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Everything posted by oʞɾoƃ

  1. Behemoth - Zos Kia Kultus digi Behemoth - Thelema.6 digi Kataklysm - Prevail Sepultura - Beneath The Remains reissue Sepultura - Arise reissue Arch Enemy - Wages Of Sin 2CD Dark Tranquillity - Fiction expanded edition digibook (uh, kako to dobro zvuci ) Marduk - Rom 5:12 Akercocke - Antichrist Children Of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll Meshuggah - Obzen Ne smem ni da gledam koliko mi je ostalo na kartici
  2. Pa ja sam apsolutno za progresivnost, ne vidim cime sam to osporio
  3. Kako laze ovaj Geozee, kaze voli samo 3 pesme sa Something Wild, i onda koju god da navedes, to je jedna od te 3
  4. Prvi put cujem za postojanje ovakvih abortusa... Pljuvati IF, a velicati Soilwork? To je kao pljuvati babu, a velicati kevu. (ala sam se israo ) Meni nisu jasni ljudi koji jedva cekaju novi IF album da bi utvrdili da ne lici na Whoracle i da je sranje, a onda ga popljuvali na 20 sajtova.
  5. U atmosferi (i ne, ne mislim na kvlt produkciju). Zato tvrdim da Dissection nikad ne moze biti death, vec samo black metal, da navedem primer. Uzmi Carpathian Forest, bilo koji rif, odsviraj ga na "veseli" nacin, nece zvucati kao black metal, nego neki hard rok. Svirani su isti tonovi, ali je sve ostalo razlicito, pocevsi od nacina na koji se sviraju, preko procesora, distorzija, efekata, produkcije, prateceg ritma, vokala...
  6. Preterujete sa tim podelama. Pa odsviraj bilo koji black metal rif na akusticnoj gitari i zvucace ti kao Rolling Stones. Nije poenta u tome.
  7. Black n roll je pokusaj da se kopira Satyricon dok je fora jos sveza...
  8. Najbolji omot koji sam u zivotu video.
  9. U pravu si potpuno, nemoj samo da ih nazivas metalkor... Nema veze i ako jesu, u srce me pogadja.
  10. Cekaj, jesmo ti mi krivi sto slusas ova govna? FFAF je skracenica od Funeral For A Friend. To je bend sa kojim se decki iz ovog benda vole trpati u guzu.
  11. Ne objavljuju oni svoje lirike... Ne znam koja je fora.
  12. Ko se jebote nasao da poredi KoK i Dark Fortress?
  13. Go suck Bible.
  14. oʞɾoƃ


    Kako da budem objektivan kad ni ne cujem muziku od onog kurca od vokala?!
  15. Pa to i ja kazem, ali mi on ne veruje...
  16. To je neko kenjao.
  17. Pa dobro, ipak je liku srednje ime Tomt (prazan)
  18. Sad su se sahranili definitivno.
  19. DIMMU BORGIR Frontman To Marry NICOLAS CAGE's Ex-Girlfriend - July 19, 2008 Norwegian newspaper VG is reporting that DIMMU BORGIR's 31-year-old frontman Shagrath (real name: Stian Tomt Thoresen) will marry actor Nicolas Cage's 41-year-old ex-girlfriend Christina Fulton in September. (See photo of the couple below.) Fulton was involved in a romantic relationsip with Cage during the '90s, and they have a 17-year-old son named Weston. The wedding ceremony will take place in Prekestolen, which is said to be one of the most fantastic sites in Norway. Tourists come from all over the world to see this incredible site with magnificent views. "We chose to get married there, because it is a special place," stated Thoresen, who added that there will be plenty of guests. Thoresen and Fulton met four months ago through one of the singer's associates. According to the couple, it was love at first sight. Fulton, who is an actress, has had parts in a number of films, including "The Doors". She is currently in the process of starting her own TV show. In the coming years, the couple plans to split its time between the United States and Oslo. Fulton recently visited Norway for the first time. "I love Norway. It's so green and majestic here," she said. Fulton's son with Nicolas Cage, Weston Coppola Cage, is the lead singer of the Los Angeles-based black metal band EYES OF NOCTUM (MySpace page). Weston introduced DIMMU BORGIR from the stage at the April 16, 2008 concert at The Grove in Anaheim, California. Watch video footage of his appearance at this location. Check out pictures of Weston and Fulton with the members of DIMMU BORGIR from Wire Image. EYES OF NOCTUM is currently recording its debut album at Studio Fredman in Gothenburg, Sweden with acclaimed producer Fredrik Nordström (DIMMU BORGIR, IN FLAMES, HAMMERFALL). Norwegian drummer Hellhammer (MAYHEM, DIMMU BORGIR) and Swedish multi-instrumentalist Snowy Shaw (THERION, DREAM EVIL, KING DIAMOND, MERCYFUL FATE, MEMENTO MORI, NOTRE DAME) have recorded guest appearances on the CD. In a July 2007 interview with Wizard Entertainment, Weston stated about his musical preferences, "I'm really into the kind of music that comes from Norway called black metal. It's the type of music that's really, really raw. But some bands like CRADLE OF FILTH like to add melodic factors to it, which I do myself, and what that does is create a very powerful piece that incorporates strong melodic backgrounds that could be rather like Bach or something very symphonic." On how his parents' celebrity might affect the way he is perceived by the rest of the world, Weston reportedly said, "I hope they [people] look beyond the fact that my parents are celebrities, because I want to start with a clean slate. Hopefully my past or where I come from won't hinder what I have to offer as an individual." EYES OF NOCTUM's debut album is set for a January 2009 release via Morbid Rose Records.
  20. Sisus, bre, to je stara fora sada
  21. Ne zaboravite Sekin forum! Bondage Goat Zombie je već tamo... Dakle SekaSuperStar.com
  22. Svi na Vesnu Zmijanac po 3 omiljena benda
  23. Ne daj Bože da se yumetalci slože
  24. Itekako ima K'o penzioner
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