QUOTE(SATAN-iz Batajnice @ 13. 2. 2007, 17:14) *
I da.Konacno smo dobili snimak jedne pesme metal sluga.Jeste da je cover ali nema veze.
Metal Slug - Outbreak of Evil (sodom-cover)
If TANKARD challenged SODOM for a beer-drinking contest, do you think that you guys would be able to win them? If not with today's line up, with which one?
- No they have no chance to win this beer battle but I think that we will have (and had) a good time. We are good friends and the last sodom - tankard tour in the end of last year was really funny and a big success for each band....
Tako da napred Tome!
Ljudi,ajde svi na Legacy Promotion i da glasamo za Kreator,onaj Helloween i Dimmu Borgir vode...
Ne verujem da cemo moci da pobedimo horde napaljenih goticarki,ali vredi pokusati...
Ljudi,jel ste zainteresovani za svirku u Rumi,29 decembra?Za
sada ce nastupati: Nadimac,Plamen Iskona,Tribute To The North i fali nam jos jedan bend,jel moze?
MAR. 23 Almassy MK Hall - Budapest, Hungary
MAR. 24 Hala Spodek - Katowice, Poland
JUL. 26 Hellwood Fest - Subotica, Serbia
AUG. 25 Up From The Ground Open Air Fest - Gemunden, Germany
Ja i dalje ne mogu da verujem...
Ovo sam ja poslao: Why the fuck you don't want to come to Serbia in 2007,you disapointed me so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The offer was good,but no.....
A ovo: calm down man..... We might play a festival there. Be patient!