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Everything posted by oʞɾoƃ

  1. Imam ja to reizdanje, morao sam u iTunesu sve da cukam iznova... Mog iznenadjenja kad sam pustio Starforsaken, a krenula Dreamscape, usrao sam se da su izbacili pesmu
  2. oʞɾoƃ


    U jebote, to sam zaboravio, da mi je Goxy pipao taj disk. Nema nista od prodaje.
  3. Ne iz hriscanske, nego iz tvoje
  4. Pored toga sto ti je logika na izuzetno tankim nogama, ovo nije ni tacno. NIJE svaka muzika zabava niti je SVIMA zabava - to zavisi od licnosti, ko sta slusa i kako dozivljava. Britney Spears je zabava. Watain je umetnost.
  5. Bogami, cu i sebi da kupim jedan, preciznije, uzecu ovaj, a tebi cu da kupim novi
  6. Timeo hominem unius libri, najpametnija latinska izreka
  7. Najstrasniji In Flames ripoff.
  8. Ja bih rekao da su Ameri
  9. oʞɾoƃ


    Pa jes. Ionako ce vredeti stotine dolara na ebayu za koju godinu Iskreno, ja se ne bih bunio da malo smanje treble na RDC
  10. Skoci ti jos jednom i nemoj nista da se brines.
  11. oʞɾoƃ


    Zasto da ne? Prodati stari Rabid sa jadnim bukletom za novi digipack sa fotkama, liner notes i 2 bonus pesme koje jedva nadjes i na netu, a kamoli na originalu? Kult.
  12. Meni je to kao klincu bilo zanimljivo, ali sad mi je retardirano...
  13. oʞɾoƃ


    Imam i ja, al cu da ih prodam ^^
  14. To ti je turbo-pravoslavlje.
  15. Mars odavde sa ovim sranjima.
  16. oʞɾoƃ


    To celebrate the ten cursed years of madness and magic that have passed since Swedish Black Metal tyrants WATAIN crawled out of their molten caskets, Season of Mist is now releasing their first two full length albums, "Casus Luciferi" and "Rabid Death's Curse" on digipack CD's, respectively on next October 13th and 27th. Both albums have been remastered in Necromorbus Studio were they were originally recorded, and will also feature two rare bonus-tracks, one being the title-track from the bands debut 7" EP "The Essence of Black Purity" and the other an unreleased live-version of the VON anthem, "Watain". Both releases will also include extensive liner notes from the band along with additional photos and illustrations. "WATAIN's first two albums have both been hailed as monumental and groundbreaking within the underground for their undeniably magical content and fanatic intensity, yet they are also considered collectors items which to this day are still hard to come by", leader Erik states. "As WATAIN never wanted their divine art to be something restricted for collectors and rich eBay kids only, we have now chosen to reveal to all of the world our dark and fiery past. A past that came to shape one of the most terrible abominations ever to stalk the Metal scene!"
  17. Aha! Razumes se u Dimmu Borgir!
  18. Goliaths Disarm Their Davids je meni najjaca stvar koju su ikada uradili.
  19. I da izbaci neki signature model do 300 evra
  20. Realno, da l ste normalni, nema sanse da je gay.
  21. http://www.metalsucks.net/?p=6082 I still can’t believe that there was ever a time when people didn’t know that Rob Halford was gay - but I’d be lying if I said that the revelation that Gorgoroth front man Gaahl (né Kristian Espedal) “had a close relationship” with modeling agent/fur connosieur Dan DeVero, whom he told “he had strong feelings for,” didn’t catch me off guard. DeVero and Gaahl will now apparently launch a clothing line for women. And while I’m sure all the trve kultists will get their panties in a twist over the news, I gotta say: good for Gaahl for being honest and, presumably, happy. Life’s too short for some macho bullshit. If black metal isn’t about being true to oneself, then what the fuck is it about? And at least Gaahl has the same attitude about the outing: “Those who know me in private didn’t think it was particularly strange. I do not care about what people in general think. It’s not as if I’m going to change as a person just because suddenly there are some dresses out in the world. Besides, I like confusing people,” Espedal says, grinning. So, I’m sure some idiot will leave a string of homophobic comments below; all I have to say to that person or person is: Stop being so gay, dude. -AR Ali NAJJACI komentar od svih: "That’s freaking awesome! I hate black metal but gay people are fucking kvlt. \m/" :) :)
  22. Mislio sam da ti odgovorim na ovo... ...ali onda sam procitao ovo i shvatio da nema svrhe.
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