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Everything posted by vegeta
Verujem mnogo je teze ugojiti se bez teretane, al ne i nemoguce kakvu si ishranu imao, jesi pio proteine i ta cuda?
jebe mi se za predgrupu nek dodju gardijani
2009.07.08. *SKC, Beograd* C Y N I C
vegeta replied to FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Pitam se kako li ljudi dolaze do SKCa po ovakvom (ne)vremenu ja sam licno hteo da odem da pokupim autograme, al sam odustao -
Jbt onaj Ferrari FFX je OSURIO Gumperta! A i jako je ono za Stig - Sumahera
2009.07.06. *Basta SKC-a, Beograd* Amon Amarth
vegeta replied to LazaGNR's topic in Arhiva koncerata
ima li neko snimke sutki??? -
upravo... ipak je proslo 2 godine jos malo, tada kada ce kao doci ce biti 3 god
objasni??? kao sto se moze videti iz klipa, bend je SAVRSENO odsvirao, al je publika spavala... Lets rule together al kako je reko to ON THE WAAaaAAAL xD i tu se publika uopste ne cuje na onom pam pam para ra ra pam delu opet publika nula xD ovaj retard je cak snimao pesmu lezeci na zemlji... bilo je brdo ljudi koji su samo lezali ili sedeli...
i ja se slazem, Mordred's Song je nezaobilazna!!! Nazalost nisam je cuo kod nas a drugi put je nisu ni svirali ne mogu da jebeno verujem da su u Metal Campu svirali And Then There Was Silence!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
2009.07.06. *Basta SKC-a, Beograd* Amon Amarth
vegeta replied to LazaGNR's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Power - Gardijani - dobra zarada -
evo set liste iz Bugarske: 1.War Of Wrath 2.Time Stands Still (At The Iron Hill) 3.Born In The Mourning Hall 4.NightFall 5.Traveler In Time 6.Turn The Page 7.The Script For My Requiem 8.Sacred 9.Valhalla 10.Imaginations From The Other Side 11.Mirror Mirror Izmedju Imaginationsa i Mirror Mirror je trebao da bude LOTR, al su ga izbacili... Zvuk je bio extra, bend je bio nenadjebiv, hansi je pevao savrseno. Publika je bila blagi uzas... A ovo su svirali u metal campu SUNCE TI!!! Setlist (as far as I remember, without order) War Of Wrath Time Stands Still (At The Iron Hill) Born In The Mourning Hall NightFall The Script for my Requiem Fly Turn The Page Welcome to Dying Valhalla Sacred This Will Never End Blood Tears Bard's Song And then there was Silence Imaginations from the other Side Mirror Mirror definitivno sam trebo na metal camp da idem
2009.07.01-03. *Kavarna, Bugarska* Kaliakra Fest
vegeta replied to METAL Man's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Bilo je extra na ovome, svi bendovi su bili super, sem sto Lauren nisam zeleo da gledam/slusam, a DT me je malo smorio... ja sam u sustini najvise doso zbog Guardian-a, koji su kratko svirali, al vredelo je! Opsirnije na Guardian temi ps. ja sam slikao neke od ovih slika sto je RadOwaR okacio -
2009.07.06. *Basta SKC-a, Beograd* Amon Amarth
vegeta replied to LazaGNR's topic in Arhiva koncerata
POKIDALI SU!!! Set lista je stvatno bila dobra!!! Sutke su bile bas brutalne prve 3-4 pesme, posle se smirile malo... sve u svemu nenadjebiv cert!!! -
koja bre cena karte???
