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Everything posted by Despot!

  1. K'o što rekoh, ono što sam čuo nije loše, fino je osmišljeno (naročito početak sa onim babama:) ali u suštini sve mi se svelo na neku čudnu verziju Nokturnal Mortuma koji je ubrzan i probačen kroz fuziju Finntroll-a. U neku ruku album je i dosta ambijentalan.
  2. ne bi da ti kvarim temu ali...ja sam moje večeras rek'o
  3. Bilo bi lep da mi makar vratiš moj disk Madder Mortem, ako već nećeš da platiš. Čim mi je stigo ja sam ti g aposlao, a ti mi na ovakav nain vraćaš Vidim da mi brišeš postove kad ti ostavim na profilu da nisi platio.
  4. a, to je mnogo kultna kompilacija
  5. Hm, videh ovu knjigu u knjizari juce. Zanimljivo, taman malo da se odmorim od Robin Hobb, jer sam tek sad zavrsio citanje 'Assesion's Quest' pa cu obavezno kupiti i ovu knjigu.
  6. Ja nisam baš oduševljen albumom, lošiji mi je od dva predhodna, mada je opet sasvim ok. Gojko je dobio i ovaj intervju tako da čim ga uradi postovaćemo link ovde
  7. Gojko dobio intervju još samo da ga uradi:)
  8. Mistična izdanja obično više koštaju
  9. Ok, pa mi smo dobili ono prvo self-izdanje kad još nije bio potpisan ugovor sa ovim austrijancima ali, ok ispraviću ja tu zamenu oko izdavačke kuće
  10. Pozdrav ekpi iz benda! Evo recenzije koju je za Metal Sound napisao Vladimir Petković A tu je i link: http://www.metal-sound.net/reviews.php?read=411 Half of this band and main man of Dark Revolution Records are from my neighborhood, so I suppose, I’ll have to be gentle in critic of this album. Just kidding. Well, let’s start with the music. Standard death metal sound in veins of earlier Hypocrisy, Cannibal Corpse and Obituary is surely a unction for the ears. Guys know how to treat instruments and their performance sounds very promising and professional. Honestly, they sound better than some established death metal bands. I hope that they will be noticed by some foreigner metal house, because they sound deserves opportunity outside Serbian boundaries. Production is also very cool, old school based with accent on raging guitars and scream/growl vocals from Alisa and Lazar aka Satan. Lyrics are soaked in social issues, misery, occultism, cause of death and dying, written simple with no complexity of getting the point. Guitar work is brutal and intense with many of stomping and twisting moments. Drumming have interesting moments, with many changes in tempo and breakdowns. Bass is a little bit in the shadow of the other, and it could have been louder in the mix. Highlights of the album are title song, ‘’Rotting Meat Factory’’, ‘’Decomposed’’ and controversial ‘’Globalistic Culture’’, which lyrics can be used for the behavior of metal fans of today also. Cover version of Bolt Thrower’s ‘’Cenotaph’’ is nicely performed, but somehow I feel that even ‘’No Guts No Glory’’ would be cool number for these guys to cover. And now, little bit of critics and complaints. While album is surely excellent piece of work, cover-art is disgrace. I mean, Alisa alone could done 5x times better cover than two guys that worked on this. First of all, cover suffers from anatomical disproportions, and total misunderstanding with the album title. ‘’Dead Inside’’… I mean guy inside the somewhat corpse of a man, looks more alive than dead. And, I don’t know, but where the illustrator saw that human’s ribs are positioned above abdominal muscles? If you don’t know to draw it isn’t embaresing to use documentation for god sakes! Also, usement of digital coloring is epic fail. If this is the work of two ’’artists’’, I can’t imagine how would look like if only one of them have work on it. O tempora, O mores! Anyway, besides that, music, perfomance and concept of this album owns for Serbian death metal standards, and this band can’t pass unnoticed! Support them however you know, these people desreves break-through! Vladimir Petković (8.5)
  11. Nakon letnje pauze, evo jednog povećeg update-a na sajtu za otvaranje ove sezone jesen/zima 2009/10 Posetite sajt: www.metal-sound.net INTERVJUI: ENSIFERUM INMORIA GRAVEWORM POWERWOLF WHITE SKULL REBELLION CONQUEST OF STEEL AHAB SUFFOCATION NADIMAČ PANTHEON I BONE GNAWER RECENZIJE: GRIEVING AGE - In Aloof Lantern, Thy Bequeathed A Wailer Quietus… USYNLIG TUMULT - Voices of the Winds IN GRIEF - Deserted Soul HORNS OF ANGUISH - Barriers ETERNA SCOMUNICA - Whispers of Fall ECTHIRION - Apocalyptic Visions DAGON - Terraphobic CAGE - Science of Annihlation BLOODLINE SEVERED - Visions Revealed ENSIFERUM - From Afar SALTATIO MORTIS - Wer Wind Saet INMORIA - Invisible Wounds LEAVES’ EYES - Njord OLD MAN’S CHILD - Slaves of the World REBELLION - Arise SKYCLAD - In The... All Together GRAVEWORM - Diabolic Figures EX DEO - Romulus VARIOUS ARTISTS - The First Ring Vol.I KRIGAVAR - Same-Demo TO HATE - Diffrent Faces AWAITING FEAR - Dead Inside DAWN OF TEARS - Dark Chamber Litanies PRODIGAL EARTH - ZENITH II ZERO DARKEN - 1 track demo Haunting the Sacred AUDIO KINO - 18 DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA - Sing Along the Songs for the Damned and Delurious JOB FOR A COWBOY - Ruination AS YOU DROWN - Reflections MOLOTOV SOLUTION - The Harbringer GOATWHORE - Carving out the Eyes of God SYRACH - A Dark Burial AHAB - The Divinity of Oceans RAVAGE - The End of Tommorow BRUTAL ATTACK - The Real Attack FINSTERFORST - Zum Tode Hin MICHAEL GRAVES - Illusions Live/Viretta Park RIPPER - The Dead Have Rizen THE IV MIRROR - Under a Black Sun AUTUMN - Altitude LUNATICA - New Shores URNA - Iter Ad Lucem HAND TO HAND - Design the End/Follow the Horizon BONE GNAWER - Feast of Flesh GRAVEYARD - Into the Mausoleum VALKYRJA - The Invocation Of Demise TOTAL HORROR - Total Horror THE FEW AGAINST MANY - Sot THE BLACK - Alongside Death SOUND OF DETESTATION - Sound Of Detestation SANCTIFICATION - Black Reign ROOT - The Temple In The Underworld and Zjeveni RIBSPREADER - Opus Ribcage PESTILENTIAL SHADOWS - In Memoriam, Ill Omen NADIMAC - Drzavni Neprijatelj Broj Kec MY OWN GRAVE - Necrology MEMORY DRIVEN - Relative Obscurity MELTDOWN - The Quietus HEARSE - Single Ticket To Paradise DECAYED - The Black Metal Flame CODE OF LIES - The Age of Disgrace BIBLEBLACK - The Black Swan Epilogue ARS MANIFESTIA - The Red Behind Plus AMON AMARTH izveštaj sa koncerta
  12. pa mogli bi i mi. nešto smo se zajebavali da bi nam to mogao biti prvi koncert za neki inostrani bend.
  13. Sasvim je fin novi alubum. To mi je i među najboljim izdanjima godine Pašće neki original
  14. Ima lepe pantalone, kaže da nas voli
  15. da da taj i ja imam
  16. Despot!


