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Everything posted by oʞɾoƃ

  1. Koja je razlika? Sve su njih crvi pojeli, k'o što će i mene i vas...
  2. Samo Ildjarn
  3. Da, to me mrzelo da kačim.
  4. Ne daj Bože... Hoću reći - Satano, Bože me oprosti... Mislim, Satano me oprosti...
  5. Ave everyone! Peter Tagtgren is currently mixing our new album at his Abyss Studios. Once we have approved the final mix, Jonas Kjellgren [scar Symmetry] will be mastering it. By listening to the rough-mix, the final production will kill totally, no doubt! Can’t wait to blast the final result in the stereo! We decided to go for a bit rawer sound this time, and not as crystal clear and perhaps polished as our last album [Attera Totus Sanctus ©2005], but no worries. The production still holds the high quality that you would come to expect from us. We haven’t done “a Metallica” so to say! During the last weekend we spent at the Abyss Studio we recorded a video for one of the new tracks. The video was shot in and outside an old and closed mental hospital. The environment was just killer. And besides, it suited the video theme perfect! The video is currently under editing by “Standard Film Team”. And within the next 2-3 weeks it should be ready for world premiere. However, due to the graphic violence and somewhat gory nature of the video, I would assume that we will be forced to edit 2 versions, one soft and one hard core version. Exactly how and where we’ll release them is yet to be decided though, but we will keep you posted about it of course. The video was shot for a track called “My Funeral”. Now you may wonder what the album will be called. Well, here is another “exclusive” for you…. ”Angelus Exuro pro Eternus” !!! Estimated release date is set to November 18th!
  6. Očigledno da se $hagrath i $ilenoz smatraju šefovima benda, ali da im nimalo ne smeta da im drugi komponuju pesme... Sad me zanima ponajviše šta će Galder da uradi.
  7. Bilo bi transkribovano kao "Ejvind", mada to nije "e" nego ono ö koje imaš u nemačkom itd...
  8. Former DIMMU BORGIR Keyboardist Claims He Was Fired Via Text Message Mustis (real name: Øyvind Mustaparta), the former keyboardist for the Norwegian symphonic black metal band DIMMU BORGIR, has released the following statement: "Attention to all the worldwide fans of my work with DIMMU BORGIR: I feel that I must begin my note to you all by saying that your dedication and interest in my musical work with DIMMU BORGIR has been greatly appreciated by me for many, many years and you all have motivated me to continue to push the creative envelope farther each and every day. "You might be able to see where this note is heading and if you are thinking correctly you will know that I am informing you all that I am no longer associated with the band and have left the ranks of DIMMU BORGIR effective immediately. "My departure was not entirely of my own accord and while I had felt this change was something imminent for my future, my time had been spent addressing the fact that many songs written by me had not been registered properly under my name in their credits. Without naming every single track, let us just say that a good majority of albums like 'Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia' and 'In Sorte Diaobli' would have been vastly different had I not composed and created as much as I actually did. Sadly, based on terrible gaps in the communication process and a failure to find logical rationale for why this had been done this way found me hitting wall after wall as opposed to finding a professional and reasonable solution to the problem. My inquiries and investigation into the issues which I wished to resolve and move on from would in the end find me being fired from the group. No discussions about it, just 'goodbye' (via text message). "I can say to you that this was not a new dispute and is something that has been going on for some years and since these are my individual creative rights and work that are being denied of me, we shall now let the resolution come from the lawyers instead of dealing with more dishonesty and lies on a one-on-one personal level. On this I cannot say anymore because we will be walking into sticky legal territory. "I mentioned earlier that my fans have motivated me to create great music again and again and they should know that I will continue to do this and shall return to them in the not-too-distant future with material that I hope will keep their metal needs fed. "In advance, I will say that I thank you for notes and texts of support and ask that you please understand that there is not much more I can say on this, nor will be able to answer every single message that I get. I ask you to please keep tabs on my official MySpace page. I will do my best to post what I am legally allowed to share with you so you remain informed."
  9. oʞɾoƃ


    Eve vam youtube rip, čisto ako neko hoće da vrti na plejeru: http://rapidshare.com/files/273642098/Marduk_-_Into_Utter_Madness.mp3
  10. oʞɾoƃ


    Čovek hoće da kaže da je žalosno što je Reinkaos ostao kao poslednje izdanje benda koji je izdao takve kultove kao što su The Somberlain i SOTLB - i u pravu je.
  11. Pa, o ukusima se ne raspravlja, ali ne može se poreći da je divan i veoma seksi.
  12. Ovo je vrlo radikalna promena u strukturi Borgira i prva bitna promena u line-upu u poslednjih 10 godina. Videćemo šta će izaći iz ovoga, da je pozitivno - teško.
  13. Za tebe već znamo da si gej.
  14. Ko je pominjao kvalitet ZZ top-a? Ja samo kažem da ne mogu da verujem da bi neko odavde propustio neki metal bend koji sluša zbog njih.
  15. :) Jeb'o ja taj metal koji se proredi zbog ZZ Topa.
  16. oʞɾoƃ

    Infernal War

    Fala kurcu bar neka polunormalna svirka.
  17. oʞɾoƃ


    Što reče jednom moj prijatelj Karlo iz Space Eatera: prema tome koliko se čuje bas na albumu znaš koliko je basista bitan lik u bendu, a mislim da značaj Devoa u Marduku posle 6 remasterovanih i 3 producirana albuma nema potrebe naglašavati
  18. oʞɾoƃ


    Bože koje izuvanje, ovo bi ladno mogao biti najjači Marduk album. Jedva čekam da sve procuri. Pa pazi, ako je Imago Mortis Marduk, onda je i ovo.
  19. oʞɾoƃ


    Ma nije album procurio, ja serem, a Warneru ne znam odakle... U jebote, Into Utter Madness nismo čuli!!!
  20. Stiže mi i Grave Damnation na CD-u
  21. "Goat Vulva Attack" - klasik.
  22. Fuck off!!!!
  23. Ovo zvuči kao ono "for fans of Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone & Immortal"
  24. Da jedan višemilionski grad poput Beograda nema ni hiljadu metalaca đuture - e to je sramota.
  25. Problem sa njima je što im se izdanja dele u dve kategorije: 1) Teško nabavljiva 2) Jezivo teško nabavljiva Triune sam našao samo na Hell's Headbangers-u, a evo sad jurim i Grave Damnation od nekog Norvežanina. Ovo ostalo - teško.
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