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Anonimus of Metal (1/6)
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Kent, Du kan svenska? Det er god! Jeg kan norsk! Skal vi snakke? HA DET!
Mislim da je Sebastian, iako se ne lozim na te baby face/doll likove, prelep, i da ga samo zbog toga, i uspeha kod riba proglasavaju za gey! Mogu samo da mu se sagnu, decko je imao/ima lep glas, i bio prelep, sad kakav je, ne znam...verovatno je omatorio, ali i to moze imati svoje cari, elem... Sto se tice I REMEMBER YOU, pesma je prelepa, i ako je uradjena zbog klinki, uboli su je...imala je svakako uspeha, a to da je neko poceo da slusa metal sa Bon Jovi-em je glupost, ja sam kao klinka, uz starijeg brata slusala mnogo tvrdje...Queen... A o kvalitetu da ne pricam...it goes without sayin'!
Mogu samo da kazem da je BON jedan, i najveci!!! Ni jedan Brian ne moze da ga zameni, i ko to kaze, zesce sere!
Pa nije bitno da li je obrada, bitno je da je dobra... Mislim that's what counts! Ima obrada koje ne mogu da smislim Recimo sto su obradili od Queen, Spread your wings, Guardian! Ja sam rasla na Queen-u i imam postovanje i danas prema njima, OGROMNO...nije mi jasno kako je neko, ko kaze za sebe da voli Queen, mogao da obradi onako pesmu! U svakom slucaju "Gonna get close to you" mi i nije nekako omiljena pesma, ali se uklapala u koncept otmice i stalkinga! STOGA POZZZZZZ
PA BIRAJU SE TEKSTOVI! ONO STO MI SE SVIDJA KOD QR JE STO MOZES DA NADJES TEKST NA GOTOVO SVAKU TEMU, PA CAK I ZA STALKING! NICE, VERY NICE! INACHE, GEOFF, SA SVE PRETERANOM KILAZOM, JE PREDIVAN! SAMO SLUSAS I ZATVORIS OCI! ******* Silent Lucidity Hush now, don't you cry Wipe away the teardrop from your eye You're lying safe in bed It was all a bad dream Spinning in your head Your mind tricked you to feel the pain Of someone close to you leaving the game of life So here it is, another chance Wide awake you face the day Your dream is over... or has it just begun? There's a place I like to hide A doorway that I run through in the night Relax child, you were there But only didn't realize it and you were scared It's a place where you will learn To face your fears, retrace the years And ride the whims of your mind Commanding in another world Suddenly you hear and see This magic new dimension I will be watching over you I am gonna help you see it through I will protect you in the night I am smiling next to you, in Silent Lucidity (Visualize your dream) (Record it in the present tense) (Put it into a permanent form) (If you persist in your efforts) (You can achieve dream control) (Dream control) (How's that then, better?) (Hug me) If you open your mind for me You won't rely on open eyes to see The walls you built within Come tumbling down, and a new world will begin Living twice at once you learn You're safe from the pain in the dream domain A soul set free to fly A round trip journey in your head Master of illusion, can you realize Your dream's alive, you can be the guide but... I will be watching over you I am gonna help to see it through I will protect you in the night I am smiling next to you.... POZDRAV
Sto se tice dolaska, ne drzite me za rec, jer je to samo informacija od one iz fan cluba! Tako da nije 100% sigurno! Ali ako dodju, nece se vratiti! Geoff ce biti kidnapovan! SVI znaju ko ce biti Geoff-neper! JAAAAA! ******************* Gonna Get Close To You I like to look at shadows sweating on the wall I get excited when I hear footsteps in the hall Outside your balcony I have a room with a view And I'm watching you I dial your telephone each and every afternoon I wait by your door till you're asleep at night And when you're alone I know when you Turn out the light I'm gonna get close to you Oh-Oh so close to you I'm gonna get close to you I'm gonna get close You fumble for your keys I'm six or seven steps behind you I'm so close to you Are you terrified of me? What do I know about you How did I find out? You think I'm a fool or maybe some kind of lunatic Say I'm wasting my time but I know what to do with it It's as plain as black and white I'm gonna get close to you Oh-Oh so close to you I'm gonna get close to you Oh so close If you knew my infinite charm There'd be no reason to be so alarmed Maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm right Maybe I'm some kind of lunatic You say I'm wasting all of my time But I know what to do with it It is plain as black and white I'm gonna get close to you Oh-Oh so close to you I'm gonna get close to you I'm like a hungry Criminal and your protection is minimal So minimal POZZZZZZZZZ
P.S. I ja imam isti pogled na te devojke koje slusaju sve sto i doticni decko njihov najmiliji! Mislim da upravo treba da bude suprotno...dakle imam sta da naucim ljude! POZ QR-cima!
