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Everything posted by vegeta

  1. amen to that :pivopije:
  2. vegeta


    On Dec 20, 2007 1:12 AM, Magic Circle Music <[email protected]> wrote: www.magiccirclemusic.com Wednesday, December 19, 2007 On this edition: - MANOWAR Records Their First Ever Christmas Song! - New items available at The Kingdom Of Steel online store - Start The Holidays With A Bang! - New Feature Added To The Kingdom Of Steel Online Store - Majesty announces December 29th concert in Germany MANOWAR Records Their First Ever Christmas Song! Visit MANOWAR.COM now to download a FREE mp3 of the Kings of Metal's first Christmas recording ever. MANOWAR recorded both German and English versions of "Stille Nacht" - known to English speaking fans as the classic Christmas carol "Silent Night" - as a holiday gift to all of their loyal fans, the greatest fans in the world. The song was recorded in "Hell" and mixed by Ronald Prent of Galaxy Studios, Belgium. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of the true metal warriors from MANOWAR! To download both English and German Hi-Fi mp3 versions, please visit http://www.manowar.com/ New items available at The Kingdom Of Steel online store Some of the items you've been asking for are just in from Europe! These new items are available for purchase at The Kingdom Of Steel online store now! Manowar Condom "Warrior's Shield" Natural Manowar Patch Backpatch Gods Of War Manowar Bandanna Sign Of The Hammer Manowar Patch Sign Of The Hammer Manowar Patch Gods Of War Black Manowar Patch Sister Of Steel Black Manowar Shirt T-Shirt King Of Kings Black Manowar Shirt T-Shirt Gods Of War Black Manowar Mini Truck King Of Kings Manowar Towel Sign Of The Hammer Red/Black Manowar Lanyard w/Bottle Opener Manowar Logo White/Black Gift wrapping is also available for select products! Visit The Kingdom Of Steel Online Store at http://store.magiccirclemusic.com/ Start The Holidays With A Bang! MANOWAR fans have requested a special piece of merchandise from their favorite metal band. MANOWAR has heard these requests and delivered. The new MANOWAR condoms are the perfect romantic accessory for all true metal couples. Whether you are looking to spice things up in the bedroom or meet somebody new after the show, MANOWAR condoms will do the trick. Now, you are ready for any chance meetings that turn into unexpected friendships. This special "Warrior's Shield" is made of 100% natural rubber latex and transparent in color. All condoms are FDA approved against pregnancy, AIDS and other STD's. Expiration date, lot numbers and health advisories printed on the back of each condom. The "Warrior's Shield" is individually packaged with the white MANOWAR logo emblazoned on the package. The "Warrior's Shield" is sold five (5) condoms per bag. MANOWAR condoms now available at The Kingdom Of Steel Online Store, just in time for the holidays! Now you can not only say Fuck The World, you can do it as well. Visit The Kingdom Of Steel Online Store at http://store.magiccirclemusic.com/ New Feature Added To The Kingdom Of Steel Online Store Just in time for the holidays, The Kingdom Of Steel Online Store and Magic Circle Music will be offering Gift Certificates which can be used to purchase merchandise at The Kingdom Of Steel Online Store. Holiday shopping has never been simpler! Head over to The Kingdom Of Steel Online Store now to check out a full selection of products from our artists, including MANOWAR, Rhapsody of Fire, HolyHell, David Shankle Group and many more. Please visit http://store.magiccirclemusic.com/ Majesty announces December 29th concert in Germany Majesty will play at the Community Hall (97922 Lauda - Unterbalbach, Germany) on the 29th of December 2007. Tarek adds: "It will be a fantastic show. We will play an extra long set which will surely not disapoint any fan. In addition, we will announce some great news on stage. I can already say, that it will be an unforgettable night which we want to celebrate with our metalbrothers and sisters!" Furthermore the band announced that they will also play songs from Tarek "MS" Maghary's DAWNRIDER. On that occasion some guest singers will join the band on stage. Get your tickets for that exclusive event right now at http://www.majesty-metal.de/ -------------------------------------- To Unsubscribe, please click here.
  3. tokio hotel jeste blagi uuzas al boli me kurac i da dovode rihanu JEBENI ENSIFERUM!!! yeah
  4. vegeta


    www.magiccirclemusic.com Monday, December 3, 2007 On this edition: - New payment methods for Magic Circle Festival 2008 tickets New payment methods for Magic Circle Festival 2008 tickets In order to better serve the fans, The Kingdom Of Steel will start offering tomorrow (Tuesday, December 4th) two additional methods of payment for Magic Circle Festival 2008 tickets: Direct Bank Transfer and Cash On Delivery (COD). Payments via major Credit Cards and PayPal are already available. And remember, if you purchase a ticket to the Magic Circle Festival before December 31st 2007 you will receive not only a FREE newly designed Magic Circle Festival t-shirt, but will also receive a copy of the new ‘Magic Circle Festival Volume 1’ Double DVD FREE! Click HERE to buy.
  5. to stoji, al ipak brate gde je Searching For Ufos pa ako to nije himna onda neznam sta je xD i jos da nista ne puste sa Dancing Galaxyja a secam se prosle god su pustil.
  6. Bolje je bilo prosle god!!! Dosao sam oko 12 i cekao sam 3 sata da krene Astral! Cepali su jako kratko, do 5-5 i 15... ozvucenje je bilo lose, nisam neke pesme mogao da prepoznam ljudski. i velika zamerka sto nisu pustali Enlightened Evolution, Searching For UFO i bilo sta sa Dancing Galaxyja! svaka cast za mahadevu, people can fly i let there be light! otprilike da sam se samo uz te tri pesme uziveo. ove ostale su me smorilie posto ih i neznam tolko dobro a i nisam ljudski mogao da ih prepoznam. covek pomenu da je bio pusten Kabalah, al ja nisam bio izvalio... inace secam se prosle god da su poceli oko 1, trajali do 5 i pustili brdo dobrih stvari! a i ozvucenje je bilo extra tada! I VELIKI MINUS ZATO STO STE DIGLI CENU KARTE SA 650 NA 1000 DIN!!!
  7. JOOOOJ Astral Projection VECERAS! bice zakon!!!
  8. vegeta


