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Everything posted by oʞɾoƃ
Hahahaha, kako sam se istripovao, puštam prvu pesmu, i odjednom niotkuda kreće ni manje ni više nego Attila
Novi Keep stigao na Indie pool, sad ću da jedem pa da preslušam kakav je
Bio je na celom internetu jebote.
Ček, komentarisao sam pre mnogo vremena da mi debi nije nešto? Možda sam ga preslušao ofrlje, pa zaboravio na njega...
Nisam ni čuo za bend dok nije Contamination izašao, eto kakav sam pozer.
Jebote, prva Valkyrja kida mnogo više nego druga. Ima pesama koje mogu da stanu rame uz rame sa najboljim Watain i Dissection pesmama. Ova Sinister Obsession nije ništa drugo nego himnični black metal, dijamant kakav se sve ređe može sresti. Kamo sreće da je novi Ondskapt ovoliko kvalitetan.
Ja na ovoj slici jedino u pol torte smem da se zakunem.
Koji ste poslednji original CD nabavili?
oʞɾoƃ replied to White Man's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Od nekog lika sa Arhiva, dobio sam je budzašto. -
2010.05.29. *SKC, Beograd* M A Y H E M
oʞɾoƃ replied to FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Oh, evo kraljice crnog mjetala konačno sa nama, da razabere žito od pozera... -
Pa imali bi pravo, jer je fizički obračun ovih razmera nešto toliko nekompatibilno sa prirodom monaha da bi trebalo svi u kolonu da se postroje i na hodočašće pešice u Jerusalim, ne bi li se oprali pred Bogom.
Misliš na onaj vrisak iz Black Horizons, je l' da?
Kažu ljudi, ako mene pitaš, nije nikad... Bio je black metal, a posle neki heavy sa black vokalom...
K'o Dissection, za koju godinu ćete biti sranje.
Xasthur je jedan od deset najbitnijih black metal bendova u istoriji, zbog toga kažem. Naravno da je rekao šta je imao i da je počeo da klizi ka mediokritetu, ali moj komentar je više na foru - neki tebi blizak osamdesetogodišnjak umre, pa ti bude žao, iako se lik realno naživeo i sasvim je logično da će umreti, štaviše, život bi mu samo i dalje gubio na kvalitetu. Kamo sreće da su neki drugi BM bendovi znali da stave tačku na karijeru na vreme.
This album, "Portal of Sorrow", is the last Xasthur album, period. The honorable thing to do is to end the band and not hang around too long, like so many metal/black metal bands do. Enough is enough, right? I'm not able to make it work anymore. I don't want to turn into one of those bands who rely on too many guests and session musicians to make people interested in their music again. Some help is fine but more than some help is very cheap and it becomes others, not the roots of the band that makes the difference and the music work. I don’t want to fall into that pattern. The motivation and inspiration used to be there full time and now it's not there at all, not for doing Xasthur at least. It is a roll or persona that I have simply outgrown. I’ve been saying I’m sick and tired of it all for too long... and now, I’m going to back it up. There are or have been literally 18,000 black metal bands; it does not matter if there's one less. Just like in the nineties, I made a few recent attempts to put a real line-up together and it still failed; another sign that said “give it up already”. However, I wanted to end on a better note with this 'Portal of Sorrow' album because the album that came before it, 'All reflections drained', was not up to par and I couldn't finish up with an album that I was less than satisfied with. Now, I suppose any or all goals have been reached and there is nothing more I wish to try with Xasthur and it's time to move on... Since it would be foolish to give up music all together, I have something else to fall back on that is beginning to take shape. It's a new beginning that I'm quite excited about. Instead, I'm going to do something different by not performing any kind of metal at all! There's no use in trying to reinvent black metal or turn it upside down, it's all been done and in the end, it's still metal and will remain within those circles, stereotypes and boundaries no matter what. Overall, I need a bigger change in my life and with music than just trying to change metal. There isn't anything to lose. I would ask you to stay tuned for my next project and give it a plug but there's no need to. It's probably of no interest to you and again, it has nothing to do with metal and I'm not trying to keep any connection or ties to it. I will not name influences, genres or anything of the sort. Believe me when I say this decision has been well thought out for months and doesn't come out of frustration. Something I usually hate is comebacks, reunions or reformations of bands. You can be rest assured (for even relieved) that this will not happen. I would like to say fuck you to so many people it’s not even funny, but that would be just another way of not washing my hands and hanging around, so I won’t bother. Instead, I would like to say thank you to a handful of people who took an interest in the music over the years and had the patience to (slowly but surely) watch it grow and develop. I'm more grateful than you think; you know who you are and I know who you are. I'd also like to say thanks to Marissa Nadler for taking her voice to another level, to Ron for helping design the album and to Hydra Head for the hospitality over the last few years. Disharmonic Variations (label): It will most likely continue, even though Xasthur will not. I’ll get into talking about this later. Završava se poglavlje u istoriji black metala...