LJUDI, JA SAM NJEGA NAVUKLA! JUST SO YOU KNOW! Jeg elsker Queensryche! ********************** I Dream In Infrared As you awoke this morning and opened up your eyes Did you notice the tear-stains lining your face were mine Don't you wonder, can't you see what's happening to our lives I can't keep living this masquerade When my lonely eyes see only your face at night I only see in infrared I can't dream anymore Can't you see I need, too I can't stand the pain You've gathered all my secrets and I don't know who I am I even feel alone when you're near 'cause you'll never understand When we first met I must have seemed a million miles away It's strange how our lives have touched But the time is right I'll leave tonight Don't look in my eyes 'Cause you've never seen them so black I only see in infrared I can't dream anymore Can't you see I need to I can't stand the pain
JOS JEDNA STVAR! SEBE SMATRAM HEEP FANOM, ALI NIKADA NE BIH REKLA DA JE SHAW NAJBOLJI, DOBAR JE ON, ALI JE SAV KAO NEKA STIDLJIVA DEVOJCHICA NASPRAM LAWTONA! COVEK JE ZAKON, MADA BYRON JE BIO I OSTAO ZA HEEPOVCE NE PREVAZIDJEN! I challenge you, I challenge you all for all you own and all you know and by all the powers of darkness I will steal what is mine. Surrender now or face my spite. I catch you: It may be Friday night, but did you know this day also number thirteen. First I give you fire... I turn your fire into a sleepy stream. yes! Now I give you nightmares. From your horror I'll create a dream. You cannot fight me, for I have the sword of Hades. But one thing you can't see, my answer is simply an impenatrable fortress of love. Na koncertu je pojeo Bernija! HAHA!
Moram da ispravim ove sto ne znaju kako se pise FREDDIE! dakle FREDDIE! Vidim da od svih ovih obozavatelja, niko ne zna kako mu se pise ime, a svi znaju da govore kako je imao divan glas! FREDDIE RULES! Posle njega mogu samo da stavim Geoff Tate-a i John Lawton iz Uriah Heep-a! Pesme koje su greatest hits, su najpoznatije, a samim tim i najslusanije, Queen ima mnogo vise da ponudi! Sto se tice novog Queena, mogu samo da kazem JEDAN JE FARUK BULSARA, poznatiji kao FREDDIE!
JA verujem u Tate-a! Preslusacu MINDCRIME II iz postovanja prema istom sa brojem I! VOLIM IH, ALI NESTO TU SKRIPI! Sto se tice Jet City Woman, omiljena pesma! Posvetio mi je decko koji je daleko od mene trenutno! Inace, bila na sajtu QR, i pisala onoj sto je zaduzena za fan club, pitala da li dolaze, and guess what? The answer je DA! MOZDA NA LETO! ljUDI, ZNATE STA TO ZNACHI!? The Killing Words Wait for me I'll understand I just need time to comprehend your changes There's always been these changes in you I remember that there was a time when Fears we had we left behind and we danced But it seems the more we learn We learn that it's Over, Over It's dangerous this game we play You're killing me with words Forget if you can The way you moved when our hands touched You forced me to force you Do you remember the dreams, the nightmares we shared? The poison of love so pure it's deceiving And deceit is all we have it's got to be over Over, Over It's dangerous this game we play You're killing me with words Over, Over Too late to take a chance again it's over [/color]
URIAH HEEP je bend koji je toliko stvarao, da to prevazilazi mogucnosti coveka! Ken Hensley je bio srce i dusa Heep-a! Najbolja pesma ubedljivo je Salisbury! Pravi masterpiece! Nama sta! PARADISE/THE SpeLL, kako sam to zaboravila! POZ HEEPOVCIMA!
MISLIM DA NE TREBA NI RECI KAKAV JE VOKAL-Geoff Tate NARAVNO, ODRASLA SAM NA QUEEN-u, tako da mi je Fredie Mercury omiljeni, ali ne da se on uporediti, ipak je on pevao sa operskom VELIKANKOM, ko razume, shvatice! I tu je naravno neizbezno ROB Halford! POZ