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Everything posted by Despot!

  1. Ček bre, čitavi delovi su pokradeni iz mog intervjua, ko je ovo objavio? ............bah, evo sad sam video to je neki lik na forumu kao uzeo neke dleove iz mog intervjua pa kao sklopio priču o novom albumu, ok mada je mog'o da me i potpiše
  2. Dobro, u to vreme su svi izgledali nekako tako, mada moguće da su našli neku fotku pa rekoše ajmo i mi ovako. Baš me interesuje to za ''Somewhere''.
  3. Da, jako zanimljivo naročito za te prve covere i za logo. Moglo je tu da bude i ozbiljnijih probelema. Za ''Somewhere'' tu i tamo to je opšta ideja ljudi oko vatre,mada oni zmajevi od DP-a. A, realno, i sami nazivi albuma, i to skorašnjih jesu izvučeni iz konteksta ili smisla drugih naslova.
  4. pa uglavnom pesme koje su bile na singlovima za vreme ''master of the rings' albuma
  5. Slažem s emaksimalno, i mene stvarno zanima kako će sve ispasti na kraju
  6. Da, slažem se ali ima tu i tog epskog detalja, mada si sasvim upravo da vuče na obe pesme koje si pomenuo zato sam ja i nazvao novi album epskom verzijom ''Opere''. Jbg, pokušaj da po malo razumeš i nas nama je to svakodnevni pos'o:) Naravno, slažem se ja sa tobom da ne treba preterivati, ali stvarno je zanimljivo osvrnuti se i na ranija izdanja, na kraju krajeva i sam Marcus i Hansi su tokom intervjua stalno vršili poređenja. Ali, svakako, a iza ove moje konstatacije stojim 100 posto, produkcija je bila jako bitan element na ovom albumu!!!! Das ist scandallosen :)
  7. Mene zapravo War of the Thrones više podseća na Nightfall eru (mada je refren u ''A Twist at the Myth'' fazonu), a ''A Voice in the Dark'', kada bi bila isproducirana u fazonu ''Imaginationsa'' ili ''Somewhere-a'' više bi vukla na ranija izdanja Guardiana. Zapravo, na kraju se uspostavilo da je produkcija glavna stvar koja će odrediti na koji će posebno album povući ''At the Edge of Time''.
  8. to se čekalo od jutros:)
  9. To je sigurno da će biti bolji od predhodnog, pesma i ideje su sjajne, ali produkcija too fluffy realno ovakav snimak zaslužuje produckoju ''Imaginations'' jer je pesma vrlo agresivna! Luca i Alex > Charlie
  10. Evo i semplova za svaku pesmu sa albuma: At the Edge of Time
  11. HELLOWEEEN-master of the Rings 2CD Slip-case (kult!), sad samo još keeper II i Time of the Oath:)
  12. Ovde je prodato nekoliko stvari: ICED EARTH-Framing Armageddon Veliki(debeli:) Digi-pack 700 Din HECATE ENTHRONED-Miasma MCD 250 Din HECATE ENTHRONED-Redimus 400 Din OPHATALAMIA-A Journey in Darkness CD 450 Din TAAKE-Helnorsk Svartmetall Digi-pack (400 Din)
  13. Okreni obrdni ja ću opet imait prilike d aih vidim uživo u roku od manje od dva meseca. jedino što stvarno prilično forsiraju nove pesme kad je reč o live nastupima, mada sviraju i neke stare hitove.
  14. Evo i par sniženja ali ona će važiti samo do petka posle se izadnja vraćaju na stare cene pa ako je neko zainteresovan neka se javi preko PP-a: BELPHEGOR-Bondage Goat Zombie Digi-pack CD/bonus DVD 700 Din ICED EARTH-Framing Armageddon Veliki(debeli:) Digi-pack 700 Din PAIN-Rebirth 450 Din MADDER MORTEM: Where Day and Dream Collide 250 Din HECATE ENTHRONED-Miasma MCD 250 Din HECATE ENTHRONED-Redimus 400 Din OPHATALAMIA-A Journey in Darkness CD 450 Din CHILDRN OF BODOM-Are You Dead Yet? 450 Din TAAKE-Helnorsk Svartmetall Digi-pack (400 Din) BLACK MEDICINE-Fekete Orvossag 300 Din (black metal)
  15. Evo sad nekih zanimljivih informacija. Pošto smo uspeli da se dograbimo malo bolje video opreme u međuvremenu je otvorem i metal Sound youtube channel gde ćete moći da vidite veliki broj TV intervjua. Evo već je prvi i postavljen: Blind Guardian (Hansi Kursch)- Linkovi: Part I: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=LJ6GGUPTRzU Part II: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=QDMefaFwQy0 Za par dana najkasnije nadam se da će ići i drugi.
