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JD Seven

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Everything posted by JD Seven

  1. Ljudi koliko treba coveku da oslobodi prste i potpuno konrolise njima?
  2. Neznam za IN FLAMES moram jos malo da se naviknem na njih a sta bi radili, koje pesme?
  3. http://rapidshare.de/files/15310347/SexArt..._Retry.mp3.html Ko hoce nek poslusa same pocetke korn-a, pa nek kaze misljenje. Korn still ‘untouchable’ live
  4. JD Seven


    O jedini duse nas sto zivis u tami, Pogledaj danas u duse nase i reci nam da smo za to krivi sami, O jedini duse nas, Reci nam da smo krivim putem isli, Reci nam da smo krivo verovali, Reci nam da smo krivu ljubav voleli, Jedini duse nas reci nam sta treba da znamo, Kako bi to znanje za sebe upotrebili, o jedini duse nas kako bi smo tebi sluzili, Kako bi smo se tebi molili, Na mracna mesta smo bili, Nismo verovali nismo dovoljno gledali, Okaj nase duse duse jedini, Prozraci nas svojom jacinom snage volje, Pokazi ljudima kako te vole, pokazi ljudima da te se ne boje, Daj do znanja onima koji nisu verovali, Daj do znanja onima koji su te se pribojavali, Daj do znanja nama koji smo se molili, U ponak zore duse nas na mom grobu stojim, Cekam tvoj znak da prozacis mene i moju bracu kako bi se ponovo osecali svojim, Neces nas izneveriti duse nas, Jer nikad necu prestati da ti se molim. U secanje:MILICI
  5. ko je ko, meni se od njega svidja alone.
  6. pa daj link
  7. Korn still ‘untouchable’ live
  8. Nek isteruje svoje ako misli da ce nesto time dobiti, neznas da odgovoris pa okolisas...rekao sam da necu da se svadjam zasto potenciras alita
  9. Sta oces bre vise alita ,otkaci se od mene rekao sam ti da me ne uzimas u usta po cemu su to moji postovi losi, molim te reci mi dali si ti napisala neki extra post ovde ali iskren, ja uvek kazem iskreno sve o KoRnu a ne da se pretvaram kao nisam troo fan i tako dalje...sta cim sam poceo da pricam kako je JD ranie bio ok a sada njesra odmah je bilo, aaaa vidi ovog jadnika nevoli right now, twisted transistor , i ostasla sranja prestani da pricas gluposti na moj racun
  10. Postoje ljudi na ovom forumu koji kad kod dodje neko nov trude se da ga smore, kako su oni pametni i ekstra sve znaju u ovom slucaju to je Primeval_JAH_Guardian
  11. vidim deco raspravljate o kornu!!!
  12. Ma forum je prso...ja lepo kazem
  13. LJudi u ponedeljak idem u mitros da uzmem gear... Jedan oratk mi je rekao da je bolje da uzmem bolji procesor umesto osrednjeg pojacala, pak da ce mi to pojacalo sluziti samo kuci...a bolji procesor mogu da nosim i na svirke...a da ce se toboze taj procesor dovoljno dobro cuti na mojim zvucnicima od komp-a 5.1\5000din? Sta da radim dali da ga poslusam? - a za gitaru sam odlucio.
  14. [amour]
  15. da da ailta,kako god ti kazes...
  16. Zasto se ljudi mrze, ljudi se danas odredjuju po tome ako je u necemu extra uspesan ili poseban nema vise da su svi jednaki, nema vise sloge...svet je otisao u kurac. Rodjena majka te nevoli otac ti se alkoholise ispred prodavnice nemas rodjake nemas vise ni prave prijatelje. LJudi se povlace u svoje sobe...gde provode dane gledajucu tv surfujucim netom-virtualnim svetom... ni korn nije ono sto je nekad bio-i on se prodao i svi ostali koji su uvideli da to mogu da urade...sto pre su svoju umetnost i kreativnost dali nekom za novac... da on njom upravlja kako zeli kako hoce i ako to nezna ljubav vise nepostoji ni kao rec, zgazili su je pohlepnici...i ljudi koji neznaju sta je to, pa i nisu to primetili kada je bila pored njih... Sorry for Spam
  17. Ja sam takodje vec rezerviaso karte...ma zbog villea bi isao i bos a recite dodje i London After Midnight
  18. Sta ti alita imas protiv mene, ovaj forum i zato sluzi...da svako kaze svoje misljenje.
  19. ma vazi,
  20. Ivane sta je bilo juce oko 2, prso yumetal?
  21. neslusam in flames,sumnjam da bih mogao da vas pratim...neznam.
  22. Korn is arguably the most influential metal band of its generation, having sold more than 25 million records and spawned hordes of nu metal clones in a dozen years of creating hits. And while "Here to Stay," "Freak on a Leash," "Did My Time" and other songs have gotten plenty of love on MTV and rock radio stations coast to coast, the band's behind-the-scenes drama has done nearly as much to add to its legacy. Here are just a few of the Bakersfield, Calif., outfit's most outrageous moments: _ A grisly obsession Lead singer Jonathan Davis infamously collected serial killer artifacts, notably artwork by Richard Ramirez, John Wayne Gacy's clown suit and the Volkswagen Beetle that carried Ted Bundy through his grisly, 1970s killing spree. "I like bad things," Davis told Revolver magazine. Many of said "bad things" were featured in an exhibit that