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Everything posted by oʞɾoƃ

  1. Ili u'vati lika pa mu izvlači uši, to sam rođenim očima gledao. Ili kad je WoI-ja lansirao preko pola sale na Marduku.
  2. Š'a s' ti, Dragoslav Avramović?
  3. Nek vam ispriča Grob kako ga je Meda ujeo za glavu na Morbidima 2006.
  4. Duxa, da se ne lažemo, procenat publike na CoB koncertima preko 20 godina je zanemarljivo mali
  5. oʞɾoƃ


    I contribute to the webzine that this case is centred around and even though I am posting too late for most to see this, I thought on the off chance that someone may read this that I would post something. I am not gonna give the name of the website because of the condemnation it would automatically being. Under usual circumstances it would be justified...not in this case though. Well, at least not to the guy that Karl is thinking about. The guy running the site has been doing it a long time, first in printed format and then web based. He has also put thousands of dollars into this venture over the years and does not make any money from it....no one does really, but it is a real labour of love for him. So why leak the album? Well, it's like this - he gets a LOT of stuff from all over and obviously cannot take care of everything himself so he delegates to contributors. He has a lot of those. So, there was one contributor who got both the Nile and Hypocrisy albums. It was the contributor who is responsible for the leak...or rather, he somehow gave access to it through some group he is in that do just that...share emails (with attached zip files) of certain stuff that they then upload. The guy who is being pursued by Nuclear Blast (the files were watermarked with his name) refuses to download at all and has an extensive CD and vinyl collection. Of course, it might seem as if I am saying this just to defend him but it is actually true. Certain bands or albums he will buy on CD and vinyl, he's a real collector. Ironic that it is him who is under the microscope now. Anyway, he has pleaded the case to Nuclear Blast, they are very pissed off...understandably so...and he has probably lost his relationship with them but latest, as far as I understand, is that if the contributor will not give the name of the guy who did the actual upload then his name (the contributor) will be given to Blast. Hahaha, ovo je potpuno ludilo, na kraju će ladno neko odavde najebati.
  6. Ipak je Bodom mnogo veći bend od Ensiferuma. A i od Hypocrisyja. Nije mi drago što je tako, ali je ipak tako.
  7. Dark Tranquillity - Projector Dark Tranquillity - Haven Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done Dark Tranquillity - Yesterworlds In Flames - Clayman [Reloaded]
  8. Budi ti Talvi srećan što Hypocrisy nije predgrupa Bodomima, a ladno bi mogao da bude...
  9. A Nataša Jovanović sluša Last Days Of Humanity.
  10. Naručujem ja preko britanskog. Ostali se ne isplate.
  11. Da, delite se na sektaše, narkomane i dual-combo likove.
  12. oʞɾoƃ


    Nije, samo ima ludaka (čitaj Talvi) koji bleje na mediaportalu ceo dan, pa okače čim nešto procuri.
  13. Do 31. oktobra na Relapse sajtu SVA Relapse izdanja od pre 2009. upola cene!
  14. Politika, 29.6.1939.
  15. oʞɾoƃ


    Otera Astrallis nekoga u zatvor
  16. oʞɾoƃ


    http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=128742 Guitarist/vocalist Karl Sanders of Southern Carolina-based extreme technical death metallers NILE is pissed that the band's new album, "Those Whom the Gods Detest", has been leaked. As was the case with CONVERGE's "Axe to Fall" album, the NILE leak has been traced back to a journalist. "Amongst your brethren, there is a betrayer," Sanders tells AOL's Noisecreep. "In fact, Nuclear Blast [NILE's record label] knows exactly who it was. It was the same guy who leaked the HYPOCRISY record. So, yeah, it was a journalist, a music journalist that leaked the record. Now, come on man ... don't we all have the struggle in this day and age, trying to eke out a living, playing music or writing about music? "So, the idea that one of our own ... one our own brethren is the guy that stuck a knife in our heart ... I have trouble believing it, man. A couple days after I found that out, I had a little trouble doing interviews, because, in the back of my mind, it was like, 'Is this the guy? Should I be killing this guy instead of talking nice to him?' It took a while to put it all into perspective." He continued, "I believe [the label] is planning legal action, and I think that's what's going to have to happen. You can't penalize someone for downloading it. You don't hate on the fans because of it. I think it's going to take recourse on the responsible people ... if we're not going to police our own, and hold our comrades and colleagues up to high moral standards, then what can we expect? It's up to us to not only try and behave ethically, but to call out others when they engage in unethical behavior." Holy fuck.
  17. E pa jebi ga, toliko loš nije. Meni ne samo da nije loš, nego mi je prilično dobar, tako da ću rado da čujem Phosphorous Redeemer ili Whorecrown, šta budu svirali.
  18. Bar ne izdaje deseti isti album zaredom.
  19. Denny, ako se ne varam.
  20. Brate, nije prošlo, vidiš da opet postuje
  21. Meni sedmica perfektno radi na netbook-u, tako da hardverska zahtevnost definitivno nije problem.
  22. Mene ne mrzi. 1) Nema nijednog razloga zbog kojeg bi Konstantinopolj pre raskola bio smatran podređenim Rimu. Nijednog. 2) 1054. desila se šizma, iliti raskol, iliti rascep. Niko to ne zove podelom. 3) Rimokatolici su sebi uzeli za pravo da reč pape bude ta koja se važi, makar bila i kontradiktorna Svetom Pismu. Kod pravoslavaca toga nema, pa samim tim rimokatolici ne mogu biti izvorna hrišćanska vera. Protestanti su nastali odvajanjem od rimokatolika, tako da je i to jasno. Pravoslavlje je najbliže što se može biti izvornom hrišćanskom učenju. 4) I rimokatoličanstvo i protestantizam nastali su menjanjem do tada važeće dogme, tako da nemaju pravo na taj kontinuitet.
  23. A cena - prava sitnica.
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