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Everything posted by Brynhildr

  1. NORTHER-NOTHING [Music: Lindroos and Planman] [Lyrics: Lindroos] Every day the pain comes back again The grief that tightens it's grip, day by day Loneliness it haunts me, makes me cry Feels like the world has abandoned me I'm weak, I'm nothing, just a shadow of my life My heart is dead and still I dream of you Don't you understand you're the reason for my pain I hear you calling me to come There's no-on I can see Just the nights cold breeze Oh god I'm so alone, so alone I fear the darkness that makes me blind There's nothing I can feel These tears are nothing without you I'm nothing without you Can you see my heart, broken like my life Nothing to hold on, nothing to live for This pain is too much for me to take Holding on to you was like holding on to nothing My trust for you tore me apart I gave all for you from my heart [solo: Ranta] [solo: Lindroos] I fear the darkness that makes me blind There's nothing I can feel These tears are nothing without you I'm nothing without you Can you see my heart, broken like my life Nothing to hold on, nothing to live for This pain is too much for me to take Holding on to you was like holding on to nothing NORTHER-EVERYTHING Everything I had is gone and all I cared is dead There's nothing to lean on, there's nothing to hold on Now all is said and done left behind like a dream There's nowhere to go nowhere to go to I thought I had it all... You were everything in my heart and my heart still beats, these empty beats You were everything in my heart and my heart will go on, without you You took it all, all away, left me there, there to stay Feeling so cold now I'm on my own now Why should I live my life anymore You are gone and I lost it all There's nothing to lean on, nothing to hold on Still I have to carry on, carry on and on There's nowhere to go to, nowhere to go to I'll hope this pain will fade away, fade away some day There's nothing to live for, there's nothing to die for [solo: P. Lindroos]
  2. pa,mozda bi ovi iz ensi-ja doshli,ali ipak neko treba da ih pozove i plati... ne zavisi to toliko od njih...
  3. pa,nisu Amerikanci,znaju oni gde je Srbija... sem ako su i Finci tako zatucani...
  4. Brynhildr

    Rotting Christ

    jaoo i enuma elish?? Straaaava A je l' su postavili negde na forumu set listu? Ili si sam trazio? svejedno,postavi,ne moze da shkodi
  5. Brynhildr

    Rotting Christ

    super je novi album! Meni se najvishe svidja pesma keravnos kivernitos! Kad krenu oni melodichniji delovi.. mada imam taj i josh 2 albuma,moracu josh da nabaviiim Jedva chekam cert nadam se da ce svirati gore pomenutu pesmu
  6. ma,moonsorrow,ensiferum,finntroll,korpiklaani,shta god... nek dovedu BILO SHTA od toga mada prva 2 bih najvishe volela...Ima da ispamujem legacy
  7. Brynhildr


    c,c,c nisam to ochekivala od tebe.... treba da ga nagovarash da ponovo pusti,a ne da mu govorish da mu je slatko ovako! Aj' svi da mu govorimo da je odvratan,pa ce (nadam se) ponovo pustiti.
  8. Brynhildr


