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Everything posted by Despot!

  1. da, zapravo ona prva pesma nije ni malo loša. nešto se zove karelia vampiria
  2. The Forgotten Tales, kad je izašao, je bio po malo očekivan, jer su u to vreme bili vrlo aktuelni akustični albumi a opet je bio sjajna prilika da se izbegne standarni best of fazon. U svakom slučaju sjajan album (ili kompilacija). Akustiče verzie: Lord of the Rings, Mordred's Song i Bright eyes-sam TOP!
  3. Činimi se da je goxy svojevremeno od mene pazario Satanic Webmaster-ustvari tako smo se i upoznali Pitam se od koga:)
  4. LATEST SOUNDCHECK: ( a krajem sledće nedelje i huge update:) 1. GRAVE DIGGER – Ballads of a Hangman 8,5 2. SIRENIA – The 13the Floor 8,00 3. KREATOR – Hordes of Chaos 7,75 3. SUIDAKRA – Crogacht 7,75 5. ABSU – Absu 7,34 6. ADAGIO – Archangels in Black 7,12 7. ELVENKING – Two Tragic Poets and a Caravan of Weird Figures 7 8. CATTLE DECAPITATION – The Harvest Floor 6,88 9. CANNIBAL CORPSE – Evisceration Plague 6,75 9. NAPALM DEATH – Time Waits for no Slave 6,75 9. TANKARD – Thirst 6,75 12. OBSCURA – Cosmogenesis 6,70 13. DEATHSTARS – Night Electric Night 6,63 14. PARAGON – Screenslaves 6,62 15. BLUT AUS NORD – Memoria Vetusta II 6,5 15. LEGION OF THE DAMNED – Cult of the Dead 6,5 17. SAXON – Into the Labyrinth 6,38 18. DODSFERD – Death set the Beginning of my Journey 6,25 19. IRON FIRE – To the Grave 5,25 20. SEPULTURA – A-lex 3,62
  5. Evo recenzije za HR. Sledeće nedelje će biti postavljena na sajt (pa ću tad jelte staviti i link) no za sad: Heaven Rain - Far and Forever Heaven Rain is new promising young band comeing from Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska/BiH if you prefer it that way. This piece of metal, titled "Far and Forever" is their debut album, and it's for sure that they've gone forever with this one. Style of this band is a mixture of this and that, but can be best described as Melodic/Power/Progressive metal. Thing that was first to grab my attention were the keyboards. If I'm not mistaken, Goran Bistinac, who plays keyboards is also the man who formed this band few years ago. And for sure he knows his job, keyboards on this one are just fantastic, not only in terms of playing skills, but the sound, the tone of it, it was simply the thing that I noticed first and liked the most. Far from it that that is the only good thing. Riffs are fast, a lot of orchestrations, power and progressive influences, change of pace.. simply great. Second thing that stands out are vocals. Done by Bozidar Sevic, they are characteristic, unlike many other's, he dosn't over-sing or strain his voice, here you won't find so much usual high pitched vocals, but his tone, and warmth in his voice makes it quite characteristic, and although it may sound strange at first, soon you will realise how great his voice is, and how good it's tuned with the music. Album dosn't last long, it has several instrumental songs, and you wont find any moment that sounds boring. There is not any point in talking about skills of musicans from this band, it's quite easy to see that thay have high skill and tremendous amount of tallent. If you ask me, the best feature of the band is songwriting, they just know how to make a good song. It's easy to see various influences, from fast power through catchy melodic and prog metal, but far from this being a copycat of other bands work, this album is way above that. There are not some big downsides of this masterpiece, you could say that production can be improved, but when you have in mind from where this band comes from... well if you are not familiar with metal scene in this area, I will just say there aren't many albums that can beat this one when it comes to production. And you have to leave something for the next album as well . To finish it, I will just say that this is certanly one very promising young band, and if everything clicks in a right way, bright future awaits them. One of the best debut albums I heard. Nemanja Vasiljevic 8/10
  6. Pa ajde videću šta se tu može uraditi, sad mi i Grave reče da bi mogao da se poveća font, al' ima tu dosta posla
  7. Despot!


    pa čekaj jel' smo se mi obrazovali iz te kultne literature? Are there any unholy pics?
  8. ne znam meni se taj Dark Fortress nešto ne sviđa, mada upravu je i Josif ni borgir mi nije sad nešto ''extra''-uzeo sam ono izdanje više zbog kolekcije da buem iskren. Dobro, nisam sad ni ja neki fan Borgira. Enthoned i Spiritual su mi super, a ovo sve ostalo pre i posle je dobro al' mi nije neki vrh. U svakom slučaju slažem se sa Graveom Carch Angen ako ovako nastave imaju budućnost, tj. imaju potencijala
  9. Korice su totalnu u nekom happy astralnom tripu. Osećam da će i album biti neki žešći trip, al' u pozitivnom smislu:)
  10. Despot!


