao na netu, muzika je OK, generička treš standarica, a vokal je užašan.
  3. Bruce Dickinson > Svi bendovi sa ovih slika
  4. Gravestone - Victim of chains (+3 Bonustracks) Gravestone - Back to attack (+ 2 Bonustracks) Gravestone - Creating a monster (+4 Bonustracks) 48 Crash - Some like it hot
  5. Dobra je set lista, samo bolje da su umesto "Afraid to Shoot Strangers" i "Fear of the Dark" ubacili "Infinite Dreams" i "Stranger In A Strange Land". Ne bi bilo loše ni da su "The Trooper", "The Number of the Beast", "Phantom of the Opera", "Run to the Hills", i "Running Free" zamenili sa nekom od pesma sa "Somwhere In Time" albuma.
  6. [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EOvODO2_io[/media]
  7. Two First CRYSTAL VIPER Albums To Be Reissued Two first studio albums of the Polish female fronted act CRYSTAL VIPER, "The Curse Of Crystal Viper" (recorded in 2006, originally released in 2007) and "Metal Nation" (recorded in 2008, originally released in 2009) will be reissued on July 20, 2012, via AFM Records. Both albums will be packed with bunch of rare bonus tracks, and will have extended booklets with lot of previously unseen photos and all lyrics. CRYSTAL VIPER "The Curse Of Crystal Viper" reissue track listing: 1. ...I see him! (Intro) 2. Night Prowler 3. Shadows On The Horizon 4. City Of The Damned 5. The Last Axeman 6. Island Of The Silver Skull 7. I Am Leather Witch 8. Demons' Dagger 9. The Fury (Undead) 10. Sleeping Swords Bonus tracks: 11. Flaming Metal Systems (MANILLA ROAD cover song) 12. Demons' Dagger (2008 version) 13. The Last Axeman (Polish version) 14. Sleeping Swords (2008 version) 15. Mr. Gold (WARLOCK cover song) CRYSTAL VIPER "Metal Nation" reissue track listing: 1. Breaking The Curse 2. Metal Nation 3. Bringer Of The Light 4. 1428 5. The Anvil Of Hate 6. Zombie Lust (Flesh Eaters) 7. Her Crimson Tears 8. Legions Of Truth 9. Gladiator: Die By The Blade I. Entering The Arena II. Clash Of The Titans III. Glory And Victory 10. Agents Of Steel (AGENT STEEL cover song) Bonus tracks: 11. Axeman's Revenge (live intro 2008-2011) 12. Metal Nation (karaoke version) 13. The Banshee (2011 version) 14. The Anvil Of Hate (demo version 2007) 15. Bringer Of The Light (karaoke version) 16. Libertalia (RUNNING WILD cover song)
  8. Remasteri sa bonusima, kupljeni u Dalas šopu?
  9. Jeste, samo nažalost Portrait nije Iron Kodex Records izdanje, već Holycaust USA licenca iz 2009. godine. Iron Kodex izdanje je bilo mnogo skupo, 40 evra na discogsu. Jeste da se radio jednom od prvih 100 primeraka sa raznim karticama, prišivačem i autogramom, ali previše je. http://www.discogs.c...release/2395503 Ovo izdanje koje sam ja uzeo je koštalo 14 evra.
  10. Portrait - Portrait In Solitude - In Solitude In Solitude - The World. The Flesh. The Devil Satan's Host - Celebration For The Love Of Satan - 25th Anniversary Album Iron Maiden - Edward the Great (Verzija iz 2005. godine) Annihilator - Alice In Hell Annihilator - Never, Neverland.
  11. Iron Maiden - Somewhere Back In Time Satan's Host - Metal From Hell
  12. Treba mi pomoć oko formatiranja particije na kojoj se nalazi sistem. Imam dva OSa: Vistu na jednoj i XP drugoj particiji, kao jako dugo nisam koristo XP hteo bih da da izbišem, ali Iz Viste ne mogu da formatiram particiju na kojoj je XP.
  13. Novi bend Leather Leone. Sledge Leather – Imagine Me Alive (2012) http://www.mediaboom.org/371583-sledge-leather-imagine-me-alive-2012.html
  14. Za 5 dana im izlazi novi album "Unholy War" http://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Forté/Unholy_War/339778
  15. Upravo sam odgledao spot. Baš je moćan, mislim da je ovo jedan od najboljih metal spotova.
  16. Samo da ti kažem preko sajta ti taži paypal, tako da ti im pošalji mejl da se dogovorite kako da platiš. Ja sam izabrao Western Union. http://stormspell.bigcartel.com/product/air-raid-danger-ahead-cd
  17. Mogla je poštarina da bude jeftinija, ali ja sam hteo registrovanu pošiljku. Obična pošiljka bi bila 12 dolara.
  18. 25 dolara. (Disk 6 dolara, postarina 19. dolara)
  19. Meni mrzi da kačim, a i ne bi bilo fer prema čoveku iz Stormspella. Lik mi je zbog visoke poštarine poslao 2 primerka.
  20. Danas mi je stigao original EP i posle dva mogu reči da je odličan. Pravi čistokrvi heavy metal. Nadam se da će momci uskoro snimiti album. Nema loše pesme, a prve tri su najbolje "When the Sky Turns Red", "Annihilation", "The Metal Cult".
  21. Air Raid - Danger Ahead (Limited Edition 360/500)
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