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Doom last won the day on April 27 2011
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Anonimus of Metal (1/6)
Autocenzura je svojstvena totalitarnim društvenim uređenjima. Tolerantnost za koju se SJW/PC policija misli zalaže je tolerantna prema svemu osim prema ideološkom neslaganju. Tamo gde ono postoji ono mora biti ispravljeno, najčešće kroz javnu sramotu i socijalni pritisak, izlaganjem nepodobnih jeretika blaćenju i etiketiranju, uz radost i klicanje okupljenih pezanata i plemstva.
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Masni krkani u gaćama i smrdljivim papučama na jbnim električnim trotinetima. Fuckin' surreal.
2019.07.04-07. *Petrovaradinska tvrđava, Novi Sad* EXIT Festival
Doom replied to Talvi's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Heineken nije pivo već otpadna voda. -
"Another thing I was going to bring up... You have a love for Black Metal too. Here's the geeky fan part of me... When it comes to the band Mayhem, who did you like better as far as the vocalist goes? Oh…Jeez, man. That’s tough, man. I like…The fabuless Atilla, there’s no way I can…He’s such an awesome dude too, Goddamn. Atilla is one of the nicest people you ever want to meet. But what’s the other cats, Maniac and? Dead. Well, yeah…I never met Dead, I met the other two guys, I like them both differently, man. I like them both for different reasons. So I’m going to go 50/50 on them cats, man. But I think Dead had a cool voice. I like his stuff…What was the name of that band that they did just before Mayhem… Um. Oh…Shoot. I'm actually stumped on that one. Nah, you shouldn’t be, it’s the… Oh man… Alright, I’m going to cheat… Let me see something here… ‘Cause I know that… Let me see if my memory works anymore… They had a song called “I know I’m Disgusting”. Fuck… Oh my God… Me of all dudes… BLANKING ON THIS old, early Black freakin’ Metal. [laughs] …Let me see… [pauses] …Alright, I’m cheatin’. [laughs] …Oh c’mon, man. [pauses] … Ok, one sec. [pauses] …Really. Why won’t it let me… Man… Alright, I’m thinkin’ now. My brain is on… Now I’m furious. Alright, alright, alright, alright. God. Damn. Everything. Ah…What the fuck! Where is the Goddamn thing?! C’mon Anselmo! What the fuck is the name of that band?! I can’t believe that we’re stuck here. I feel like I got a flat tire or something as I’m heading to the Slayer concert. [laughs] Oh my God. Now THAT would be horrible! It would suck. [sighs] Mayhem… What the fuck was the name of… GOD I’m blanking so bad right now. It was… [pauses] It was Euronymous and Dead… Alright, I am totally cheating right here… Ok, ok…Mayhem… C’mon… Just let my eyes see it. Euronymous, Euronymous, Euronymous, Euronymous… [pauses] [typing] Oh… Thorns… No, that’s not the band…But Thorns was good too, they were good. Fuckin’ unbelievable… I’m halfway through this page and they just skipped over to Mayhem. Where is… This is not…right. This isn’t right! What the fuck is the name of that… [mumbles] It’s officially bananas. Where in God’s green beard… Mayhem… What was pre-Mayhem? It will not fuckin’… Don’t go to Wikipedia if you ever want to… This is the first time in a long time that I’ve ever used it because I normally don’t give a shit about this kind of stuff, but it’s like…Man! It’s driving me nuts… Where in the fuck. I think it was pre-1991. Mayhem, Satyricon… [mumbles] [pauses] ….MORBID! Yeah! It’s the band Morbid! Damn! That took forever. Jesus Christ, that was painful! I’m sorry about that!" http://damnationvault.com/interviews/an-interview-with-philip-h-anselmo-by-jenna-williams
"Production on this album has been a straight 5-6 months so far. We think the neighbors are getting tired of it (no pun intended)" https://bit.ly/2VIVIib
Nema tu nikakvog pogleda na svet, samo faktografija. Ja bih pre rekao da je nepotpuno i detinjasto stavljati ograničeni ljudski racionalni um & "zdravorazumski" pogled na svet za vrhovnog arbitra univerzuma. Ta arogancija nikad nije prestajala da me zapanjuje. Ali dobro. Oni naravno imaju svoju funkciju i to je u redu.