The World Reacts To "Father" The response to "Father" has been phenomenal! The first song released on MANOWAR's new EP "Thunder in the Sky" was recorded in 16 languages and included as a Bonus CD. As soon as the fans heard their respective languages, the mail started pouring in! "Hi, my name is Ayten Karasakal from TURKEY. I am 15 years old. I love your BABA/FATHER song. I love MANOWAR so much. You are the greatest. You'll always carry heavy metal's flag. We want to see you in Turkey! Please, please, please, please, please come to Turkey. Thanks for your Turkish song." "There is no such words, that can express my feelings when I listen to this song in my national language. It was a great idea to record it in so many languages. I think that you gave a feeling of being special to all fans, if not, you gave it to me. Congratulations to Eric for singing in Polish, because it's quite difficult for foreigners to even speak in it. You did very well, Eric! My woman said that she would like to sing this song to her parents on the day of our wedding. I'm sure I'll do it with her cause I sing in band and it would be great to sing it in two voices! hehe... Manowar song on my wedding party. Just thinking about it is making me crazy! HAIL TO YOU ALL!!!" Merin "I want to thank you for amazing show you did Finland at Provinssi rock. I watched a documentation about the song Father on Finnish fan page of Manowar and you talked about the song and how it touches many with its message. The lyrics truly are touching and compelling, I don't know whether you write your songs from your own experiences or not, but the song is really profound. To me this song is important because I'm not that close to my father and the lyrics don't really reflect the relationship between me and my father, but Eric's voice and the sound of this track makes me feel content that I even have a father. I want to say you that your songs touch me deeply and help me carry on." "Hail from Romania! My name is Mihai Popescu , I am 16 years old. You are the truly kings of metal. This song, Father [TATA], WOW it's... like I don't know how to say, but my grandfather has listened to it and he loves this song, and he doesn't listen to metal. He lost his father in WW2. Anyway... you are the first band doing this...and this is absolutely awsome." "Father" is available at all festivals on the "Death to Infidels Tour 2009" recorded in German, Italian, Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Norwegian, Spanish, French, Greek, Turkish, Polish, Japanese, Croatian, Portuguese and Finnish. Along with "Thunder in the Sky" the new EP. It is also available for sale online in high-quality, DMR-free, MP3 format only at The Kingdom Of Steel Online Store. The downloadable version of the EP contains the exact same content as the version on sale during the tour: Thunder In The Sky, God Or Man, Let The Gods Decide, Father, Die With Honor, The Crown And The Ring (2008) and 16 versions of "Father." Watch the "Father" video here. Be sure to share it with yours! Hail and Kill!
sacred odlicno zvuci live!!! jedva cekam da to cujem
Nek me doda svako ko oce da ga tegujem u tim Guardian klipovima... ja sam ih uplodovao
ja bi na last candle ostao bez glasa odlican je pocetak Time Stands Still, iako je realno Into The Storm najbolji ne bunim se sa WoW + TST samo da ne pocnu sa This Will Never End, to mi je nekako za sredinu certa
cert od juce: War of Wrath Time Stands Still (at the Iron Hill) This will Never End Nightfall Traveler in Time Turn the Page Goodbye My Friend Sacred Blood Tears Valhalla Imaginations from the Other Side The Bard's Song Mirror Mirror SVIDJA MI SE SVIDJA!!!
nisam mislio da je lineup sranje sam po sebi, vec je sranje u odnosu na proslih par godina... naravno ne bi se bunio da sam tamo ove god
2009.08.12-16. *Usce, Beograd* Beer Fest
vegeta replied to vampirburnedbythesun's topic in Arhiva koncerata
de je bre neki maiden tribute??? i metallica tribute? sunshine? sreca pa su kelti tu, jedino oni i vrede ovde bice opako -
setliste sa prva 3 koncerta ove "turneje" 1. This will never end 2. Another holy war 3. Fly 4. Punishment Divine 5. Valhalla 6. the Sript for my requiem 7. Nightfall 8. Sacred 9. The quest for tanelorn 10. Mirror mirror 1. Time Stands Still 2. Another Holy War 3. Traveler in Time 4. Turn the Page 5. The Script for my Requiem 6. Sacred 7. Lord of the Rings 8. Punishment Divine 9. Imaginations from the Other Side 10. The Bard’s Song 11. Mirror Mirror - war of wrath (intro) - time stands still - script of my requiem - another holy war - blood tears - punishmed divine - bards song - nightfall - mirror mirror - sacred !!!! - turn the page - this will never end - goodbye my friend - traveler in time - time what is time - lord of the rings - valhalla - imaginations from the other side na zadnjem juce su svirali Blood Tears!!! bas me zanima setlista od veceras iz italije. Sigurno ce biti zanimljiva i u Bugarskoj, gde cu da ih gledam nadam se da cu cuti The quest for tanelorn, Another holy war, time what is time, goodbye my friend, traveler in time. bilo sta od toga da odsviraju i ja sam srecan. za Somewhere far Beyond bi plakao od srece
sbb lokal polako ali sigurno propada... sbb ga polako gasi sa novim paketima
hansi je bog i skroz je nebitno kakvu frizuru ima. al eto reko da okacim slike mozda ce nekom biti zanimljivo ja jedva cekam da ga vidim uzivo
- hansi se osisao