traveled with Ozzfest in 2003, and Davis _ a former mortician _ even mused about opening his own murder museum. However, he has reportedly gotten over that morbid infatuation and sold much of his collection. _ Know a good accountant? The Korn guys ain't exactly known for being the thrifty in the studio, having infamously run through $4 million recording 2002's "Untouchables" album. Not that the band ran up that massive tab just getting all the overdubs just right. Korn racked up a hefty chunk of the bill during the Phoenix recording sessions buying cars, renting houses, trashing said houses, partying and getting their grub on, according to band members' accounts. When asked about the decadent sessions in 2004, bassist Fieldy Arvizu was hilariously nonchalant with his profane quip about the cost of sushi. Arvizu also claimed his band had run up $35 million in debt to Epic Records, but that manager Jeff Kwatinetz had brokered a clean, debt-free break. (No word yet on Korn's tab at Virgin.) _ Gangsta rapped Speaking of Arvizu, Korn's hip-hop influences were apparently too subdued to satisfy his b-boy aspirations before Epic released "Rock N' Roll Gangster," the debut from gangsta-rap side project Fieldy's Dreams, in 2002. Based on the critical response to "Baby Hugh Hef," "Munky Rage" and other cuts, he was well-advised in sticking to his main grind. "Fieldy puts on a fake voice that sounds like a bad Eminem impression crossed with a bad B Real impression," Bradley Torreano writes for AllMusic.com. _ Korn _ er _ born again At least one of Korn's most unusual moments is kinda wholesome. Guitarist Brian "Head" Welch quit the band last year to pursue his born-again Christian faith. And this is a guy who puts his money where is mouth is; he adopted 212 orphans from India. (It's not as extreme as it sounds; he basically founded an orphanage, called Head Home.) More unusual is his aspiration to save gansta rapper 50 Cent's soul with a song from his forthcoming solo album that he's described to MTV as "a personal letter to 50 from God." _ Just as wild in two-dimension What could be more outrageous than Korn? "South Park," that's what. And it was on Comedy Central's hit show that the Kornsters debuted material from its "Issues" album in 1999. The episode _ a goofy parody of celebrity appearances on the old "Scooby Doo" cartoons _ is as weird as it sounds. And all there is left to say about that is, like, zoiks, man.
  23. lik koji ima kao glavno interesovanje fetish art,etc... :)njegova soba divno mirise i kad izadje iz nje sav budjavi i retardiran umno poremecen svojim perverznim delima koje cini samo kada mu mama nije kuci nabijen kompleksima sto je CORAV nemoze nista bolje da napise.
  24. ko je to bio na kocnertu ti alita?
  25. KORN frontman Jonathan Davis has responded to criticism of the group's references to the "KORN brand" in recent interviews in relation to their new record contract, as well as a recently announced deal with a tour promoter, which allow both companies to participate in much more of KORN's income than just record and ticket sales. In a recent interview with Launch Radio Networks, Davis explained why KORN changed the way they handled their business: "We felt it was time for us to step up and try and do something different. We've always been a band about being different, so we decided to try and do these different kind of deals to become partners with these people. The whole reason we did the whole deal is about, we're thinking about the long term and trying to build the KORN brand, and bring these people on board to help us do that." After a number of KORN fans expressed their concern on the band's official message board that KORN were "selling out" by placing more of a focus on their business dealings and less on their art, Davis came on the board and offered the following response: "All I have to say is we did this deal all for the money — yes, the money. The money we have saved all of you from these old companies that rip you all off. Look at iTunes — gave you four songs and a video for $1.99. Hmmm, name one signed band that can set their own price on the web. We can. We don't charge $80 for a concert ticket when we could if we wanted, and our upcoming summer tour will freak you out how low the ticket prices will be. We did these deals because everyone wins — us, the companies we work with, and all of our fans. So if I call KORN a brand, who the fuck cares? This brand is working very hard to write great music and bring you amazing shows that don't cost you all a shitload of money. "I can't believe the bullshit I read on this thread. We have never thought of you guys as people we should take advantage of, so I'm done venting.
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