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Dr Alex

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Everything posted by Dr Alex

  1. Candlemass - Mourner's Lament Let me stay here by your side be one with you my precious child Let me cover your bed with tears I will save you from all fears I burn the candles for your soul I sing you prayers as the preacher told I bring you flowers, I dress in black though I know this cannot give you back I sleep by your shadow remembering your light In my heart I'm with you every night Far goes your journey into the unknown wherever you might be be well my son [1st Time: you are my son] Why just you my flesh and blood I cannot live nor understand my dearest treasure to be found six feet under in sacred ground Watch me bleed you lucky ones I envy you your living sons I'll give mine the strength of my faithful breath I will mourn him to my death -------------------------------------------------------- Canaan - The pain sentinel All I was then was a pouring rain All I am now is a dirty stain the light traces of your last steps have blinded my poor soaring eyes All I was then was a raging fire All I am now is a smoking pyre the far traces of your last steps have guided my straight winding path If I cried now would you come by and take me back to my own true life But I need your pain to see me through If I cried now would you let me go All I was then was a vivid light All I am now is a hopeless fight the deep traces of your last steps have imprisoned my frantic troubled mind If I cried now would you come by and take me back to my own true life But I need your pain to see me through If I cried now would you let me go ....i bilo koji drugi od Canaan @Vozd Coban Pogani - pusi kurac!
  2. Evo vam step ...i Bobi. ^^
  3. Jebem ti! Kupio sam jutros step od limuna i zaboravio!! Sad cu da se napojim praska sa vodom! \m/
  4. Primoran sam da gledam dimmu borgir jer snimam drugaru butleg. Ima da dobijem proliv od njihovih klavijatura! Dva proliva!! :s
  5. Ne znam da li je ovo neko kacio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWlzti25HkQ Kako je do jaja vokal!
  6. +1 Mene zanima gde mogu da nabavim kafu.
  7. Listaj par stranica unazad.
  8. Ma ne, on je izasao iz mene cim sam otisao prvi put u wc posle spoznavanja njegove licnosti. Jel ovo post za ban?
  9. Nabavio tu plocu pre nekih mesec dana ali nisam pustao. Juce odlucio da preslusam i ODUVALO me je!! Pravi prljavi sludge! Bas onakakv kakav treba da bude!! Nema potrebe da govorim ko je frontmen benda. RIP bro!!
  10. Auuuu! Jbt!! Zavidim! u zadnjih nedelju dana: Nothing – The Grey Subaudible cd [dark ambient/industrial projekat Jason-a iz Agalloch. Jedan od najboljih dark ambient albuma!] Troum & All Sides – Shutûn cd http://s.dsimg.com/i...1292585498.jpeg N. – Senso Di Colpa cdr Maurizio Bianchi – M.I. Nheem Alysm cd Sky Burial / Self – Split 10" Vomir – Musique De L'Indifférence lp+cd Vomir – Éradiquer L'Invasion 3"cdr Vomir / Wet Dream Asphyxiation – Split tape Vranorod ‎– Dreamlike Fading cd Vranorod ‎– Vranorod cd [hvala Jeci za Vranorod diskove.]
  11. Ocajno! Mnogo volim i cenim ovaj bend ali mi je zao jer su nastavili da sviraju..
  12. Hteli bi znati nesto vise o tome.. ontopic: Bese to davne '93 kada sam na igricama video lika sa torbom na kojoj je bio nacrtan prvi cover od Iron Maiden. Dosao kuci i pitao tatu sta je Ирон Маиден i on izvukao Killers plocu i dao mi da slusam... Ostalo je istorija. Preokret se desio '98 kad sam nabavio My Dying Bride - The Angel and the Dark River kasetu. To je unistilo sve u meni i postadoh doomer za zivota.
  13. Hello, we are confirming you for BA festival interviews with: Corrosion of Conformity Crowbar Interviews will happen after signing session of each band in press centre (signing session place). Regards Jan Fuck yeah!! Ocekujte vruce intervjue! Edit: Lou, Diesel King je dosadan. Probaj Drawers - All Is One. Isto sranje.
  14. Dr Alex


    Zbog Godflesh-a idem na Brutal Assault!! Zemlja ce se pomeriti kad pocne Avalanche Master Song ili Like Rats! Ne mogu da docekam!!!
  15. Artist: Yen Pox Title: Blood Music Label: Malignant Records Genre: Dark Ambient Rel. Date: 03.06.2012 (Reissue) Size: 335.25 MB Tracklist: 1-1 Infinite Domain (13:18) 1-2 Twilight Eternal (10:21) 1-3 Purgatoria (8:55) 1-4 Descent (13:01) 1-5 Illuminate (10:51) 1-6 Absolute Zero (12:52) 1-7 Beneath The Sun (8:37) 2-1 Dervish (13:45) 2-2 Suction (13:19) 2-3 Headshot 15:14 2-4 Thin | Empty (6:21) 2.5 Virus (6:34) 2-6 Hollow Earth (7:03) 2-7 Summer Skin (10:02) http://rapidgator.net/file/15070748 Legendarni dark ambient! Obavezno za se ljubitelje zanra.
  16. Nisam imao pojma da je to bilo.
  17. Moze li gori datum da bude????? Gledao sam ih u domu i jedva sam cekao da dodju ponovo i sad ih propustam zbog brutal assaulta. A u picku materinu!!!
  18. Vinil na PMK? Svaka cast, Gorance!! Nadam se da onaj Terrarium vokal nije lajao na Amebix obradi kao sto to radi uzivo.
  19. Kakvo sranje od pesama!! Braco Norrman, VRATITE SE!!!!
  20. Majku im jebem!!! 00:55 Godflesh na nekoj bini 00:20 Shape Of Despair na toj trecoj Jebala ih treca bina!!! :@
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