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Dr Alex

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Everything posted by Dr Alex

  1. Od gore ka dole: Acid Mothers Temple & The Cosmic Inferno - Doobie Wonderland cd (Psychedelic Rock) Viodre - Interpol Alchemi cd (cut-ups / harsh noise) Merzbow & KK Null - Deus Irae cd (noise rock / experimental) Merzbow / Kim Cascone - Rondo / 7Phases / Blowback cd (noise) Bunkur - Bludgeon cd (experimental doom) Sky Burial - Threnody For Collapsing Suns cd (dark ambient) K2 - Audio Pathology Archives Vol.7: The Gastric Tumors cdr (noise) K2 - Audio Pathology Archives Vol.8: The Colonic Tumors cdr (noise) Killing Joke - The Singles Collection 1979-2012 3xcd (post-punk / industrial) Killing Joke - Extremities, Dirt & Various Repressed Emotions cd + dualdisc (industrial) Dissecting Table - Rancid Smell cd (noise) Dissecting Table - El Dorado Of Asvabhava cd (noise) Maurizio Bianchi + Pharmakustik - Metaplasie (experimental) MB - Teban Slide Art 3xcd (experimental industrial) Merzbow - Hummingbird 7" (noise) V. A. - Alliance - United In Death cd (power electronics) Cannibal Ritual - Nudo E Selvaggio cdr (harsh noise wall) Phurpa - Mantras Of Bön cd (ritual dark ambient) Aquavoice - Nocturne cd (dark ambient) Tundra - Tajnie I Głębie cd (dark ambient / drone) V. A. - Sound Around cd (experimental) Dead Body Love - 10 Luglio 1976 tape (harsh noise) The Dead Mauriacs - Are You Here? tape (experimental) Francisco López - Lysiosquilla / Gaussia tape (experimental) J.Adolphe collage zine (amazing porn photos with weird reworks and some words) The Dead Mauriacs - A Visit To Providence In Two Parts And Forty Steps tape (experimental) Pietro Riparbelli & Alessio Ballerini - Becoming Sound tape (experimental ambient)
  2. Azal owns!
  3. Vraca se u ponudu zato sto se Blagoje ne javlja.
  4. Jos jedan bend sa govnjivim imenom.
  5. Od gore ka dole: Atrax Morgue - Mechanic Asphiyxia LP (power electronics) Atrax Morgue - Pathogenesis # One 7" (power electronics) Hum Of The Druid / Fire In The Head - Split LP (noise / power electronics) Bereft / Fire In The Head ‎– MA/PE/FU Volume I LP (power electronics) Aube + M.B. - Junkyo cd (experimental industrial) Sky Burial - Kiehtan cd (dark ambient) Fire In The Head / Brighter Than A Thousand Suns Messenger Service - Here, Hill, Hell cdr (power electronics / noise) Fire In The Head - A History Of Obsession cd (power electronics / death industrial) Fire In The Head - Solace Through Psychosis cdr (power electronics) Maurizio Bianchi Meets Roadside Picnic - Dictatorship Of Dead Labour cd (experimental industrial) Vomir - Recouvre La Merde (En Trois Mouvements) cd (harsh noise wall) Current 93 - Black Ships Ate The Sky cd (neofolk) Current 93 - Halo cd (neofolk)
  6. Dr Alex


    Album godine!! Slusati iskljucivo glasno do iznemoglosti!! Eto zasto sam ja uvek vise voleo Earth nego Sunn O))).
  7. Dobro si me podsetio da slikam svoju Katatonia kolekciju.
  8. Dr Alex


