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Everything posted by Brynhildr

  1. Brynhildr


  2. Ljudi koji ne slušaju Deicide, a obožavaju Marduk?
  3. @wizard - 26. maja, ne 25.
  4. Pusti nas da se nadamo, bre!
  5. ČETVRTI put. I, da, to bi bilo kul. edit - ipak si ispravio.
  6. Brynhildr


    Pa to, dobra je pesma, ali se nadam da će biti i boljih na albumu. A cover i nije nešto, al' ajde.
  7. Nadam se da ovo nije UMESTO Mayhema.
  8. laaaame. A zanimljivo je što je u SOTM-u Ar, ne Arioch.
  9. Brynhildr


    Sram nas bilo, niko nije skontao novu pesmu na spejsu. http://www.myspace.com/ondskaptofficial Dobro zvuči. I, da, cover novog albuma: Arisen From The Ashes
  10. Brynhildr


    Ja danas imala poslednji u ovom roku. Mada mi ostadoše 3 za april. Sad ću da se vratim u normalu, ove nedelje sam sklopila UKUPNO 12 sati sna. A šta ti studiraš?
  11. Brynhildr


    Ispitni rok svašta čini od ljudi. Još sam prelistala par strana da vidim da li je iko postavio...
  12. Brynhildr


    http://www.music-photocalypse.net/interviews/mayhem.php Now after Varg Vikernes is out prison on parole, are you in any kind of contact with him? No, not after he got into prison. I just heard some time ago the rumors that he was out of the prison, and now when you say so, it is obviously a fact that he did. I was in a good relation with him back then in the 90’s. But of course I was very irritated by his acts and I disagree with what he did. But on the other hand I think that he has done his sentence now. He deserved his freedom and should go on living his life. I heard he was going to make a new album – it is very interesting! I think he is a very talented guy, a very intelligent guy. Those are my memories about him. He is very polite and kind too.
  13. Pa koliko treba da stigne od Pančeva do BG-a? Jedan dan? xD
  14. "Om nogen ikke elsker Herren, han være forbannet! Maran ata." Kako kul zvuči.
  15. Brynhildr


    Navikli smo.
  16. Negura skupa? haha. Znam da su tražili 200 evra, ako ne i manje...
  17. http://www.stonehard.net/index.php Kakvih kultnih majici ima!
  18. Brynhildr


    Znam. Al' ono. Ne može da škodi.
  19. Sve mu ide od ruke.
  20. Brynhildr


    @Gojko - samo sam htela da podignem malo temu, otišla na neku tamo stranu.
  21. Brynhildr


    Addict-TV conducted an interview with vocalist Niklas "Kvarforth" Olsson of Swedish extreme metallers SHINING when the band played Paris, France last year. The clip, which includes performance footage, can be viewed below. SHINING has completed work on its seventh album, "Shining VII - Född Förlorare" (English translation: "Born Loser"), for a March/April release via Indie Recordings. The album will feature the following track listing: 01. Förtvivlan, Min Arvedel 02. Tiden Läker Inga Sår 03. Människa O'Avskyvärda Människa 04. Tillsammans Är Vi Allt 05. I Nattens Timma 06. FFF According to Niklas Kvarforth, "Shining VII - Född Förlorare" will see SHINING "tak[ing] a deep dive into the darkest of all musical genres you could imagine." Making guest appearances on the album are Erik Danielsson (WATAIN), Peter Bjargo (ARCANA) and NORDMAN.
  22. Tek kad sam kupila Wormwood sam skontala nešto zanimljivo - Holy poison design. Naravno, odmah sam skontala o kome se radi, sad malo izguglovah i ispostavilo se da Arioch/Mortuus raznim bendovima (naravno, religious BM xD) radi artwork. Od nekih ne tako poznatih - do Ofermoda. A i čim sam pogledala Wormwoodov buklet, podsetio me je malo na Maranathin. Mada ovo verovatno nije trebalo da napišem.
  23. http://www.behemoth.pl/site/interviews/Kerrang_Issue_1292.pdf Samo priča o verenici i koliko je zaljubljen, hahaha.
  24. Ja sam mislila da ti voliš samo stare narodnjake, a ne turbo folk? Ne valja ti to, Tešo.
  25. "it would take about ten seconds to sort this problem out but it just proves the fact that imbecile cunts are still allowed to roam the streets." So true. Odličan intervju, mada često izbegava odgovore na neka pitanja.
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