    jbt,Matija,shta uradi od sebe?! A imao si tako lepu kosicu... A sad si neki skinhed
  9. Ahaaaa.....ok.. Nikad se ne zna,ima i pravih budala koji samo tako pljuju
  10. Jaymz-Paaa...teshko da cu moci... jer je to 2 dana posle maidena,nema teorije da ce mi vishe sile (chitaj-roditelji) dati Neki drugi put...bice josh svirki hatebreeder-imash li ti ushi i ochi? Ili ih nisi ni chuo,nego lupetash gluposti...
  11. Slushala sam vas na hit-u 202 u PA i bili ste suuuuper vi i bodom tribute ste verovatno najbolji bili,atmosfera je bila super. Reche neko ko ne slusha thrash. (sa izuzetkom par pesama ) I,za razliku od dosta thrash bendova,super vokal valjda cu imati prilike da vas ponovo chujem... (kad se setim da skoknem do BG-a)
  12. ooo da.. hallowed be thy name je stvarno najbolja pesma... i 2 minutes to midnight...(setim se docheka kad god chujem tu pesmu jer su je pushtali 2 min. pre ponoci ) Bash super svirate.... a pevach kako peva,svaka mu chast! Anyway,imate li i autorskih stvari ili tek planirate da ih imate?
  13. Gledah vas sinoc na hitu 202 u Panchevu i bili ste prilichno dobri...treba malo Maidena ovom gradu da ga razmrda...bila je super atmosfera...mada su komentari vecine bili "shto niste svirali fear of the dark?" al' jbg,ne moze svima da se udovolji... Sve u svemu,super ste ^^ Btw,postavite slike!! (anyway, Nevena ovde )
  14. nja... daleko od odlicne liste... mada ima nekoliko pesama.. al' svako ima svoj ukus
  15. aaa jbg...bila sam u petak na sajmu.ali nisam imala dovoljno para i za majice.. kupila sam samo 3 knjige,3 mex-a i cd... ma,bice prilika... @strahinja- ma,mogu ja i muske da nosim...
  16. children of bodom- trashed,lost and strungout opeth- lamentations
  17. znam da je zeleo...ali ja ga hocu nazad!!!! Mayhem bi sad imao gomilu super albuma da su dead i euronymous jos uvek zivi a ne samo jedan...
  18. e,da -na koju foru se moze stici do tih majica??? Jel' imaju negde da se kupe il' sta vec?
  19. i ja sam trenutno u may result fazi,otkad sam kupila original "svetogrdje"
  20. Brynhildr


    In The Nightside Eclipse je najbolji. posebno pesme I am the black wizards i Inno a satana
  21. super su slike!
  22. Per Yngve Ohlin "Dead" na 1. mestu.. i Euronymousa..... mada kad sam vec tu i Quorthon.
  23. Summoning ima stvarno dobre textove! Omiljeni su mi Farewell i northward. farewell je vec postavljen.. Northward The wind is cold and heavy And storms are in the sky Our path across the nordland Goes higher and more high To left the sea we came from To right the white hills with no tree. The wind is growing colder And shivering are we. We drag with stiffening fingers Our swords and up the hill The path is steep and tangled But leades to battles still [Refrain] Farewell now mountain vale and plain Farewell now wind and frost and rain And mist and cloud and heavens air Ye star and moon so blinding fair. Farewell now blade and bloom and grass That see the changing season pass Farewell sweet earth and northern sky Forever blessed but here we die. takodje od rivendell-a : Misty Mountains Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away ere break of day To seek the pale enchanted gold. The dwarves of yore made mighty spells, While hammers fell like ringing bells In places deep, where dark things sleep, In hollow halls beneath the fells. For ancient king and elvish lord There many a gloaming golden hoard They shaped and wrought, and light they caught To hide in gems on hilt of sword. On silver necklaces they strung The flowering stars, on crowns they hung The dragon-fire, in twisted wire They meshed the light of moon and sun. Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away, ere break of day, To claim our long-forgotten gold. Goblets they carved there for themselves And harps of gold; where no man delves There lay they long, and many a song Was sung unheard by men or elves. The pines were roaring on the height, The winds were moaning in the night. The fire was red, it flaming spread; The trees like torches biased with light, The bells were ringing in the dale And men looked up with faces pale; The dragon's ire more fierce than fire Laid low their towers and houses frail. The mountain smoked beneath the moon; The dwarves, they heard the tramp of doom. They fled their hall to dying -fall Beneath his feet, beneath the moon. Far over the misty mountains grim To dungeons deep and caverns dim We must away, ere break of day, To win our harps and gold from him! The pines were roaring on the height, The winds were moaning in the night. The fire was red, it flaming spread; The trees like torches biased with light, The bells were ringing in the dale And men looked up with faces pale; The dragon's ire more fierce than fire Laid low their towers and houses frail.
  24. (nije po redu) : Mayhem- Freezing Moon Emperor- I am The Black Wizards Satyricon- Mother North Summoning- Northward Limbonic Art- As the bell of immolation calls Nokturnal Mortum- black raven Ophthalamia- Nightfall of Mother Earth/summer distress Dimmu Borgir- Antikrist Rivendell- Misty Mountains Dissection- nights blood
  25. Brynhildr


    jbg.. mada vise volim epic/atmospheric black od old school-a jedino mayhem bas obozavam..mislim volim jos neke ali..nije to to.. mada na mojoj top 10 listi se moze naci sve od mayhem-a do gardijana
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