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About Neonblack

  • Birthday 08/13/1986

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  • Location
    Lazarevac - Beograd

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Neonblack's Achievements

Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. Definitivno bolji naziv a Scabbia je izjavila da će biti jači i mračniji od Shallow Life-a, koji je za mene kao fana svih albuma do 2009. bio promašaj. Potpuno razumem da bend treba da se menja i evoluira ali oni su otišli u lošem pravcu, po meni to je bio potez totalne komercijalizacije i pokušaja zadobijanja novih fanova (koji su ljubitelji novog Linkin Park-a a ne stare Lacune i jakih pesama), a samim tim sledile su i veće pare. Od jednog malog italijanskog gothic sastava pa sve do sada su postigli izuzetno mnogo i nadam se da će se novim albumom vratiti u neki bolji fazon, mada je producent isti kao i za prethodni ali se nadam da će ipak biti bolji od SL-a.
  2. Artwork za novi album SAMSARA
  3. Sa njihovog myspace-a: Jun 9, 2011 TO / DIE / FOR says http://www.stalker.cd/index.php?lang=2&content=81&id=329 check this out!! New Album called SAMSARA is recorded. Not mixed yet! Looking for ome label to release it and then hit the ROAD! www.facebook.com/tdfofficial www.facebook.com/japevoncrow PEACE,LOVE,FREEDOM,ROCK AND ROLLAH! TDF CLAN! In the studio : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFhaP1arq5E
  4. LEAKOVAO ALBUM! :wub: Style: Modern Metal Artist: In Flames Album: Sounds of A Playground Fading Year: 2011 Bitrate: 192 kbps Size: 90 mb 01. Sounds Of A Playground Fading(4:44) 02. Deliver Us (3:31) 03. All For Me (4:31) 04. The Puzzle (4:34) 05. Fear Is The Weakness (4:01) 06. Where The Dead Ships Dwell (4:26) 07. The Attic (3:12) 08. Darker Times (3:25) 09. Ropes (3:43) 10. Enter Tragedy (3:59) 11. Jester's Door (2:34) 12. A New Dawn (5:52) 13. Liberation (5:01) http://www.filestock.ru/9ke60cnsdshh/In_Flames_-_SoAPF_%282011%29.rar.html ili http://www.mediafire.com/?w3gl728hpu0dpn6 Instant download
  5. Meni je najbolja od ove četiri
  6. Aaaaaauh, koji bedak Baš sam se nadala novom albumu, a ono medjutim...
  7. Dobar ali Jeff je Jeff... No, kako je tako je... Japan bonus track sa poslednjeg albuma: The Purist's Drug
  8. Vredi. Meni je naročito dobar ovaj remix Lost in my Denial i ova nova Save your Sins je cool.
  9. I ja se pitam, ubi me čekanje više
  10. 45 sec pesme Ropes http://www.filestock.ru/90oafo541ysv/09_Ropes.mp3.html
  11. Kome treba...sa 2 nove pesme. Entwine - Rough N Stripped 2CD 2010 (Best) CD1 Rough: 01. Save Your Sins (04:08) 02. Chameleon Halo (03:34) 03. Still Remains (03:54) 04. Surrender (03:22) 05. Twisted (03:54) 06. Frozen By The Sun (03:14) 07. Bitter Sweet (02:40) 08. The Pit (2010 Version) (03:42) 09. Strife (03:22) 10. Curtained Life (05:40) 11. Break Me (04:47) 12. New Dawn (03:57) 13. Caught By Desire (04:37) 14. Losing The Ground (04:46) 15. Out Of You (03:44) 16. Refill My Soul (04:22) 17. Time Of Despair (2010 Version) (06:13) 18. Thy Guiding Light (06:26) CD2 Stripped: 01. Another Life (Previously Unreleased) (05:54) 02. Lost My Denial (Stripped Remix) (04:24) 03. Closer (My Love) (Acoustic Version) (06:17) 04. Everything For You (Acoustic Version) (06:22) 05. Say Goodbye (Stripped Remix) (04:36) 06. Until The End (Acoustic Version) (06:04) 07. Time Of Despair (MGI Remix) (04:53) 08. Frozen By The Sun (Stripped Remix) (03:19) 09. Grace (Acoustic Version) (04:57) Download Inače, odlične su im ove akustične verzije...na leto će Entwine slabo nastupati jer spremaju nove pesme...
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNJO3ICRJFk
  13. Neonblack


    We can exclusively reveal that the new Opeth album will be titled 'HERITAGE'. The record is due for release through Roadrunner Records in September. More details to follow soon. http://www.opeth.com/index.php/news/show/id/212
  14. Lacuna Coil have started recording the follow up to their highly successful 2009 “Shallow Life” album which spawned the hit singles “Spellbound” and “I Won’t Tell You”. The band are once again working with producer Don Gilmore (Pearl Jam, Linkin Park, Bullet For My Valentine), this time choosing to record in their native Italy to help focus on the more personal nature of the new material. “This time around music has been our refuge from some of the darkest days of our life and that's why the new songs have such a variety of feelings... some stuff is pretty angry, probably the heaviest we've ever written, some other songs are intense, loaded with velvet dark emotions and there's even a little space for some light at the end of the tunnel”, says Lacuna Coil co-vocalist Andrea Ferro. “People are askin' me if we're going back to our roots or if we're taking another step forward in a new direction... well to be honest I just feel that this is 100% a LACUNA COIL record and that is what really matters to me. I just love the songs and we felt a big wave of inspiration. The energy with Don in the studio is sky-high and we're ready to kick some ass.” “Collectively, we did so much in between ‘Shallow life’ and this one. We have lots of different experiences between us,” continues co-vocalist Cristina Scabbia. “We've been loved and hurt, we grew up, we shrunk inside a little keeping ourselves together and our roots watered and are alive. I still can't believe that the energy in between us is getting better and better, but I guess that's what being a real family means.” The as-of-yet untitled album is roughly scheduled for a release in the fall of 2011 on Century Media Records. Nadam se da će biti MNOGO bolji od Shallow Life-a.
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