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Everything posted by _NeSa_

  1. Jebiga,ja sam za to saznao pre par dana,a razlog je,navodno,da DLR nece da radi bez Anthony-a...
  2. Malopre sam gledao koncert Live in Japan '89. ... Sta reci osim -
  3. Kakve to veze ima sa snimanjem albuma SE?
  4. Nepopravljiv si
  5. Od sada i zvanicno DLR ponovo sa VH!!! Sa www.vhlinks.com VAN HALEN IS BACK! VAN HALEN OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCE SUMMER TOUR February 2, 2007 Los Angeles, CA - In what is no doubt one of the most anticipated moments in rock and roll, VAN HALEN officially announces their 2007 North American tour. The tour will mark the first time since 1984 that original VAN HALEN front man David Lee Roth will perform with Eddie and Alex Van Halen along with new bassist Wolfgang Van Halen for 40 shows this summer. VAN HALEN fans can look forward to legendary high intensity performances, featuring a set list of the most iconic hits ever produced by America's premiere rock band. Eddie Van Halen states, "I am very excited to get back to the core of what made VAN HALEN." What should be a great time for Van Halen fans with the return of Dave, actually leaves a sour taste in the mouths of many, with the abrupt dismissal of the fan-favorite, and 30-year member Anthony. It seems the perfect reunion could have been a reality if petty differences were put aside. But it wouldn't be Van Halen without a little controversy would it? No matter how well the new band plays on their 40-show tour, there is no way to replace Mike's stage presence, his attitude, his connection with the fans, or his incredible backing vocals, which are a signature part of the special Van Halen sound. Good luck to the guys in replicating all of that. Tour dates have not been listed yet, nor is it known for sure if Van Halen will play at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony on March 12. It is also not known whether Mike or Sammy Hagar will be at the event, although both have hinted that they plan to attend should there not be any animosity. Yeah someone tell Ed that. Stay tuned for more from the saga, "As Van Halen Turns - 2007
  6. Pa,ne znam,probaj da promenis pijacu ... Ne znam koliko se isplati to,ali znam neke ljude kojima to radi posao.Ili,kupi one baterije na punjenje,te kostaju oko 700 din. ... A ima tu jos jedna varijanta...adapter od bezicnog telefona .
  7. Pa,imas na pijaci da kupis...a mozda ima i u onim radnjama gde se prodaju baterije( ) i sl. stvari
  8. Bukkake ima 2 k...
  9. E,da,svi koji 'pljuju' Satriani-a,ne poznaju njegovu muziku i sviranje dobro... Zato,niko da mi ga ne dira(na Satcha mislim)!!! A ni njega!
  10. Ako su tebi interesantniji Angelo i Cooley od Yngwia,onda nesto tu nije u redu...to sto se oni trude da sviraju brze i zajebanije,to dovoljno govori o njima ... Malmstejn?Je li to sin Mustaine-a i Malmsteen-a? BTW,nesto mi nije u redu sa tvojim postom .....
  11. JAOJ,majko moja!!! Buca je upravu,BTW
  12. Izvini,profesore ...cudi me da cete to da radite jer je AW jedno od najvecih HM govana(i sire) koji su se pojavili .
  13. Vi to sa konja na magarca?
  14. Do jaja
  15. Baki je ludak...svidjaju mi se njegove ideje i njegova uvrnutost.Ali,jebiga,ume ponekad da bude tezak za slusanje,posto njemu sve sto padne na pamet,snimi . Ura za Bakija! Pa,i jeste i nije...uticao je na mnoge heavy svirace i bendove,ali,sa druge strane nije VH heavy metal. Kako rece DLR:"VH doesn't play heavy metal...we call it BIG ROCK".
  16. Zasto nece download za Opsesiju???
  17. To mi kazi
  18. Treba tebi nesto debelo,a nisu zice ...bas sam skot,grok,grok
  19. E,mogao bih i ja da dodjem vise na taj ProFolk...bas nisam dugo gledao Srleta u akciji
  20. _NeSa_


    Jedva cekam da ih vidim!!!
  21. _NeSa_


    Namesti se
  22. Sta serete,bre?U Artistu i Mega Musicu rade najnormalniji ljudi...
  23. _NeSa_


    Ziv mi bio ti i nastavi da lupas kako mislis da treba
  24. To,da je malo cudan,cudan je...ali ja ga volim kao sviraca i svidjaju mi se njegove ideje puno
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