    A pa ne može, oću autorska prava na ime benda:) Šalim se, ne zvuči loše slušao sam onomad kad sam nešto nasnimavao u Paradoxu. UnLord Srđan 666 mi pustao neku hitičnu pesmu ala stari Maiden
  11. Jao, jbt taj Dark Fortress to je baš nekako bezveze. ovi su vampiri:) ili tako već nešto:) ovo zvuči k'o anorexia nervosa, umiksovana sa tartaros-om i cradle-om. nije loše. znaju da sviraju što je retkoća u poslednje vreme
  12. Latest Huge Update: www.metal-sound.net INTERVIEWS: Falconer Tragedian Neverdream Natan Synnove Anathema Moonsorrow Bal-Sagoth Falkenbach Darktrhone Jani Stefanovic Edguy Deathstars Catamenia Iskald CARACH ANGREN CD REVIEWS: ADVERSAM - Proclama LOST LEGION - Glory or Death EXCELSIS - Standing Stone KOROG - Mumus PESTNEBEL - Reich Der Schatten REVERSION - King of Deceit SANGUIS - Ascension TRIPSWITCH - Until VERSO - From Wings to Bare Bones HOLY BLOOD - The Patriot ELENIUM - Caught in a Wheel DRAMMAGOTHICA - Ira DELIVERANCE - River Disturbance AZMAVETH - Strong As Death CARACH ANGREN - Lammendam CATAMENIA - VIII - The Time Unchained CRONIAN - Enterprise SATYRICON - The Age Of Nero HELLVETO - Neoheresy ISKALD - Revelations of Reckoning Day TAAKE - Taake TRAGEDIAN - Dreamscape PAIN - Cynic Paradise THYRFING - Hels Vite Habitual Linesteppe DISDAINED - We All Reek HYBRID - THE 8TH PLAGUE TRONUS ABYSS - VUOTO SPAZIO TRIONFO JANVS - Vega BISON B.C. - Quite Earth UNEARTH - The March REVOLTING COCKS - Sexo Olympico KATRA - Beast Within STONEGARD - From Dusk Till dawn SVARTI LOGHIN - Empty World THURISAZ - Scent of a Dream ARTAS - The Healing DWALE - Atropa TRIVIUM - Shogun HOLY MARTYR - Hellenic Warrior Spirit FALCONER - Among Beggars and Thievs BORN FROM PAIN - Survival LANTLỐS - Same INFINITY - Arcane Wisdom of Shadows CAIN DA BREATH - Sanas AXEL RUDI PELL - Tales of the Crown FUNERAL - As the Light Does the Shadow THE RECKONING - Counterblast WULFGAR - With Gods And Legends Unite SUBCONSCIOUS - All Things Are Equal In Death THE AMENTA - n0n PUTRESCENCE - Sledgehammer Holocaust PARAGON BELIAL - Nosferathu Sathanis Ohňa Hlad, Vody Chlad GUILLOTINE - Blood Money GRUESOME STUFF RELISH - Teenage Giallo Grind Horror Rises From The Tomb GRAVE DESECRATOR - Sign Of Doom EVOCATION - Dead Calm Chaos DARKEST HATE WARFRONT - The Aftermath BEFORE THE DAWN - Soundscape Of Silence THE DAY OF THE BEAST - The Day of the Beast DVD REVIEWS: OPETH - The Roundhouse Tapes THERION - Live Gothic LIVE REPORTS: HEIDENFEST TOUR REPORT NOVEMBER 2008 (Festivale Report - Report) HAGGARD & REMEMBER TWILIGHT (SKC - 19.11.2008.)
  13. Za novi album definitivno treba veremna da se prihvati što isto važi i za novu pevaljku. Zapravo new issue je bolji od predhodnika, samo treba da se pažljivo presluša. Uradio sam ponovo intervju sa Morten-om tako da će biti objavljen na našem sajtu al' tek u onom update-u početkom februara. Spot je ektra, bolji je od onih koji su kod nas urađeni, al' mi smeta što delovi stvarno liče na Enslaved. Nova pevačica extra izgleda u istom, pa nije ni čudo što je Morten zapeo da je zadrži bez obzira na njen akcenat. Uglavnom Grob i ja kupujemo originale
  14. Pa i meni se na prvo slušanje učinio drugi boljim, ali objektivno kad se sve sabere bolji je prvi. Prvi ma nekako dosta zanimljivih pesama, a drugi ima par jakih pesama a ostale su baš prosek...npr. Dorian je super, al' između je onaj smor deo i to je nekako upropastilo stvari.
  15. baš sam se danas pitao slušajući isti jel' uopšte postoji tema:) pa prvi album mi je nekako bolji mada je i drugi ok. Ne znam bilo je zanimljivo (tada) 99 kada su uradili album Heaven Denies je bio ultimativni hit. Treba sad da nabavim i digi-pack verziju prvog albuma da vidim da li ima razlike neke sa regularnim izdanjem koje imam još od kad je izašlo. Inače drugi album sam dobio kao extra digi pack u nekom slip-casu i uz njega je išto još jedan CD sa 4 pesme al' ništa posebno da bi izdvojio. E, da i bend je imao par live nastupa-bilo bi fino pogledati:)
  16. Pa to i ja kažem. ta zadnja razvaljuje, sutra ću imati telefonski intervju sa Mortenom pa ću reći šta audencija očekuje od sledećeg snimka. Meni album nije loš, treba mu dati samo šansu, mada definitivno su neke pesme dosadnjikave. Novoj pevačici nešto fali u glasu, malo mi zvuči nesigurno u nekim momentima
  17. Hail cultnom saborcu:)
  18. Despot!


    sjajan spot, mada istina malo liči zbog kadrova na keep, ali ovaj je ipak mnogo bolji
  19. Pa imao sam bar jedan taj original verovatno smo to razgledali kod mene Booklet je bio bas veliki:)
  20. E, fala ti nek tu put bude posut crnim ružama
  21. ne znam nisam baš previše obraćao pažnju na neguru, niti mi se sviđao vazduh, a ondaprimetih da se probijaju i to ubrzano po zapadnim časopisima. ovaj spot je extra, trip do daske, a i pesme je super kao rumunska verzija enslaved-a (u neku ruku)
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