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Everything posted by vegeta

  1. vegeta


    http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y6/logite...bmw_audi_ad.jpg http://www.funnymos.com/funny-pictures/bmw.jpg http://www.funnymos.com/funny-pictures/audi.jpg http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/3236/carsubaru.jpg http://surfryder.files.wordpress.com/2007/01/image8.jpg CARSKI
  2. sa hammerfall svirke delila neka likusa ja prosto ne mogu da verujem da sam ja JEDINI koji je uzeo to
  3. slika sa zadnjeg WCG-a BeerFest 07 BeerFest 08
  4. vegeta


    evo nasao sam ovaj flajer u nekom dzepu, sav je sjeban, i lose se vidi, al bolje ista nego nista... http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/6411/img47531.jpg
  5. evo nasao sam ovaj flajer u nekom dzepu, sav je sjeban, i lose se vidi, al bolje ista nego nista... http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/6411/img47531.jpg
  6. vegeta


    Ovo prosto moram da podelim sa vama. Nisam u skoli bio par meseci (vanredno) i dodjem ja i vidim novi BMW serije 3 E90 335d ili 335i parkiran ispred skole. Prodje par dana, i svaki dan taj bmw tu stoji parkiran. Primetim da je u skolu doso nov nastavnik, 20-25 godina, nabudzen, mrki pogled, indijanac, i sve nesto razmisljam mora da je njegova masina. Odlucim ja da proverim kod psihologa i on mi kaze da je taj bmw od jedne likuse 91vo god koja je sad skoro napunila 18 i kojoj je cale to kupio da vozi, a pritom valjda ni nema dozvolu. Znao sam i pre da je burzujka, cale dolazio po nju u novoj mecki CL ili CLS klase. Ali braaaaateeeeeeeeeeeee...
  7. mogu da se opkladim da bi neko ko trenira kik boks ili muay thai 2-3 godine a nema vise od 80 kila salomio nekog bildera koji trenira 10 godina, ima 120 kila i dize 160... bilderi su jako spori i bez kondicije, sto je go kurac!
  8. vudu@ koja je poenta izgledati snazno ako nisi snazan? to je cisto pozerisanje...
  9. Satane Feniks ti je objasnio za mene Dzabe ti je pumpanje u teretani kad ne dobijes pravu snagu i izdrzljivost od toga Zato bacite se na vezbe telom i trcanje,plivanje,bajs.To su prave fizicke aktivnosti...
  10. vegeta


    More Bands Announced For Magic Circle Festival III The Magic Circle Festival, soon to be dubbed the united nations of metal, has just released the line-up of hard rocking, ass kicking bands ready to unleash their mega wattage on the Loreley in July!! Magic Circle Festival III, scheduled for July 18, 2009 at the Loreley on the Rhine River in Germany, is shaping up to be the ultimate metal experience of the year. Bands scheduled to appear are Crystal Viper from Poland, Ulytau from Kazakhstan, Jack Starr's Burning Starr from the USA, Van Canto from Germany, Metalforce from Germany, Domain from Germany and headliners, MANOWAR with special guests HolyHell from the USA. Guaranteed to be a unique event, with many firsts, the festival will debut the collaboration of MANOWAR and Wolfgang Hohlbein, Germany's bestselling fantasy author AND new music from MANOWAR, HolyHell and Jack Starr from new releases scheduled for 2009! That is just the beginning! Stay tuned for more details as they develop. This festival is metal history in the making, a FANtasy come to life!! So don't miss it! Tickets are now available online at www.magiccirclefestival.com
  11. od teretane neces postati super
  12. ti si super
  13. mogo bi to da okacis na imageshack za one koji nemaju SHITBOOK
  14. teretana je sranje, bacite se na vezbe telom http://www.hundredpushups.com/index.html http://www.twohundredsitups.com/index.html http://www.twohundredsquats.com/index.html http://twentypullups.com/node/1
  15. vegeta


