Interesantno, ali baš ovih dana čitam Spinozu, i evo ključnih rečenica vezanih za ovu temu (izvinjavam se na engleskom, ali kapiram da ga svi ovde dovoljno znaju da ne moram da prevodim):
"Experience teaches us no less clearly than reason, that men believe themselves to be free, simply because they are conscious of their actions, and unconscious of the causes whereby those actions are determined."
"Thus an infant believes that of its own free will it desires milk, an angry child believes that it freely desires vengeance, a timid child believes that it freely desires to run away; further, a drunken man believes that he utters from the free decision of his mind words which, when he is sober, he would willingly have withheld: thus, too, a delirious man, a garrulous woman, a child, and others of like complexion, believe that they speak from the free decision of their mind, when they are in reality unable to restrain their impulse to talk."