  16. E, sad ide na redu video-intervjua sa Hansi Kursch-om: Linkovi: Part I: Part II:
  17. Još jedan veliki update stiže uskoro, a u međuvremenu već su dostupni intervjui sa Blind Guardin-om!
  18. Meni je lično ovaj nekako najbolji, mislim najviše odgovara mom ukusu. Samo korice su mogle malo, malo bolje. Nije problem u slici, već više u ideji ''quest zrikavog zmaja''.
  19. Evo, kao što sam juče i obećao, ekspuzivan intervju (u svetskim razmerama:) sa Marcusom Siepenom, gitaristom Guardiana. U ovom intervju Marcus posebno kometariše i objašnjava kako zvuči, svaku pesmu sa novog albuma Guardiana: Blind Guardian Metal Sound Interview
  20. Ja sam se nadao da će do kraja da bude uploadova na našem sajtu intervju sa Marcusom Siepen-om gde on komentariše svaku pesmu, ali nadam se da će do sutra da bud eokačen. A u među vremenu evo šta Marcus kaže o prvom pesmi na albumu: Sacred Worlds: It was the first song that we written for this album. Actually we started to doing it just after the the finishing ‘’A Twist in the Myth’’ tour because we got oportunaty to write the song for the computer game which was ‘’Sacred II’’. So, we wrote that song, back then it was called ‘’Sacred’’. And as I just said it was the first song that we did for the new album, but the version that is at the computer game it didn't have the real orchestra. It has programmed keyboard orchestration. We also like the track and played it live already, and the reaction of the fans was very, very good, but we wanted to do it with the real orchestra for this album. And, finally we have an opportunity to do it with this album. So, this is how ‘’Sacred’’ turned into ‘’Sacred Worlds’’, but little longer. I think if you compare it to the version that was in the game you can catch this difference between this programmed orchestra, which was very good already, and when you hear real orchestra, the difference is so big, and makes so much of difference, and I am glad that we have finally a chance to do something like this and its awesome.
  21. Najkasnije do sutra, amožda i večeras biće objavljen prvi u nizu intervjua koje sam uradio sa Blind Guardianom: Evo extrata jednog pitanja i dogorvora (Hanis Kursch): Intervjui predstavljaju pravi ekspluzivu u svetksim razmerama jer su za sad jedini koji govore o novm albumu. And when we speak about the lyrics written for ’’At the Edge of Time’’ it seems that they're going to be fantasy-based this time. Yes, it's true. It’s very fantasy based and we have stuff inspirited by Michael Moorcock, George Raymond Richard Martin, Robert Jordan... And there is also some historical stuff that I relate to John Milton (9 December 1608 – 8 November 1674; was an English poet, author, polemicist, Puritan and civil servant for the Commonwealth of England. He is best known for his epic poem’’ Paradise Lost’’) and his political sort of speech called ’’The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates’’-that will be the track ’’Curse my Name’’. And I did another one inspired by Milton and that will be ’’Control the Divine’’. That one is about Paradise Lost and it’s telling something about the downfall of Lucifer and the way he tries to motivate the other angels to follow him and the way he justifying his deeds and ideas. He is standings for his motives and there’s a certain logic of what he is doing and I just tried to feature that little stronger. And, there's a stuff inspired by Robert Jordan ’’Wheel of Time’’, it a big issue, and I dedicated two songs to this epic story. There’s ’’Ride into Obsession’’ which can be seen as an introduction to the main characters will be the Dragon Reborn and the Dark Lord Ba'alzamon. It’s gigantic story and once you get in it’s a very impressive tale. And the characters are really strong: the Dragon Reborn and the Dark Lord - they’re not rip-offs. They’re really true characters and I enjoy that while I reading that. ’’Wheel of Time’’ which is my favorite track from the album does have a very oriental feeling. We have for the first time recorded with the orchestra. This one is about ’’Wheel of Time’’ but mainly about the true source of power which controls all male who have that power so there's no chance for a male to become the master of this true source.
  22. Despot!


    ''Since we don’t make over the top statements in magazines, brag about how much we cut ourselves and how depressed we are and don’t have any homosexuals in the band the general public that prefers seeing black metal as a fucking tabloid paper don’t know of us and that is great in my opinion.'' jao ovo je genijalno rečeno, mada u potpunosti je tačno!
  23. aha, nisma znam mislio sam d ai ti imaš ovaj k'o ja digi-book. ne zaista je sjano urađen, malo je veći od regularnih dimenzija. možd aje i koja više strana dodata u bukletu.
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