    idemo, radimo:)
  17. Despot!


    +1 nego, stvarno mi nije jasno zašto ne može niako da se uspostavi taj proleti intervju sa Mardukom. Uglavnom, Gojko taj intervju te čeka čim se javiš Mogao bi da vidim nešto i sa Ragnarokom, nisu oni toliko loši, posebno predhodna izdanja
  18. Evo već stigli odgovori na pitanja, brzi su, ali nisu se sad baš nešto pretrgli od odgovora. Biće postavljen za par dana
  19. Ok, poslah pitanja, nadam se da će stići da odgovore premda im turneja uskoro počinje, cirka 10 dana. da, ne bude ko sa Ex Deom i Behemoth-om. A Suffocation odmah odgovorili:) Hval svima na inspiraciji, ja sam moja pitanja ipak malo više fokusirao na novi album i zvuk na njemu, je rima tu prilično zanimljivih momenata. A, na neka pitanja je iskusni Grave već dao odgovor:)
  20. nek se Grave pohvali dobio je da radi intervju sa Secretsom jutros. Kažu, jedva iščekuju njegova mistična pitanja
  21. U sunce ti kakava će ovo jesen biti jedva čekam odmah intervju sa pick-om, odavno se nismo čuli, još od prošlog iron saviora:)
  22. E, pa fino, hvala na inspiraciji i pomoći, svako pitanje koje ste postavili uvrstiću u intervju e samo ostaje da vidimo odgovore. ako imate još koje slobodno napišite jer ne verujem d aću slati pitanja pre 6-7 večeras:)
  23. Za fanove Ensiferuma: Sutra imam intervju sa njima tako da ako neko ima neko dovoljno atkraktivno pitanje nek stavi ovde:)
  24. Ta je pesma baš extra, budi mistične evokacije
  25. spot je vrh, album je i bolji od predhodnog! sviđami se!
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