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Everything posted by oʞɾoƃ

  1. Black Mark has set a July 18 U.K. release date for a limited-edition BATHORY vinyl box set. The collection, which is being released in honor of the band's late mastermind Quorthon, contains the following: * Three double gatefold LPs * 48-page booklet * BATHORY "Goat" poster (70x100cm) * Picture-disc recreation of the original BATHORY "yellow goat" 1984 pressing of the band's debut album. All packaged together in a deluxe box. Ovo košta fantastičnih STO FUNTI. Ala su počeli da muzu ime, to je neverovatno.
  2. oʞɾoƃ

    BM noviteti

    Mogao bi novi Shining da procuri.
  3. Da, nije toliko skandalozan kao na prvo slušanje, ali sve je manje ideja.
  4. Sećam se kad su nas lupali po prstima kud pre okačismo, ne sećam se tačno šta je bilo u pitanju
  5. Pogledao prvih 5-6 epizoda, ali je u suštini humor suviše američko-sitkomski da bi mi zadržala pažnju.
  6. oʞɾoƃ

    BM noviteti

    Interesantno, mada ne dovoljno da bi me nateralo da skinem album.
  7. oʞɾoƃ


    Kuruz je jednom ustao prebijenom starcu u razbijenoj troli.
  8. Iskoristio bih priliku da kažem sam sebi da jedem govna i jeb'o me otac što me napravi gluvog. Posle 2-3 dodatna slušanja, album mi je bar na nivou Constellation-a, ako ne i za nijansu bolji. Sa Hell Is Empty i Eschaton baš i ne može da stane rame uz rame, ali u svakom slučaju vrlo dobar album. Samo treba pustiti par puta dodatno da bi se ukačile sve nijanse, inače deluje jednolično. 8 k'o vrata.
  9. oʞɾoƃ

    BM noviteti

    Budi malo deskriptivniji
  10. oʞɾoƃ

    Nove igre

    Pritom je igra bila tipa 3.5€ ili nešto, što je smešno za onakvu igru i multiplayer.
  11. http://www.racunari.net/detalji/index.php?kompo=1401094158&k=14
  12. Mislim da je ovo prvi kvalitetan bend koji je potpisao za NB godinama
  13. oʞɾoƃ

    Formula 1

  14. E, al' mogao bih stvarno da stavim pejnt jednom.
  15. Italian brutal/symphonic horde FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE has inked a worldwide deal with Nuclear Blast Records. The band is putting the finishing touches on its second full-length album for a summer release. With only two releases, "Oracles" (2009) and the "Mafia" EP (2010), and a successful U.S. debut tour alongside SUFFOCATION and THE FACELESS under its belt, FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE has already become one of the most talked about bands in the underground. Their unique blend of technical death metal with symphonic elements has quickly made them a favorite with fans and critics alike. "We're really excited to start working with such a renowned and professional label," commented guitarist/vocalist Tommaso Riccardi. "It's a great chance for the band to express itself in the best way, counting on this kind of support. For us it's like a brand new start. We surely can improve our work, touring much more and finally reaching every continent as we always wanted to do. Many tours are already planned or on the way to being organized. We'll start with North America and Europe and then Asia/Oceania, South Africa and maybe in Central/South America. We can't wait to hit U.S. again this July-August with the 'Summer Slaughter Tour' 2011. It's an honor for us to be on this tour and a great opportunity to play live some new tunes!"
  16. Evo jedna zanimljivost: Na slici su, dame i gospodo, ni manje ni više nego (s leva na desno): Jan Roger Pettersen iz Svartsinn-a, Pär Boström iz Kammarheit-a i Hærleif Langås iz Northaunt-a. E to je voz
  17. Misliš kao što se Dickinson posrao po vama iskrenim fanovima na aerodromu?
  18. Kammarheit - The Starwheel (remastered)
  19. Kad sam dobro raspoložen, slušam uglavnom black metal, a kad sam loše raspoložen, slušam uglavnom black metal.
  20. oʞɾoƃ


  21. oʞɾoƃ


    Strašno sam zavoleo Vesaniu u poslednje vreme, baš mi prija taj zvuk.
  23. Još jedna Cyclic Law preporuka od mene, izgleda da ljudi jednostavno nisu u stanju da izdaju loš album: Psychomanteum - Oneironaut Sanjivi dark ambient, mene savršeno ubada u žicu. Međutim, dosta je gust zvuk, nema onaj osećaj minimalizma koji ima npr. poslednji Svartsinn. Preporučujem maksimalno, predobar album. Cover je inače dizajnirao relativno poznati Kati Astraeir, i mogu reći da savršeno opisuje zvuk albuma:
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