    Jebote! Odlican album!! Konacno su vratili distorziju. Sad mogu da se nadam da ce svirati ceo "Extra-Capsular Extraction".
  9. Jack Frost @ Summer Breeze Skepticism @ St Giles In The Fields Church, London
  10. Nije ovo Sunn O))) ali je odlicno! Bolje nego ona baljezgarija sa Ulver-om.
  11. hahaha Nista ne rasparcavam. Za tebe su sacuvani drugi diskovi [jewel case version].
  12. Nista posebno. Meni je "Memories In Widescreen" i dalje najbolji. Preporuka: https://mesektet.bandcamp.com/releases Odlicna dark ambient inspirisan drevnim Egipton. Totalno klaustofobican drone soundscape!
  13. Od gore ka dole: Taint - Dau ghter: Victimology 2 cd in plastic bag with blood stained panties (power electronics / noise) Urfaust - Die Erste Levitation 7" (black metal) Mesektet - Towards A Bleak Sun cd (dark ambient) Urfaust - Geist Ist Teufel cd (black metal) Urfaust - Trúbadóirí Ólta An Diabhail cd (black metal) Comatose Vigil - Fuimus, Non Sumus cd (funeral doom) Dread Sovereign - All Hell's Martyrs cd (doom) The Devils Blood - I'll Be Your Ghost cd (occult rock) Vasilisk - Live Blood cd (industrial) Mistress Of The Dead - Henriette's Message From The Other Shore cd (funeral doom) Jason Crumer - Let There Be Crumer cd (experimental noise) Merzbow - Scene cd (noise) Sehnsucht - Wüste cd (experimental industrial) Longind For Dawn - A Treacherous Ascension cd (funeral doom) Trepaneringsritualen - Perfection & Permanence cd (industrial) Bad Sector & Astro - Idioblast cd (experimental dark ambient) Atavist / Nadja - II: Points At Infinity cd (drone) Cloama + Blutleuchte - Cloama + Blutleuchte cd (experimental industrial / ambient) IAM. - Bol cd (dark ambient) Nadja / Black Boned Angel - Nadja / Black Boned Angel cd (drone)
  14. Rezervisano.
  15. Prodajem: Urfaust - Der Freiwillige Bettler cd Urfaust - Ritual Music For The True Clochard cd Urfaust - Drei Rituale Jenseits Des Kosmos cd Sva tri diska su nova (mint) Cena je 12 eura po komadu. Ko kupi sva tri dobice Urfaust vinil nalepnicu.
  16. Od gore ka dole: Bizarre Uproar - Triumph 2xtape (power electronics) Umpio - Karu IV cdr (harsh noise) Moljebka Pvlse - Sadalsuud cd (dark ambient) Earth - 2 cd (drone) Narrow House - Thanathonaut cd (atmo-death doom) Sequoian Aequison - Onomatopoeia cd (post-metal / doom) The Morningside - Letters From The Empty Towns cd (melodic death doom) Doomed - Our Ruin Silhouettes cd (death doom) Luna - Ashes To Ashes cd (funeral doom) DOOM:VS - Earthless cd (death/funeral doom) Стены Льда - Белое безмолвие cd (post-metal) Monolithe - IV cd (funeral doom)
  17. Da li neko ima prvih 10 sezona Simpsonovih sa prevodima? ...ili gde mogu da skinem?
  18. Ovi Below su mi [subjektivno receno] dosadni. Od bendova koje sam pomenuo jedino volim stari Candlemass, ovi ostali su mi 50/50, a Solitude Aeturnus nikada nisam voleo zbog prog momenata. Istina da ima pun kurac EW dosadnih klo[v]nova. Jedino su Moss uradili nesto dobro na tu temu sa zadnjim albumom.
  19. Da li neko moze da mi posalje invite za cinemageddon? Imao sam account a terrabajtima uploada i izbrisali ga zato sto nisam bio aktivan 90 dana.
  20. +1 I Church Of Misery su promenili omote na reizdanjima. Mnogo bolje izgleda John Wayne Gacy na "Master Of Brutality" omotu nego Black Sabbath rip-off.
  21. Moram da pazarim i ostale. Ova dva albuma sam uzeo direktno od benda kad su svirali u Becu.
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