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Divlji Tigar

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Everything posted by Divlji Tigar

  1. Ima buketa.
  2. Helloween - The Time Of The Oath Skid Row - Skid Row Skid Row - Slave To The Grind Stratovarius - Infinite Divlje Jagode - Ne, nisam ja! (DVD single) Black Sabbath - The Eternal Idol Rainbow - On Stage
  3. Najbolje bi bilo da se vrati Majk Moti.
  4. Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Accept, Saxon. Eventualno može umesto Saxona da ubace Black Sabbath, ali samo sa Martinom.
  5. You are a National Democratic Socialist. 3 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 58 percent are more extremist than you.
  6. Samo da napišem da sam promenio mišljenje o pici iz ove picerije, navukao sam se neviđeno. Zaista je najbolja pica ikada.
  7. Divlji Tigar


    Koji car ovaj Steve. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-JxA9Rvs8I&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al0t9FHiQU8&feature=related "A Norwegian Black metal band called Soilwork" "Burzum sounds like something you'd take to make you go to the toilet."
  8. Stratovarius: -Twilight Time -Episode
  9. Digger je baš bio promašaj, ovde se samo radi da su fanovi mnogo više očekivali posle genijalnog albuma Transcendence.
  10. Pesma je odlična, prava Crimson Glory pesma.
  11. Stratovarius - Fourth Dimension
  12. Novi album ima da se kupi u Dalas records shopu za 1600 dinara.
  13. Pozdrav za novog moderatora treš metal foruma.
  14. Svi ti bendovi su odlični i prava je šteta što nisu stekli veću popularnost. Ja se ne rugam ovoj grupi, samo kažem da po meni od 1991. godine nisu snimili dobar album. Njihova je grupa i mogu da snime šta hoće, ja ću se zadržati na prvih 5 albuma.
  15. Nisam ceo, meni se taj album ne sviđa.
  16. Ipak su snimili 5 odličnih albuma, tako da zbog toga tema ostaje ovde. Činjenica je da 20 godina nisu snimli ništa vredno pomena, osim par pesama sa Load/Reload albuma.
  17. Genijalan album, baš ga dosta slušam ovih dana. Strange and beautiful je po meni dobar album, tu je pomalo slična priča kao sa albumom "Chameleon" da ga je izdala neka druga grupa verovatno bi svi rekli da je odličan, ovako su mnogi fanovi ostali razočarani. Astronomica je manje više OK album, mogli su više da se potrude. "Astronomica" i "Other Side Of Midnight" su odlične pesme.
  18. Divlji Tigar


    Do you believe in Jesus ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCnE0BfVNZE Charles Bronson je bio kraljina.
  19. Divlji Tigar


    RIOT forced to cancel Hammerfall tour. 10 Oct 2011, 11:13 Due to complications from Tony's emergency oral surgery, RIOT is disappointed to announce that we will not be able to appear with Hammerfall as previously scheduled. A routine dental checkup discovered a deeply infected root canal, and the infection had spread to the jaw and surrounding teeth. The only option was immediate surgery to remove the tooth, as well as a portion of the infected bone tissue, and to perform a large graft with healthy bone from the surrounding area. Says Tony: "During the initial examination, my doctor gave me a puzzled look and then asked the question that put fear in my heart: 'Are you in a lot of pain?' I was then informed that I would be if this procedure was not performed ASAP. After the surgery, I was made aware of the extent of the bone graft, and the risk of dislodging fragments of implanted bone should I resume normal activity too soon." "I was put on a liquid diet and limited to bed rest for several days, then informed that because of the location of the surgery, singing was out of the question for four weeks. As I write this I still have stitches in my mouth and have to limit my physical activity. The recovery period essentially wiped out any hope of sufficient practice time for a RIOT set list, and full recovery takes four months before the tooth can be replaced." "We discussed all the options we could think of, the last of which was to perform the final 10 dates of the engagement with minimal practice on my part. In then end, though, everyone agreed that going out with my voice at at any less than 100% would have compromised a show for which some fans have been waiting many years. With heavy hearts we made the only viable decision; to withdraw from the tour." The entire RIOT organization would like to apologize to our record label, SPV, and thank them for supporting our decision. We have been assured that future European dates will be announced as soon as the appropriate schedule can be safely booked. We would also like to apologize to Hammerfall, who have been extremely generous and supportive throughout this process. We look forward to meeting you all in the near future. Finally we would like to apologize to our fans and friends who have sustained us throughout the reunion. We are as disappointed as you are, but you can be assured that RIOT will visit Europe as soon as possible. We're already confirming dates for early 2012 in the US, and we plan to support the release of 'Immortal Soul' as strongly as you have supported us for nearly a quarter of a century. A special note to our Asian fans: these events will not have any effect on our plans to perform in Japan in 2012. Tony will be fully recovered long before then, and we look forward to bringing 'Immortal Soul' to you soon. In the meantime, we hope that you enjoy the album as much as we have enjoyed creating it. Let us know what your favorites are so that we can bring them to you onstage next time we meet. A last note from Tony: "I've been dying to sing this stuff since we finished the album, and being sidelined like this is a major blow. I'm doing everything I can to recover so that I can rebuild the voice you'll hear when the album is released. I know that you want nothing less. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for your support and good wishes." All the best, and Shine On! Mark, Mike, Bobby, Tony & Don
  20. Realno ovi koji su očekivali Riot kao specijalne goste imaće više nego odličnu zamenu. Šteta samo za Riot ovo je mogla da im bude odlična promocija novog albuma koji izlazi 31. oktobra.
  21. Divlji Tigar


    Lik rastura kako peva. Obožavam ovaj bend, šteta što nisu izdali više albuma. Prvi album i demo su oduševili, fantastična svirka i pevanje. Kako ja volim US Power Metal. Morao sam uzem "Programmed", kada sam video da je neko prodavao taj album na berzi. Blago onima koji su ih gledali na K.I.T. festivalu.
  22. Divlji Tigar


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjqamz8wJ6A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8TjceHX0U0
  23. Obožavam metal sa ženskim vokalima tipa Acid, Chastain, Warlock, Helion, Crystal Viper...
  24. Znam za taj blog. Izgleda da taj lik pravi kompilacije, meni zanimaju celi albumi.
  25. Konačno sam preslušao EP "We Came 2 Rock", pesme su dosta slabije od onih sa "Count Your Blessings". Sada ostaje samo da nekako nađem pesmu "Raise Your Voices", koja se objavljena samo na singlici iz 1989. godine.
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