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Everything posted by Brynhildr

  1. Na svakom koncertu menjaju setlistu. Evo neka statistika: http://www.setlist.fm/stats/marduk-43d6834b.html
  2. Ne seri, ima par odličnih. x]
  3. A uglavnom sviraju po pesmu-2 sa svakog albuma, samo sa poslednjeg i Panzera sviraju više.
  4. Ja bih više pesama sa Roma i Plague Angela. Mada, ne mora da znači, nekad sviraju samo jednu, a nekad čak i 3!
  5. http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/marduk/2009/cinex-namur-belgium-63d7fe2b.html To sam našla sa Wormwood turneje.
  6. Brynhildr


    Al' su im nabili cene, jebote. Ja sam ove moje duboke platila 10.000 din.
  7. More marš, ne dirajte mi Norvešku. edit - Talvi - ja se dvoumim izmeđju Francuske i Švedske.
  8. Što se tiče Lua, Dopler i Volvo kamioni su skroz simpatične knjige, u prvoj njegov otpor prema briljantnosti i apsolutno svemu, a u drugoj cela Norge vs. Sverige rasprava (pritom je i priča simpatična. Dok mi se Mulej uopšte nije svideo. Htela sam da uzmem i Naivan.Super, ali ćemo to čitati na norveškom u 2. semestru, pa čekam. x] Zapisi iz podzemlja. Ne bih baš prepočila Bedne ljude za početak, to ako budeš imao želju još nešto da pročitaš (a verujem da hoćeš x]).
  9. U suštini ni ja ne delim, ali ako uzmem u obzir koliko bendova slušam, a da dolaze iz Švedske, a koliko norveških. x]
  10. "Now, Diabolical" je odličan album, kako god se zvalo "to" što sviraju. Edit - upade Gojko. Ne bih ih baš nazvala remek-delima, ali da su loši - nisu. Pogotovo Ordo Ad Chao mi je po kvalitetu tu negde maaaalo ispod DMDS.
  11. haha, koja tema. Elem, Šveđani ftw. (u ovom kontekstu!) Slabo Norvežane slušam.
  12. Brynhildr


    Za to sam čula, ali nigde na netu nisam našla ništa o tome. A glupost. Štikle mogu biti mnogo smrtonosnije.
  13. Preporuka - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0485851/
  14. Pa dođi već jednom, pa ćemo organizovati okup "Meet the morbid god". Naravno, hrišćanima i onima koji se tako osećaju nije dozvoljen dolazak.
  15. E, hvala. Znam na koju ediciju misliš, tu ima stvarno odličnih dela.
  16. Meni se čita Preobražaj, al' ne mogu nigde da nađem. Pogledaću na sajmu. Je l' knjiga tvoja?
  17. E, vidiš, nisam znala za ovo. Zanimljiva je ideja.
  18. E, taj deo ni ja nešto ne kontam. Wormwood may refer to: * Various plants of the genus Artemisia but commonly Artemisia absinthium, also called grande wormwood or absinthe wormwood * Wormwood (star), in the Book of Revelation, a star that falls upon Earth and poisons a third part of the waters Ovo ok, ali Černobilj?
  19. http://heavymetal.about.com/od/interviews/a/mardukinterview.htm Justin M. Norton: Is there a concept or a story behind Wormwood? Morgan Håkansson: The title has nothing to do with drinking absinthe. It comes from the Book of Revelations where it says that the stars fall from heaven to earth and poison one third of the water to make it bitter for humans to drink. And if you translate the word “wormwood” to Russian you get “Chernobyl.” You know that was the place of a big nuclear disaster in 1986. A lot of Christians foresaw that as the Book of Revelations taking form and predicted it as the beginning of the end of the world. So, the meaning of this album is a doomsday celebration. What is the song “Phosphorus Redeemer” about? The muffled breathing in the beginning reminded me a little bit of the old Venom song “Buried Alive.” Yeah? All of the lyrics are included in the album and people can make up their own mind. That song is one of a few with a guest appearance – the lyrics were written by Michayah from the Swedish band Ofermod. He lives in the same city and we’ve known him since the mid ‘90s. He’s a unique character in the scene. It was a pleasure to have him do this because he’s a great composer and writer. And he has a burning devotion to what we’re doing. This is Mortuus’ third album with the band but he seems to have given his most fierce performance since joining Marduk. Do you agree? I agree. He’s grown a lot into the band. His voice is like an instrument – it’s so powerful. This time we used different vocal arrangements to suit his voice. It was a great pleasure to work with him again in the studio. He really paints a picture of what the lyrics are about with his voice. He’s the perfect vocalist for what we’re doing.
  20. Isidora Sekulić - Pisma iz Norveške
  21. Brynhildr


    Imaš 2 radnje Urban shopa (za koje ja znam), ona kod Doma omladine i ona u Bulevaru kralja Aleksandra, kad kreneš ka Vuku. Ako im je i nestalo, nabaviće opet. Samo nekako rezerviši, ukoliko je moguće. Šelis, sve i da hoćeš, ne možeš kupiti, ne proizvode se više, jedino neke odvratne Underground.
  22. Brynhildr


    Imaš Dr Martens sa 20 kopči, imaju čak i rajsferšlus. (Veruj mi, proklinjaćeš nekim danima sve živo ukoliko kupiđ bez rajsferšlusa)
  23. Obožavam postove tipa "Treba da počnem", "Uskoro krećem", "Čitam čim kupim..." Za koliko sam ja samo knjiga rekla to. Elem, Trigve Gulbransen - I večno pevaju šume
  24. Ja se naježim svaki put kad slušam na slušalicama Chorus of cracking necks.
  25. Koliko dobrih vesti ove nedelje...
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