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Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by vegeta

  1. mozda svratim, cisto da vidim taj live action
  2. jebes teretanu, vezbe telom su zakon
  3. vegeta


    prosto se zapitas dal ce da ti uvale neku krntiju za te pare
  4. vegeta


    ja sam vecito bio u tripu da je jaguar jedan od najskupljih marki... kad ono prodaju se opusteno za 10 000e v6 motorcina puna oprema and shit
  5. vegeta


    http://www.polovniautomobili.com/auto_ogla...RO_POGON/121116 uopste nisam bio svestan da se jaguari prodaju tako jeftino... iako ne izgledaju nesto, mislim da se jako isplati ne mora taj 3.0 motor, ima jeftinih i sa 2.0 i to dizel!
  6. vegeta


    tutanj bre
  7. vegeta


    sto ne valja? covek je mislio da mozes da ga registrujes na invalida preko neke veze il sta ja znam pa da ne placas citava bogatstva za registracije... sigurno nece invalid da ga vozi
  8. vegeta


    ubrzanje 5.5 sec http://www.polovniautomobili.com/auto_ogla...e/928_gt/100845 OMFG 5000 kubika kolko kosta registracija za to
  9. vegeta


    http://www.polovniautomobili.com/auto_ogla...0_ZX_z32/114750 NUFF SAID
  10. vegeta


    auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu kolko ces da budes banovan tek si doso, a vec odlazis
  11. vegeta


    ja sam na auto oglasima vidjao bmw m3 m5 od 7 do 10 iljada evrica a godiste 95-2000 pa ti vidi. a da ne pricam tek o auto pijaci. ne treba da gledas samo cenu, i potrosnja je vazna, onda u kakvom je stanju vozilo, kolko ces jos morati da puknes da bi ga doveo u red... inace ispred moje zgrade je bio parkiran jedan nissan 300z(x)ili Z32 1991vo godiste sa dva turbo chardzera i oko 300hp... ubrzanje od 0-60mph je sumanitih 5s! i lik ga je prodavao za 7500evra... sad stoji parkiran ispred susedne zgrade xD
  12. vegeta


    nek pogodi neko koji je ovo auto NUFF SAID
  13. vegeta


    sta je to bilo sa nanowarom, jel odrzan, il ga je laza otkazao
  14. aje i ja da se prikljucim kwltu tribjut to KAPPA TRENERKE kwlt!!!
  15. HAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH BRE ne mogu da verujem pa ovaj forum se pretvara u 4chan MAJKE MI!!!! TITS OR GTFO
  16. koja je fora ovde? jel moonspell predgrupa cofu il obrnuto? zasto moonspell ima 2x duzu setlistu od cofa?? i zna li se sta svira turisas?
  17. vegeta


    a koja je fora ove godine? nisu nista naveli... prosle su svirali prvih 6 albuma, pre te su svirali 2 dana za redom, mora i ove da bude neka caka
  18. vegeta


    Magic Circle Festival Lured to New Venue As Siren Calls All Metal Warriors - "They can't stop us, let them try, for heavy metal come to Loreley in July!" Feeding on a steady diet of lightning bolts and thunder, MANOWAR is ready to unleash that energy on the next Magic Circle Festival! Saturday, July 18, 2009 is the date for history to be made when metal meets the myth, the magic and the legend of the Loreley. High above the most treacherous part of Germany's Rhine River, MANOWAR stands prepared to awaken the wrath of the siren with heavy metal allies HolyHell, Metalforce and others yet to be announced as well as a very special guest appearance by a legend in his own time, Germanys most famous fantasy author Wolfgang Hohlbein. This year, the siren's voice will ring with the power of heavy metal, calling all metal warriors to join in MANOWAR's battle to keep the spirit of heavy metal alive. With festivities starting on the afternoon of July 16 MANOWAR will reward its warriors with the best Germany has to offer when it comes to beauty, romance, danger, history and legends of epic proportions... and we're just talking about the grid coordinates surrounding the venue! Pre-sale tickets for die-hard fans only are available now for 75 EUROS and will be available soon through regular outlets, but before that MANOWAR has compiled a new Ultimate Fan package for 2009 Magic Circle Festival so irresistible that it will be offered for a limited time and limited quantity as pre-sale only available at http://www.magiccirclefestival.com/ In their never ending quest MANOWAR again bring the ultimate metal experience to their fans. The Magic Circle Festival III ULTIMATE FAN PACKAGE! For those who are thirsting to drink from the pool of molten metal filled by the blood, sweat and tears of MANOWAR's efforts on behalf of its fans... then PROST! Your cup runneth over with the Magic Circle Festival III Ultimate Fan Package... ON SALE NOW EXCLUSIVELY... for a limited time only! Each Fan Package includes: 1. Ultimate Fan Festival Ticket complete with laminate and lanyard. 2. Designated Ultimate Fan Seating for this year's most unforgettable metal concert! 3. Meet and Greet / Autograph Session with MANOWAR, HolyHell, Metalforce, Wolfgang Holbein and others! 4. Mr. Metal's Ultimate Fan BBQ. 5. Backstage Area Tour: includes ONSTAGE experience during sound check, your picture taken onstage by MANOWARs official photographer and printed as a poster. Wow! 6. Magic Circle Festival III T-Shirt. 7. Festival Parking Pass. 8. Access to Ultimate Fan Campground. Priceless for any metal fan... but for MANOWAR's Ultimate Fans... Only 350 Euros. Available for a limited time and quantity only! Exclusively at http://www.magiccirclefestival.com/ For the more ticket information, full festival program, line up and more details check on http://www.magiccirclefestival.com/ JEBASE MU KEVU sa ovim ultimate kartama xD mnogo para
  19. pa kako da ne obozaavamo? to ti dodje ko majesty od gardijana :rockdevil:
  20. vegeta


    evo prince vam je objasnio lepo
  21. Forgotten Tales je odlicna kompilacija, extra mi prijaju te akusticne i orkestarske verzije, a i obrade su vrhunske!
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