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Divlji Tigar

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Everything posted by Divlji Tigar

  1. Divlji Tigar


    Tony Moore se ponovo vratio u grupu.
  2. Lakše malo ljudi.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq5PNFhkPWk
  4. Quensryche - Empire Bruce Dickinson - Tattooed Millionaire Dokken - Beast From The East
  5. Anthrax - My Fathers Place, Long Island, NY 10482 1982 1. The Ides of March (2:19) 2. Wrathchild (2:48) 3. Prowler (4:17) 4. Satans Wheels (4:52) 5. And the Bands Played On (3:10) 6. Tush (3:28) 7. AntiChrist (4:44) 8. Howling Furies (4:46) 9. Phantom of the Opera (6:47) 10.Makin Love (3:22) 11.American Girls (5:01) 12.Victim of Changes (6:35) 13.Princess of the Night (4:06) 14.Hocus Pocus (3:22) 15.You're Boneless (4:48) 16.tribute (3:40) 17.Hunting Dogs (5:02) 18.Happy Suicide (4:01) 19.Evil Dreaming (3:40) 20.Born to be Wild (3:52) 21.Killers (4:51) 22.Tyrant (2:04) 1 hour 31 minutes 35 seconds 192 kbps http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T8LXOQC3 --------------------------------------------- Anthrax - Lamours, Brooklyn,NY 2-24-84 (very good,clear,heavy audience recording) with original singer Neil Turbin. 1. intro/deathrider (4:35) 2. metal thrashing mad (3:02) 3. death from above (5:20) 4. armed and dangerous (6:44) 5. im eighteen (Alice Cooper cover song)(4:42) 6. panic (3:41) 7. danny spitz solo (3:06) 8. across the river (1:51) 9. howling furies (3:53) 10.anthrax (4:09) 11.subjagator (4:03) 12.soldiers of metal (4:36) 49 minutes 42 seconds 128 kbps http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4DWM9F11
  6. Metallica - Kill 'Em All Metallica - Ride The Lighting
  7. Iron Maiden - Rock In Rio Iron Maiden - Live After Death
  8. Iced Earth - Live In Athens (3 CD) [Limited LP Miniature Series]
  9. Ima ljudi koji ne vole Mp3.
  10. Izdavač "Gull Records" nije dao dozvolu.
  11. "Judas Priest" reizdaje skoro sve albume na vinilu (osim prva dva albuma, koncertnih albuma i albuma sa Ripperom). http://judaspriest.com/news/fullstory.asp?id=ED8B0C68-3B9D-4F52-977D-097E43653337
  12. Judas Priest - Painkiler (CBS izadnje iz 1990. godine)
  13. Divlji Tigar


  14. Možda zato što je jeftinija.
  15. Koliko ja znam Neil trenutno nastupa sa grupom "Deathriders", uglavnom sviraju na festivalima i bajkerskim okupima.
  16. Neil je još uvek odličan pevač.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNfnJk2agNI
  18. Running Wild - Ready for Boarding Running Wild - Death or Glory Running Wild - Black Hand Inn Staratovarius - Destiny
  19. Opet počinjete!!!
  20. Odlična je obrada.
  21. Stvarno?
  22. Jok bre, "Coroner" reunion.
  23. Spameri marš na "Random".
  24. Bruce Dickinson - Scream For Em Brazil Running Wild - Branded And Exiled
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