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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Morphy

  1. Morphy

    Starcraft 2

    Joooj igra mi se ovoooo xD
  2. AHhahahahahha Anyway, imam problem sa kablovskim netom. Uzeo sam lap-top ovih dana... I kada hocu da spojim taj Scientific Atlanta 2100 ruter/modem sta je vec, sa njim, 7-mica mi izbacuje unknow connection i ne mogu da ostvarim konekciju, a na desktop racunaru pod Vistom radi normalno (skoro normalno -.-). Jel ima neko ideju kako da resim taj problem, treba mi net da update-ujem anti-virus... A i cudi me kako kada ostvarim wireless konekciju na lap-topu, mogu da koristim browser, sve normalno, a ne mogu opet da apdejtujem anti-virus -.- Noob sam oko laptopovaaa
  3. Morphy


    UVEK VIO-LENCE!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Morphy


  5. Thrash metal bendu Thriller iz Rume i dalje fali jos jedan gitarista i to po mogucstvu solo!!! Sviramo autorske stvari (mesavina nemacke i americke skole...) + koja obrada. Javite se na PM ovde ili na [email protected] Postojimo vec neko vreme, ali nas je nedostatak druge gitare uvek sputavao
  6. Uuuuu, Kreator
  7. Morphy


    Cemu to?
  8. Nasao sam sam omot... A za ime pesme rekao bih da je Bombarder samo.
  9. Kakvo sranje, prljavi Runi.
  10. HAhahahaahhahaha
  11. Ovo je odlicno... Svaka cast momci
  12. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xD Idem sada na ispit, cim se vratim pada preslusavanje!!!!!
  13. Ok je spot
  14. Ipak sam se vratio Mozzili...
  15. KREATOR SIGNS WITH NUCLEAR BLAST RECORDS Mille`s Statement: "Hey freaks, we`re happy to anounce that Kreator has just signed a new long- dated deal with Nuclear Blast! Based on a friendship to Andy Siry (head of A&R of Nuclear Blast) that lasted for decades we will now finally join forces on a professional level! Becoming a part of the NB-family means a lot to us and together with the world`s biggest Metal label we will conquer the future!" Andy Siry (head of A&R of Nuclear Blast): "Nuclear Blast proudly presents the signing of KREATOR!!! For me another 'thrash dream' has come true with the signing of Germany’s finest and Europe’s leading thrash legends KREATOR!!! I still remember the day when I heard ‘Endless Pain’ for the first time, I became a huge fan of the band. I have been following KREATOR through their career and I built up a very good friendship with Mille. The last years I have been working very hard to make it possible that KREATOR would join the Nuclear Family. Together we are looking into a very bright future in which we will be leading KREATOR onwards to world domination!" Mislim da nije los ovaj potez. Posto ih je SPV u poslednje vreme zavitlavao, tj. saputavao... Jeste da je to najkomercijalnija kuca, ali neka.
  16. Morphy


  17. Morphy


    Nice, very nice
  18. Au, obratite paznju na 1:30, kako je Mille dobio u vuglu od Tritze-a Sajze. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6hYW7pJcVY&feature=related
  19. Ccc!! Ugledaj se malo na Janka!!
  20. Od ovog trenutka prelazim na Google Chrom, a Mozilli neka je sa srecom. Baguje mi do zla boga u poslednje vreme.
  21. Morphy


    Ja jos gledam Jeste sa blabera!
  22. Morphy


    Danke amigos Ja mislim da je imam negde zastekanu, ali ne mogu da je nadjeeeem...
  23. Morphy


    "Commented Branko Milosavljevic, promoter of last night's concert: "Last night was fucking blast! I hever never seen such great and true energy from one band. [They] played more than 110 minutes in Belgrade. They added some special songs just for the 'crazy' fans in Serbia, as the band said. After the song 'Strike of the Beast', [EXODUS guitarist] Lee Altus invited a fan onto the stage to play the final riff of the song... Rob Dukes [EXODUS vocalist] went to stage dive after 'Strike of the Beast'." Taj fan sam bio ja... Uvek se najezim kada se setim koliko je to vece dobro bilo
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