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punk's not dead

Iskreni članovi
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punk's not dead's Achievements

Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. Išmael-Danijel Kvin preporučujem onima koji se zalažu za očuvanje priode,i onih životinjskih vrsta koje ljudi još nisu stigli da istrebe.
  2. Gde se prodaju karte za ovaj koncert 22.og?
  3. Legendarna slika! Mita je car !
  4. Jel ima nesto u KST-u za noc vestica?
  5. haha extra mislim da ovaj nije bio: Chuck Norris moze da pobedi Miskovica na tenderu. Little Gregory wakes up in the middle of the night feeling alone and scared. He goes into his mother's room for comfort and he sees his mom standing naked in front of the mirror. She is rubbing her chest and groaning, "I want a man, I want a man." Shaking his head in bewilderment, Gregory takes off to bed. Next night the same thing happens. On the third night, Gregory wakes up and goes into his mom's room but this time there is a man in bed with his mom. Gregory hoofs back to his room and whips off his pajamas, rubs his chest and groans " I want a bike, I want a bike."
  6. wicked.
  7. Nije loshe. Mogla bi da je produzis malo.
  8. Ja skidam preko Bear Share-a Nije los,mada mi se par puta desilo da kada skinem pesmu i pustim je,pesma ide ali se nista ne cuje...
  9. Sreca sto ja nisam dvosmislena... to se zove diskriminacija,grofe.
  10. a vazelin?
  11. Nikada ne stavljaj skolu ispred bubnjeva,jer skolskim obavezama nikada kraja.
  12. U sedmoj. I onda se Lupin ne pojavljuje 200 strana do onoga kada bodri Harija preko "Potterwatch"-a.
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