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Everything posted by oʞɾoƃ

  1. Hteli su da dovedu Iguman ove godine na main, ali ne bi svi posetioci stali, pa su odustali.
  2. Free Delivery koliko znam funkcioniše samo na teritoriji Britanije... Ali da ne spamujemo dalje, nije ni važno
  3. Odatle sam poručio jedno 50 diskova minimalno do sada, i još me nijednom nije mimoišla poštarina, od 3.5 GBP pa naviše.
  4. Pokaži i meni taj Amazon na kojem se ne plaća poštarina, molim te
  5. A ja o metalu znam bolje od 55.82% foruma, i zato mogu da kažem da si retard...
  6. Ma znamo, ali zajebana je to priča...
  7. Mislim da količina otvorenog loženja na Veroniku na ovoj temi dostiže kritične granice.
  8. Pa da. Ko bi ikad čuo za Arch Enemy, da on nije bio gitarista Carcassa?
  9. Ja mislim da je pička
  10. oʞɾoƃ


    Ahahahaha, sad sam zamislio kako izgleda šutka na koncertu u Indiji, sa onom gomilom smrdljivih cigana... Brutal
  11. Da, biće da je tako Mislim da se i gitarista Carcassa tu nešto pita
  12. To i ja pomislih A realno, bend je teški prosek, da im nije Christine, nikad ne bi postali ovako veliki.
  13. Zna Peter šta priča...
  14. HYPOCRISY, the Swedish extreme metal band led by guitarist/vocalist Peter Tägtgren (also of PAIN), has issued the following update: "As you know Peter has been busy touring with PAIN during the first half of this year. But in between the tours, vocals [for the new HYPOCRISY album] have been recorded. Three songs are finished with vocals so far. Ten more to go until the final mixing will begin. "The plan was to be finished with the album in the first quater of this year and to release it in the summer. But we're very sorry to let you know that it's not gonna happen. During the recording process we realized that we would't make it in time. We don't want to stress just to get it out, because this album is going to be the best we've ever done! We're going to make a new release plan with our record company and the album will be out later this year. The cover for the album is already decided but before we make it offical we would like to set the title for it. There are still some work to do but we'll let you know how it's going. "We can't wait for it to be released and finally go on tour again!"
  15. http://www.angelagossow.com/myspace-queens...etal-interview/ Između ostalog: Queens Of Steel: You're currently recording your next album, what can you explain us about it? How is it going the recording process? Gossow: We actually finished recording it in February and Andy Sneap (MEGADETH, NEVERMORE) is mixing the album now. We re-recorded our fave tracks from the first three ARCH ENEMY albums, this time with me on vocals of course. The originals were sung by ARCH ENEMY's former vocalist Johan Liiva. We approached it in an "old-school" way of recording: We recorded only two rhythm guitar tracks, used mostly the first takes and I sung the lines through, one vocal take, 12 songs in four days. It's as basic and "no frills" as it can get for ARCH ENEMY! Queens Of Steel: This new album will be a compilation with songs of your first three albums, where Johan Liiva did vocals. How has been adapting it to your voice? Have you done any more changes to the tracks? Gossow: Yeah, I have tightened up the rhythm pattern and I do sing completely different than Johan Liiva in terms of pitch and attack. The songs do sound very different from the originals when it comes to the vocals. Queens Of Steel: As you know, from Queens of Steel we try to support the female figure into the metal scene. Which female bands do you listen to? Do you think fans use to give women in this world their correct role? Explain us briefly your point of view for this subject. Gossow: Women are strong these days. They can shape and determine their role in the music business the way they like. You can either become a credible musician or a pretty piece of ass. Its up to the way you present yourself, how you dress, how you behave, what you say and how serious you take your musicianship. Us ladies have to walk a fine line and most fall for the quick "sex sells" shortcut. In the long run it will hurt yourself and your image. Think twice before you join the "hottest chicks in metal" movement. If that's what you wanna achieve, go for it. If you would like to be recognized as one of the leading female musicians in the metal scene, do it my way. Join the best, be the best, never settle for less, never sell out. Uncompromising. I have said NO so many times, lost so many cover features — and I do not regret it at all!
  16. Ti ćeš Grobe da dobiješ za rođendan nešto lepo
  17. Pa vidi se uticaj Kinga u Prinčevom pevanju, priznaćete...
  18. To ovi pederi i dukatlije sa avangarde tripuju da su face
  19. Ništa, ja predlažem da se onda kao nadoknada stavi zamak na Destruction...
  20. Normalno, ja nemam nikakvu potrebu da izgledam mračno...
  21. Da ne serendam ja, ova dvojica (Talvi i Denny) su prilično uboli poentu na protekle 2 strane...
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