    ma Lemmy je debilcina...
  9. mogu ti reci da si potpuno upravu
  10. jbg bolji je valley of the kings bolje smo mi prosli... sta su jos tamo svirali sto nisu ovdi? daj set listu!
  11. a gde si iskopao taj dnevnik? na myspaceu?
  12. upravu je covek, ima ljudi koji bi stvarno dali bilo sta za snimak
  13. vegeta


    www.magiccirclemusic.com Wednesday, November 21, 2007 On this edition: - New times for upcoming MANOWAR signing sessions in Stuttgart and in Berlin - Top selling South African metal band K.O.B.U.S. confirmed for Magic Circle Festival 2008 New times for upcoming MANOWAR signing sessions in Stuttgart and in Berlin Please note that the starting times for the MANOWAR signing sessions in Stuttgart and in Berlin have changed. The new times are as follows: Saturday, November 24, 2007 From 17:00 to 19:00 Saturn (signing session) Tauentzienstrasse 9 10789 Berlin Monday, November 26, 2007 From 18:00 to 20:00 Saturn (signing session) Königsstrasse 26 70173 Stuttgart For more information on the "True Metal Dealer Tour" (which includes 2 FREE MANOWAR performances in Hamburg!) please visit www.magiccirclemusic.com or www.manowar.com Top selling South African metal band K.O.B.U.S. confirmed for Magic Circle Festival 2008 K.O.B.U.S., the first band ever to relate the power of metal in their native Afrikaans language, was formed in 2000 and quickly garnered a rabid following as they bludgeoned the complacent local audience with their bombastic, border shifting compositions. Their latest offering, titled SwaarMetaal (Heavy Metal) has been released to critical acclaim in both their homeland as well as internationally. Check them out: www.myspace.com/swaarmetaal www.kobusmusic.com
  14. mojne da lupas, snimak je cist dokaz da se gamma ray mnogo bolje cuo i da je Kai razvalio i pokazao kako to treba da izgleda...
  15. skinuo sam hvala ti mnogo! mada zvuk nije nesto, a i previse se cuje prica publike u pozadini(prica ne pevanje) ali ipak svaka ti cast!!! jel ima neko snimak ili audio samo Heaven Can Wait od Gamma Raya??? ps nisam mogao da editujem prosli post
  16. evo ovo su svi klipovi na tubu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_70xgEIb9qc - Future World http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARfpdTiDTGY - A Tale That Wasn't Righ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijGiSc9DUpk - Paint a new world http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsclGW6JlnY - Heavy Metal Universe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blYy3fG6bMQ - Rebellion in Dreamland http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP8bMqv601w - Sole Survivor
  17. ma jebala vas rihana + sto je ruzna + sto je glupa + sto nezna da peva + sto je retard... vec me brdo ljudi pitalo da idem da je gledam a ja sam im se samo smejao u facu xD kacite jos snimaka ja skidam ovo sve Stratowar kaci te na rapidshare il jos bolje megaupload
  18. sranje, ne mogu da vidim ovo nisam regovan...
  19. furija kaci slobodno sve sto imas kolko god da je veliko... "Btw. zna li neko zašto je zabranjeno da gledamo one snimke iz Beograda što je neko postavio na YouTube-u?" koje snimke?
  20. vegeta


    aaaaaaaa ladno! koji su carevi! otiso bi da nemam trenutno problema sa skolom
  21. kacite sta god mozete od Gamma Ray-a bio bi vam vecito zahvalan! Ja sam tamo video da svaki 10ti ljudov drzi digitalac i snima, znaci mora da ima mnooogo snimaka zato nemojte biti skrti nego ih podelite sa svima
  22. hahahahah kakva slika uzas.... sto ste ovo morali da kacite da me podsecate na tu masnu facu Frubi666@ sta ja znam mozda je dobar lik ovako kad je trezan, al kad se napije je mnogo gadan... pogledaj samo sliku kako smara ovog tipa... elem, meni je Gamma Ray mnogo bolji i drazi od Helloweena, ipak je tu Kai Hensen... ipak je on napravio Helloween onim sto je danas... sa tih 4 albuma a sto se tice Blind Guardiana, jeste da imaju bolje pesme, barem 5-6 pesmi koje cak ni GR nemoze da prevazidje! meni je na Guardianima bilo bolje nego juce zato sto je publika bila mnogo zivlja. mada nisam bio na celom certu
  23. ma da, jebes medu... BILO JE ZAKON! jedva cekam da ih vidim opet, bilo gde! KAI je olicenje boga na zemlji... to svi znaju
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