Nećemo Vikipediju, disrespekt sagovornika I Ajnštajn je govorio u prilog determinizmu "Bog se ne kocka" pa nije bio u pravu. The Conscious Observer in Quantum Measurement Can We Have Quantum Measurement Without an Observer? Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, John von Neumann, and Eugene Wigner insisted that a measurement depends on the mind of a conscious observer. Pascual Jordan, David Bohm, John Bell, and textbook authors like Landau and Lifshitz, Albert Messiah, and Kurt Gottfried denied this. (...) When the new information is observed (recorded in a human mind), it becomes an observation. This last stage has no effect on the measurement (it's after the fact!), but it does increase human knowledge. http://www.informationphilosopher.com/quantum/observer Quantum Theory Demonstrated: Observation Affects Reality https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1998/02/980227055013.htm The idea of the wave function in quantum mechanics and its indeterministic collapse during a measurement: http://www.informationphilosopher.com/quantum/collapse Retrokauzalnost: This Quantum Theory Predicts That The Future Might Be Influencing The Past https://www.sciencealert.com/quantum-physics-theory-predicts-future-might-influence-the-past-retrocausality Time entanglement Entanglement can occur across two quantum systems that never coexisted. What on Earth can this mean? The measurements (...) somehow dictated the polarity of photons more than 9 billion years old. https://www.scientia.ro/stiri-stiinta/stiri-engleza/7195-can-entanglement-also-occur-across-time.html New half-meter record for quantum superposition at macroscopic level https://phys.org/news/2015-12-half-meter-quantum-superposition-macroscopic.html Research pair offer a way to put a living organism into superposition state ( Schrödinger's cat says meow): A pair of physicists has come up with what they believe is a viable way to cause a living organism to be in two places at the same time: https://phys.org/news/2015-09-pair-superposition-state.html Freaky stuff that. . I na prvom mestu, ne možemo govoriti o preciznom merenju fenomena zbog principa neodređenosti. Fenomeni na makro nivou predstavljaju statistički zbir mnoštva kvantnih fenomena koji se pojedinačno ne mogu precizno izmeriti. There is no spoon. https://www.britannica.com/science/uncertainty-principle
Ne volim da seckam postove, ali je ovako preglednije: Za koga postoji? Realnost i jeste konsenzus. Merni rezultati direktno zavise od uma subjekta koji meri. Osnovni postulat kvantne teorije. Zato jer nije determinisano. Um determiniše. Realnost se pre merenja nalazi u svim mogucim stanjima istovremeno. I ovo je osnovni postulat kvantne teorije, na kome se temelji quantum computing. Ne slobodna volja. Odsustvo uzročno-posledične determinisanosti. Slobodna volja je nužna mogućnost unutar takvog sistema. Upravo. O tome govore sve religije od pamtiveka. S tim što nesvesno nije nešto apsolutno neodređeno i nesaznajno što bezuslovno upravlja našim životima, već postoji dvosmerna komunikacija i uticaj. To i psihologija priznaje na osnovu praktičnog iskustva. Izgleda da je svet mnogo veći od racionalnog uma/ega. Um se ne bavi objektima po sebi, već njihovim formama kakve se pojavljuju svesti. I tu postoji konsenzus. Btw. Ako se promeni stanje svesti i time i percepcija tih hipotetičkih transcendentalnih objekata, ko može da kaže da je ta percepcija manje realna? Po čemu?
U raspravi o odnosu kauzalnosti i slobodne volje zaboravili ste da je jedina neposredna realnost psiha i da sve što spoznajemo predstavlja odraz neopisivog u njoj. Jer kad se oduzmu čulni utisci šta ostaje? S obzirom da psiha obuhvata mnogo više od svesnog racionalnog uma i njegove pentagramske konstrukcije sveta, apsolutni determinizam je nemoguć. Logika funkcioniše gde su prisutni parovi suprotnosti, determinizmu nema mesta u nesvesnom jer je ono po definiciji neodređeno. Kao što um ima korene u nesvesnom, tako su i temelji sveta u neodređenom. Nesvesno & neodređeno = akauzalno. Stvarnost postoji samo u oku uma. Kao što je poznato od prošlovekovne dekonstrukcije materijalizma naovamo, posmatrač činom posmatranja raščlanjuje neodređeno na parove suprotnosti i time definiše svet iz (kvantnog) haosa. Koncept postojanja odvojenog od subjekta nema nikakav smisao, prema tome ni apsolutni determinizam nije moguć. Spavač sanja sebe i zmija jede svoj rep. The world made us we made the world made us we make the world ∞