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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Defunctus

  1. Samo na Bg...Split je siguran.
  2. The leaked version combines all the tracks from disc 2 into flicker...the real length of flicker is 3:42 eto da znate...btw. i oni kojima ide na last.fm ono sto slusaju,ispravite tagove,uklonite rimske brojeve iz naziva pjesama.
  3. A Sunny Day In Glasgow - Ashes Grammar http://www.mediafire.com/?4eqynz2d4xn
  4. 'bem ti rapidshare,ne kontam zasto ljudi kace na taj sajt vise,pored megauploada...a i hotfile je ok.
  5. Sa nastupa na Reading festivalu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZicAvVN-2Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeiPhAd9BWo
  6. ja sam se fokusirao na Zagreb,od metala bukvalno ne idem ni na jedan koncert kod nas...nikad gora jesen.
  7. Defunctus


    ako nekog zanima,dobio sam info od organizatora da se karte mogu rezervisati od 1.septembra kod njih...pa eto,ko je siguran da ce ici,ne bi bilo lose da obavi tu formalnost.
  8. 10.88454 EUR http://www.kursna-lista.com/konvertor-valuta
  9. Meni najzanimljiviji koncert u narednom periodu,pa cu naravno sve planove usredtociti da odem na ovo. Btw. jedva cekam i opet da vidim Zagreb...
  10. Defunctus


    ISIS + DÄLEK + TRANSITIONAL @ teatar &td - 16.11.2009.Zagreb!!!
  11. Svirali Rodjendansku!
  12. Sad je i zvanicno...predgrupe su Samael i Ghost Brigade.
  13. ...i ono sto nije receno,bice sigurno 3x bolje nego u Pancevu. btw. ako nista,ulaz od 500 din ce napraviti selekciju publike i doci ce samo BO fanovi.
  14. Hmm...od katastrofalno lose koncertne ponude ove jeseni,na ovo sam planirao otici,ali eto...kako god,valjda ce se to rijesiti,bilo bi zaista previse da se i ovo otkaze.
  15. Defunctus


    uzas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vhd3wcJssrA
  16. ...the album features more guests than have ever appeared on a PELICAN album before: Greg Anderson of SUNN O))), Aaron Turner of ISIS, Ben Verellen of HARKONEN and Helms Alee and Allen Epley from THE LIFE AND TIMES and SHINER... btw. postavili su jednu novu stvar na spejs.
  17. Nadjoh na nekom hrvatskom sajtu... Kakav uzas,ja sam na SBB-u,mogu se pozdraviti sa jedinim sadrzajem koji sam pratio na tv-u.
  18. Bice u vojsci tada.
  19. Predgrupa Samael!!! Jedva cekam koncert...
  20. Jeniferever tour: Maribor 10.oktobar Zagreb 11.oktobar Dubrovnik 13.oktobar Kapiram da su kod nas 12.oktobra...ili neki od okolnih datuma,mnogo bi bilo razocaravajuce ako ne bude tako.
  21. drugi put...da nisi ti Dudarim,pa reklamiras.
  22. na moj rodjendan. nego,jedva cekam da im vidim tour dates.
  23. Karte za KST su 500 din,prodaju se u Felixu.
  24. Sunn O))) for the October tour in Europe 2009, and UK in December 2009 will be adding a new layer of sounds to the presentation of the music during live performances. The shows will be presented in “pseudo” quad format. Needed as an addition to the PA specifications on the above page will be two large format full range speakers for the rear of the performance space. These two speakers must equal power of the front left and right sides of the front of house system and have cables long enough for a wide stereo field. The speakers will be connected and controlled by the front of house board via an Auxiliary send. This will not so much be a mirror of the front channels but a “psychic echo” of various channels throughout the performance.
  25. Jedna moja dumerska:
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