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Iskreni članovi
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Runner last won the day on March 3 2024

Runner had the most liked content!


About Runner

  • Birthday 12/16/1978

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    Where Sebesch meets Bortscha

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Master of Metal

Master of Metal (2/6)



  1. In celebration of 50 epic years, Iron Maiden are excited to announce that an official feature documentary about the band will be released later this year! Created in partnership with Universal Pictures Content Group the long-awaited documentary is an emotive journey through Iron Maiden’s 50 Year history told from the perspective of both the band and some of their most devoted followers - from longstanding superfans to film and music icons such as Javier Bardem, Lars Ulrich and Gene Simmons. The documentary will also feature exclusive interviews with pivotal band members including the final interview with original vocalist, Paul Di’Anno who sadly passed away last year. Featuring rare archival footage, including spectacular animation of our iconic mascot, Eddie, the film explores how Iron Maiden has helped shape a cultural movement, challenging conventional views of rock music and heavy metal’s broader impact on society and culture.
  2. Dobar povod da se ulogujem na Yumetal nakon nekog vremena.
  3. Runner

    Black Sabbath

    Kad već idemo tom obrnutom progresijom, evo najboljeg koncerta ikad Sorry for offtopic
  4. Vratoloman melodični heavy metal sa upečatljivim vokalnim riješenjima. U pitanju su momci iz benda White Magician koji je 2020. imao odličan album "Dealers of Divinity". Mada, ovo se stilski ipak razlikuje od White Magician, koji je nekako više vukao na Blue Oyster Cult 70s hard rock, dok je ovo ipak više metal sa heavy / power / prog komponentama.
  5. Ne ovo, Hengtajm, ne ovo... Jeste, treba čovjek sa šminkom, ali King Diamond, a ne WASP
  6. Sinoć negdje pročitah da ovaj Lazarus već ima zakazanu turneju sa nekim bendom u julu, pa možda je i to bio dodatni razlog da on otpadne.
  7. Nicko se oprašta od sviranja na turnejama. Večerašnji koncert u Sao Paolu će mu biti posljednji. https://www.ironmaiden.com/an-announcement-from-iron-maiden/
  8. Novi singl i ujedno najava za novi album "Give Us the Moon" koji izlazi 31. januara 2025.
  9. Kad je u pitanju logo, pretraživao sam ovu temu samo da nađem ovaj Borin post 😄 Doduše, mislio sam da umjesto Mnemik kaže Mastodon 😄 Ja sam da ostane Jorn Lande logo.
  10. Mnogo ima asocijacija i aluzija na Dylan Doga, kada se pogledaju nazivi kompozicija na albumu, plus naslovnica i naziv albuma 🙂 https://www.serbian-metal.org/vesti/33715/smrt-ljubav-smrt-stigao-je-novi-album-benda-consecration/
  11. We are honoured to announce the arrival of our latest saga, Sunraven, set to be unleashed upon the world on October 18th through Nuclear Blast Records ⚔️ This opus marks the 10th chapter in our discography and delves into the legendary poem Beowulf, an ancient epic of grand scale, recounting tales of heroes and monsters, honour and bravery, victory and defeat - themes that have always been woven into the fabric of our lyrical lore. Today we also present the video for the first song from Sunraven, the mighty opening track 'Skybound'.
  12. Excel tabela za upisivanje rezultata, EURO 2024 https://www.excely.com/football/uefa-euro-2024-schedule.shtml#google_vignette
  13. Najgori metal omot + bonus: najgora metal najava
  14. Hvala brt! 👍 🍻 Baš sam sinoć tražio na Balkan Download forumu (ako mislimo na isti sajt), pretraživao teme i postove o Azri, ali nisam uspio naći. Skidam odmah!
  15. Nije zgorega da ovde pitam da li možda neko ima (pri čemu to "neko" bi moglo da se odnosi isključivo na Мајора 🙂 ) VHS-rip kompilacije video spotova "Klinček stoji pod oblokom" koju je Jugoton objavio 1990. Na Pirate Bay-u je ima, ali 0 seedera i 0 leechera, tako da nema šanse da se to skine. Na ruskim torentima je nema uopšte, a ni na YouTube-u nema svih spotova sa te kasete, što može da znači da je ni sam Đoni ne posjeduje, jer kapiram da bi u suprotnom okačio sve klipove. Ako kojim slučajem neko ima, biću veoma zahvalan za upload i link.
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