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Dr Alex

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Everything posted by Dr Alex

  1. Hvala Danilo! Dobro je da se neko setio da stavi Beyond Dawn! Extra je bend!!! Meni se posbno dopada Pity Love - jako uvrnut album!!! Preporucujem...
  2. I dalje mislim da je ne potreban bend!
  3. Slazem se da nije nista extra. Zaboga, sta ce dupla bas pedala na doom albumu??? Moram malo bolje da poslusam novi Solitude Aeturnus. Sto se tice vokalista za Candlemass (popljujte me svi) meni je najboji gospodim koji je pevao na prvom albumu, meni najbolji Candlemass album!!!
  4. Souvenirs i Black Light District su VRHUNSKI!!! Jebeni ZAKON!!!
  5. Dr Alex


    Full respect! Jedan od najuticajnijih bendova za metal uopste... Nema nam Godflesh-a li nam je Jesu tu!
  6. Upravu si!!! Definitivno!!! Mada... Poslednja 3 nesto nisam skroz svario, ali ima vremena. Slusam ovaj bend oko 8 godina i pre par dana napravih majicu CATHEDRAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Pa? Poslusaj ih malo bolje... Tiamat su EXTRA!!!!
  8. Jeb'o Shape of Despair - najfenserskiji fnr! Comatose Vigil su EXTRA!!! Jeb'o originalnost, samo neka idu pravim putem!! DOOOOOM!!!
  9. WILDHONEY!!!!!!!
  10. Dr Alex


    Vidi se da si rumun!!! Samo ti je metalika u glavi Nemo' da okacim onu tvoju sliku sa majicom metaike! BORIS ZAKO)))N!!!!
  11. Dr Alex


    Mozda sam slijep, pa nisam nasao ovu temu!! Ako nisam slijep onda ispravljem gresku Hm... Sta reci? Drone/Noise/Stoner/Doom/Avantgarde/Psych-Rock,... Saradjivali sa Merzbow-om vise puta, sa Sunn O))),... Jednom recju FENOMENALNO!!! Sta vi, drugari, mislite o njima!
  12. Dr Alex


    OM je EXTRA, narocito Conference Of The Birds!!!! R.I.P. Sleep
  13. Altar? Album je fenomenalan!!! Nisam ocekivao pesmu kao sto je Sinking Belle, ali je ZAKON pesma!! FULL RESPECT!!!
  14. Dr Alex


    Zasto nema ove teme???? (ili je ja nisam nasao ) Ne treba ih posebno predstavljati... Napisite nesto... Najbolji dro))ne!!!!!!!!!! EARTH!!!!!!!
  15. Jos uvek ne mogu da prestanem da slusam Veronika Decides To Die!! FENOMENALAN album...
  16. Hm... Ja znam za jos 2 benda pod tim imenom. Jedni su Rusi koji su svirali melanholicno doom i jako su dobi (imam 2 originala od njih ). Drugi su neki dark/etherial. Sta ovi sviraju?
  17. Doom: Officim Triste - The Sun Doesn't Shine Anymore Gothic: Crematory - Tears Of Time (ili cover Temple Of Love) Power: Strativarius - Black Diamond Stoner: Kyuss - Green Machine Black: Satyricon - Mother North Thrash: Sodom - The Vice Of Killing Power: Domine - Hurricane Master Heavy: Loudness - Crazy Nights Glam: Motley Crue - Kickstart My Heart Drone: Earth - A Bureaucratic Desire For Revenge Part 2 Death: Death - Together As One Etc.
  18. Hahahahaha + ako bi isao i free ADSL da skidamo mjuzu Kupim na originalu ono sto mi se dopada. Zadnje sam kupio Ana Never i Virver i nije mi zao! Nemam nista protiv piraterije jer da nije iste ne bih mogao cuti 80% bedova, ali naj radje kupujem originale (iako krpim godinu dana kes za cd )
  19. Cekam Tribute to Skepticism koji ce izaci uskoro kao i tribute to Thergothon... Jedna od najboljih obrada je Bethlehem - My Way
  20. King Diamond - Conspiracy Trampio sam plocu od Black Sabbath za taj cd sa Polzovicima
  21. Canaan - Mercury Kairi - Together Officium Triste - The Sun Doesn't Shine Anymore Flowing Tears & Withered Flowers - Along A Dreamin' Ocean toliko.... Canaan - Mercury Drink this mercury from my open hands for I'm the breathing shadow that keeps us alive This grey sky turned to black so many times honey..... So stay with me tonight hold my hands tonight For I'm the smiling ghost that binds our hearts together Don't leave me tonight For I have mercury that burns Hold these hands of mine Kiss these lips of mine For I'm the mirror that never lies Stay with me tonight Die with me tonight The sky will turn to black for the very last time tonight honey.... Kairi - Together Look towards the moonlight There, she stands My beauty, let me see your smile I long to touch your lips Beneath the silence Your tears, they call to me Every drop, a piece of me Dies once more Silence, rest now Lay your weary head against my chest Be at peace, my loved one I cannot bear to see you alone Undress the icy shadows for what they are You have nothign to fear, I am yours Do not run, do not hide Let out all that is inside Please do not feel empty I will never leave you And when we're gone from this place Eternally We'll be together Officium Triste - The Sun Doesn't Shine Anymore The sun... Doesn't shine!... Anymore! Grey clouds... Cover the sky, forever more And I miss you. Your smile, your laughing face And the twinkles of joy In your eyes I know you are there! But you are so far away A part of me has died I can choose not to stay Wishfull thoughts In my mind All the time Thought of vengence to me... My Wife I know you are there! But you are so far away A part of me as died I can choose not to stay Wishfull thoughts In my mind All the time The thought of mourning... you... Die In my eyes Everyday Under the blue sky In the sun shine Burning lights All the day In my eyes Under the blue sky I fear... This is an uthopian dream Reality and deceit, no more And realise, I am they The hatred by reality Reality wish is unfair And I always miss you I am here... You are there ...WHY? I will always... Miss you + My Dying Bride - For My Fallen Angel i Anathema - One Last Goodbye (mislim da nema potrebe kaciti) p.s.nemam text za Flowing Tears & Withered Flowers - Along A Dreamin' Ocean, a ako nemko ima neka mi posalje...
  22. Jebenog Fukked Up Mad Max-a da jos uverk urla za Worship
  23. Tiamat - Wildhony ...i ponosim se njome (THANX Danilo )
  24. Empyrium!
  25. Lichtgestalt je VRH!!!! Jedva cekam sledeci album!! Da li neko zna gde mogu da nadjem prevode njihovih textova, jer (sam glup) ne znam nemacki
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