    MANOWAR Launches The Ultimate Fan Contest! Prove how FANtastic you are! Hail Brothers and Sisters of Steel! This is your chance to prove that YOU are the ULTIMATE MANOWAR FAN! We want to reward the best of the best with a Grand Prize of 2 Ultimate Fan Packages for Magic Circle Festival III on July 18, 2009 at the Loreley on the Rhine River in Germany!!! It's a MANOWARD (MANOWAR Award) worth over 700 Euros for... THE ULTIMATE MANOWAR FAN!! Submit proof of your dedication and devotion to the band that loves its fans! Express the reasons why you are the Ultimate Fan via a written essay, photos, video footage, or any media that can be sent via email. In your own words... Tell us your story! Show us your photos! Or... get up close and personal... Show us YOU on video! Any way you choose... JUST DON'T CHOOSE TO LOSE! Send your entries now! Lots of prizes available to win in addition to the Grand Prize. For more information and instructions on how to enter, click on the Ultimate Fan Contest at www.magiccirclefestival.com Deadline for submission is May 25, 2009 by Midnight, Central European Time. Winners will be announced on June 1, 2009.
  16. kod nas na Arch Enemy bi doslo 500-600 ljudi provereno, a mozda i vise... bilo bi extra dovesti ih, iako bi vise voleo da vidim neke druge bendove tipa gardijani, ensiferum,gamma ray,kreator,kamelot,Slayer...
  17. vegeta


    JEBIGA BRATE ZNA SE KO JE BRZI :rockdevil: :rockdevil:
  18. hansi je bog, tako da ne moze da se uporedjuje sa ostalim mortal pevacima
  19. vegeta


    MANOWAR makes metal history again! MANOWAR fans! Another kickass first from the Kings Of Metal! Striving to please the best fans in the world, MANOWAR continues to make history with innovative ways for warriors from all corners of the globe to enjoy metal at its finest! MANOWAR is currently recording a song from their new album in 15 (and counting...) different languages!! Never before has this been attempted by any heavy metal band!! Stay tuned for video clips of each version as they are recorded with an indepth look at Eric Adams' odyssey into the world of multi-lingual vocals! This song in its entirety will debut, along with new tracks from the forthcoming album, at Magic Circle Festival III on Saturday, July 18, 2009 at the Loreley on the Rhine River in Germany. Don't miss the chance to be part of metal history!! Get your tickets now, before its too late!! www.magiccirclefestival.com Kazakhstan Joins The Legions Of The Faithful At The Magic Circle Festival The MANOWAR manifesto is all about bringing the world of metal together and keeping the spirit of heavy metal alive. Hail Kings of Metal! The Magic Circle Festival became a means to achieve this goal. First it was the legions of faithful fans that trekked from all corners of the globe in a pilgrimage to gather with their metal family. Then bands from every nation gravitated to the Magic Circle to share their passion for metal with the fans. MANOWAR has shared the Magic Circle stage with performers from all over the planet. Flags from every land have flown over the festival grounds transforming it into the United Nations of Metal! However, for the first time ever, on July 18, 2009 at the Loreley on the Rhine River in Germany, MANOWAR will welcome the country of Kazakhstan to join all nations united in the spirit of metal at the Magic Circle Festival. ULYTAU, a Kazakh group known for its metal based and folk influenced innovative style, are a unique addition to the line-up. They are well-known in the largest land-locked country on earth and have an international following that includes celebrities like Steven Seagal. The actor joined the band onstage during a recent gig and surprised the audience with some mad guitar skills. We can't guarantee that they'll bring Seagal along, but ULYTAU will astound attendees at MCF III nonetheless! No doubt they are sure to receive a warm warriors' welcome from the Brothers and Sisters of Steel. Other nations united in the spirit of metal for this year's festival are Crystal Viper from Poland, Metalforce from Germany, as well as headliners MANOWAR and HolyHell from the USA. More announcements will be made as details are confirmed. So, get your passport to the world of metal madness via a ticket for only 75 Euros! Now available online at www.magiccirclefestival.com
  20. ko zeli da vidi sta je sutka nek dodje na beer fest sto se tice mede, on je bio po celoj sali na helloweenu, narocito posle incidenta. mnogi su ga tada zapamtili, mnogi ga znaju od pre, sa Naplam-a i ostalih svirki... @Kriki jebem ih u usta, uzese sve dobre nagrade, ostala samo ova bez original diska
  21. lol bre
  22. da da a u pismenom opisujem kako sam nasao holi grejl salu na stranu, kakve su ovo glasine za Blind Guardian Fest 2009te?? kontam da lupaju gluposti, al reko da proverim
  23. ladno sam u skoli pisao sastav o gardijanima na temu "iz mog ugla"
  24. citam sad neko kaze da je Joacim Cans imao 2 operacije? kada, zasto, i zaaaasto??
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