Koji ste poslednji original CD nabavili?
oʞɾoƃ replied to White Man's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Aosoth - Ashes Of Angels digi Valkyrja - The Invocation Of Demise (original Northern Silence izdanje) Vinterriket - Der Letzte Winter Vinterriket - Kälte, Schnee Und Eis Vinterriket - Retrospektive 2006 -
^Jedan od najjačih black albuma ikad. Nema dobrih koncerata, pa je nema ni u BG-u, jbg
Idemo, Bondage Goat Zombie 3.
Uvek sam se pitao da li bih slušao hrišćanski black metal kada bi se zapravo pojavio jedan kvalitetan bend tog tipa. No, do sad nisam imao problema jer se nisu stekli uslovi za takvu dilemu BTW, pazite prevod Bože Pravde na engleski, koji orthodox black: God of Justice; Thou who saved us when in deepest bondage cast, Hear Thy Serbian children's voices, Be our help as in the past. With Thy mighty hand sustain us, Still our rugged pathway trace; God, our hope; protect and cherish Serbian lands and Serbian race! Bind in closest links our kindred Teach the love that will not fail, May the loathed fiend of discord Never in our ranks prevail. Let the golden fruits of union Our young tree of freedom grace; God, our Master! guide and prosper Serbian lands and Serbian race! Lord! Avert from us Thy vengeance, Thunder of Thy dreaded ire; Bless each Serbian town and hamlet, Mountain, meadow, heart and spire. When our host goes forth to battle Death or victory to embrace- God of armies! be our leader Strengthen then the Serbian race! On our sepulchre of ages Breaks the resurrection morn, From the slough of direst slavery Serbia anew is born. Through five hundred years of durance We have knelt before Thy face, All our kin, O God! deliver, Thus entreats the Serbian race!
Ma slažem se sasvim, u pravu si ti, reč "objektivno" koristim ovde u relativnom smislu.
Kad kažem da bih ja "objektivno" dao nešto, to znači "koliko god mogu profesionalno da ocenim". Naravno da je kvalitet bilo čega nemoguće izmeriti ili univerzalno odrediti, niti se ja smatram ne znam kakvim autoritetom po tom pitanju. Ali zato diskutujemo, zar ne?
Dok ja recimo, bleker kakav jesam, danas čisto subjektivno više cenim GDOW nego DMDS i mislim da taj album ima najkvalitetnije Mayhem rifove ikad, mada znam da će većina publike odavde da se sablazne kad pročita
Pa i ja isto, ne sporim uopšte, ali da mi neko traži da mu dam da čuje taj Mayhem, ne bih mu davao Deathcrush ni u ludilu. Šta ima na Deathcrush-u što kasnije nije odsvirano 10.000 puta bolje? Pazi, držimo se objektivnog kvaliteta, ne lične sentimentalne vezanosti za isti. Znaš, to se svodi na ono opšte pitanje umetnosti da li značaj jednog dela sme da utiče na ocenu kvaliteta tog dela. Značaj začetnika žanra uvek ostaje isti, ali njegov kvalitet itekako bledi. To je argument koji ja dajem čak i za DMDS, kojem bih objektivno danas dao negde 7.5, a kamoli za Deathcrush.
Zato smo mi oslobođeni tih gej uticaja